x Nee x
Gold Member
Nee-Well done on managing to keep healthy. When that mood hits me, i'm off into teh fridge for a week. Why do we get those moods?
Well WI was as bad as expected- 3 lbs on.... WOW. but i'm not going to stress it. I know what i did wrong. One week with weight on is ok. So long as it si only one week. I am studying this week for an exam on Friday, I have a wedding on Saturday, so I aim to just keep eating well adn exercising, and have 1lb off next week, and then next week I am going to blitz it and really push myslef in the running.
Still, what a shame:cry:
I would love to know why we get the moods too, so should anyone know make sure you tell me
Dont worry about the gain, it will come off in the next couple of weeks, just keep at it and dont give in
Im definately going to start swimming.. but not untill I can actually feel decent in a costume, havent owned one for at least 5 years now because I hate the thought of what I'd look like in them.. which is silly because I used to love swimming so much.
If I ever go swimming I wear a tankini - makes me feel abit better or I wear a costume with umbro shorts and again makes me feel better, probably look proper odd but nevermind
ThanksHeh, it weird usually I rarely suffer fromit but today I was some emotional rollercoaster. Just got back in, Lost 2 and half this week thou so very happy
Well done on the 2 1/2lbs thats great, see your doing fab