Gold Member
Hehe, thank you
It's just some of the mindfulness that has been mentioned here. Reminding myself that it feels so much better to eat well and lose weight than it does to binge. Also that I can repeat my past successes, and lose more
Micci, it does seem like thin people eat everything and don't have to think about it! Wish I could do thatMaybe it only seems that way though?
Oh you're doing great, you put the theory into practice
About the thin people that eat everything, from what I know there isn't a rule but I have several thin friends who eat everything, but they eat it in moderation. For example, my house mates eat chocolate almost everyday but not an entire bar of it at once, just one square or two; they're all thin and once a week they also eat takeaway with potato fries and things like that, but they rarely finish it, usually they put leftovers on the fridge to eat on other day.
I have this good examples at home, yet I'm still one of those slim people that eat a whole bar of chocolate at once and then "starve" chocolate for a week or two (all or nothing approach) and I'm one of those that may order a takeaway only twice a month but I eat it all at the same sitting instead of ordering it once a week and spread it into two meals.
So the looks is the same (we are all slim looking people), but obviously their approach is better and healthier (both for body and mind) than mine, because there is always moderation in everything: treats, portions, etc. Now I just have to put into practice these things because I know they work, I see them working.
They neither count calories, it's like second nature for them, actually they don't know how many calories on average foods have. They just know what everyone knows, that is common sense things like: eating more veggies and fruits, eat fried foods and sweets in moderation or sparingly.
The other day we were all watching the biggest loser and they had a challange of guessing the foods calories, I guessed most of it and they didn't have a clue about none, lol. Funny thing is they don't need to know that at all, they naturally eat normal.
I must admit it never was second nature for me to eat normal because I'm prone to emotional eating. That's why I need to practice mindful eating and, as the time goes on, maybe it'll become second nature for me as well. I belive the quote: "Fake it untill you make and feel it".
Human beings have learning habilities, so I'll learn to practice better ways as well.
After all, I don't have binges nowadays the same way I used to have. The same way, I don't compensate by "starving" the like I used to do in the past.
This is a journey, a learning process and overall I know I'm learning and improving.
This is what matters, never give up of reaching a well-being balance, because it exists and it is possible to achieve