Reading this thread is absolutely amazing. I've only recently come to terms with the fact that I'm a binge eater, and I still don't really know what triggers it. Sometimes I genuinely feel like I can't control myself and that I'm not in charge of my own mind, I'll just eat anything in sight and in vast quantities just because I get the urge to eat and eat and eat. When I've tried to speak to people about it in the past they just look at me like I'm being dramatic.
Right now, the weekend is the worst part for me. I'm in my fourth week of Diet Chef at the moment and haven't had a slip up so far, but every weekend up to now I've felt the urge to binge eat so much. I know I need to tackle my problems instead of just shoving them away because sooner or later they'll all get on top of me again! Does anyone have any tips for how to control that urge? Like, does any one do anything to get rid of that feeling and not giving into it when they get it?
Also, I really want to go to my doctor to get some help about binge eating but I feel like they'd just laugh at me. Is it worth speaking to them about it?