Silver Member
Nee, food sounds lovely! chocolate covered peanuts- yum!!! I don't want to go to work today!
Nee, food sounds lovely! chocolate covered peanuts- yum!!! I don't want to go to work today!
Nee, what a sweet request- well done. Firstly, bridesmaids who are happy and attend the bride well always look best- so be that first. Secondly hurrah a new motivation for you, which is often a great boost to keep us focused. Thirdly, Nee you are already beautiful.
I'm taking today off (with permission, not playing truant) which is amazing cos here the weather is beautiful, sunny, and clear (bit cold though)
Ok i ran my 4.4 mile route in 47.5, which i believe is a little slower than last week, but cannot remember where i wrote it. there was a work event (again, yes and same issue- a co-worker, well I'm responsible for her) and the run helped me to re focus, allow her to do what she feels she needs to, understand the situation and not let it get personal. Good run then!
Anyway at mile say 2 i had a pain in my chest, and slowed a little and it went away in a minute- eh, should I be concerned?? Was it a stitch but in my chest?? is this normal?
been v.stressed lately. since my gran passed away (i'm hurting like mad, i miss her so much) i've not been able to get back on track. my heads just not in the zone and the more i force it the worse i feel when i wind up binging!! my hairs falling out and all sorts. student funding have messed up my money so i have no cash and i'm meant to be paying off my xmas hols on thursday
bah. it'll get better!! xx
no ive not been to docs- i think i'll get it cut first and rule out that its the split ends pulling when i brush. tbh i imagine its just the stress. sorry to hear about your grandad, it really bloody hurts, i know. i can barely type about it without my eyes stinging!! let alone speak about it.
ive sort of got the funding sorted- should get it next week. not much comfort when im totally skint though!! x