colly strings
ooh la la
Tesco Value HB07 Handblender - Tesco.Direct thats the one, they get rid of icky powdery lumps and make the packs much more palatable x
Tesco Value HB07 Handblender - Tesco.Direct thats the one, they get rid of icky powdery lumps and make the packs much more palatable x
Nee- post the link to operation princess! I'll definately be checking up on ya. I had a bad day adn ate a big packet of sweets- those white chocolate ones. So i've cancelled dinner.
Colly- allow yourself the grief, the pain, the tears, loss is so hard to deal with, so take it slowly one step at a time. Are you spiritual? Get to the doctor! A friend of mine suffers that too, she goes for head massages to help- but she's on a GOOD salary.
Speaking of which, well done Nee!vroom vroom here you come
I wont lie by making out I have been good...I havent, but tomorrow is my first day of getting back on itproperly and no errors allowed (I hope!!!)
Started my new job yesterday and..Oh my god to how much work I have to do and how little time have had to get to grips but Im sure with time ill get there.
Had my nails done last night 'for free' woo hoo. My friend has recently done a nail technician course and I was little miss guinea pig for the evening and I think she did a great job so very pleased.
excellent Nee, I've never had my nails done properly, although I have had a pedicure. Was out with a friend last night, dinner and drinks, it was lovely. Wet outside today and I have to be out in it quite a bit! AHH!
Lets restart together Nee! Yesterday was my first day and i weighed the same as the last time I weighed a week ago so that is not sooooo terrible. How did your first WI go? Good luck with job - you'll be fab. I have never in my life (55yrs) had a manicure. How sad is that? I don't bite my nails but they always look poo so it seems like a waste of ££.
* * *
Well as I say, I'm having another go. Went out and stocked up yesterday. Even cleaned the fridge out and threw out stuff and hid the choccie so I don't see it every time I open the door. Doing slimfast again even tho its a bit pricey but it is simple. Quite pleased to find I haven't put on all my lost weight - starting at 213lbs. So I put on a whole stone since my last WI before Vegas. Tut, tut. Sad thing is that I can't say I enjoyed every mouthful as a lot of it was rubbish (altho pizzas featured very highly as usual). Alcohol big culprit again especially the week after TT went. So here we go again. Good luck us. xxx
Ok folks, 5 weeks to my marathon, how mcuh can we all lose by then?!
Kellie - 5 lbs
Nee - 14lbs
Judi - 7lbs
I know its low but for the last 3 weeks I have to slow right down and eat carbs! how will I cope??????
Nee glad ur happy with the WI. Wasted, that is a balls. Judith dont mention pizza to me, i gained 2lbs just reading your post.
My feet hurt and I only ran 12 mile. Wrecked tired night night (and yes I know its a sat nite)