x Nee x
Gold Member
I think the main reason she got under my skin was because she kept saying I was just making excuses.... and she is right. I have a 101 excuses for why this diet didnt' work and why that one didn't and/or why I put the weight back on. The really annoying part was her saying that I was just trying to fill an empty space inside myself and until I did therapy to find out what its all really about I can never successfully lose weight.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about why I eat and there may be some truth in the "just feeding my inner child" malarky but the truth for me is that I love, love, LOVE food. The smell of it, taste of it, the feel of it in my mouth and my tum. And the variety! Love it all from stinky cheese to red hot curries, from fat red grapes to pink juicy beef. And while it gives me such pleasure I will always struggle to control my eating. In truth only sex has ever equalled food in giving me such physical pleasure and now I'm a single laydee its small wonder I can't help the regular doses of oral satisfaction.
Im with you there have to love every food hee hee Hence Im big for a reason! the hard part is knowing it and doing something and you are so dont beat your self up due to some random ol' weight lossed hag ha ha Your doing great so carry on.
Any way, how was your sunny walk?
Slightly off-topic but I had my first weigh-in today and I've lost 5lbs!
Well done instant, thats AwEsOmE