Day 7
Well it's weigh day tomorrow & today has just been really slow.
Another 100% day done & dusted, drinking lots of water, I love drinking the Value sparkling water & made hubbi buy enough to last me through till next weekend. I struggle to carry them all.
Sent husband to do the shopping today, well half the stuff I put on his list is still on the shelves in Tesco's, he said it was just too busy & he hated it, welcome to my world. Its not a problem for me as it's not anything I can eat anyway, so I'm alright Jack.
I have not been feeling myself today though - not Ill, but cant put my finger on it. Bit dizzy at times so have had an easy day and afraid to say but still in my PJ's. That's actually normal for a Sunday but due to a hangover of some sort. Maybe i'm feeling weird because I'm not used to being normal on a Sunday.!
Anyways, roll on tomorrow!!