Amelie24 said:
What are the main reasons that you all binge?
On a simple level boredom.
Getting more complex;
My Mother had anorexia/bulimia when i was younger, she also had issues with me for some reason. I was the oldest and she resented me for some reason. Whenever her and my Dad rowed she blamed me, and told me she wished i had never been born.
Anyway food was a major battle. We were never allowed treats, or what kids class fun nice food. When i used to have friends around she used to feed them 'nice' children food like chips, pizza nuggets etc. For me she'd serve lentils, salad, veggies and tell my friends that "Amy can't have nice food as she's too fat". Never allowed food i wanted, not even as a treat.
This happened from about the age of seven and continued on. I remember bringing my first boyfriend home and she asked him why someone as good looking as him was with someone as fat and ugly as me. I wasn't at that time, i was a normal teenage girl.
Anyway, food became my release. I'd spent all my pocket money of junk; crisps, chocolate and cakes. It was forbidden which made it taste so much better. I'd buy bags full and scoff it down.
From about 13 years old i started to self harm by cutting myself. And over eating sort of filled the same role. It made me feel better, it disgusted my mother and put me in control.
I haven't self harmed for about nine years but I'm finding the binge cycle much harder to break.
Embarrassing. X