Gold Member
And well done for trying things you don't normally eat too, I'm rubbish at that, even though you didn't like some things at least you tried
Just caught up with your diary what an amazing loss well done hun! Xxx
Waffle you have returned, hope you are feeling better x x Thank you I am so blooming pleased, i know in the first week you should get a good loss but i must admit that exceeded my expectations x
And well done for trying things you don't normally eat too, I'm rubbish at that, even though you didn't like some things at least you triedxx
It makes me tempted to try it but I don't think I'm at that point yet, I don't eat enough healthy foods, maybe when I get into the 12s I will start doing sw for an extra boost to get off the last few stone!
I am almost feeling better, had the best week ever diet wise lol hardly eaten all week, just bread lol! Xx
I am really fussy about certain things so having weird textures make me feel sick and the idea of mixing food together just makes me not want to eat, this week i have had overnight oats (oats in yoghurt with fruit) and i can eat the oats and yoghurt together but i have the fruit seperate which i find easier, i still have it all together just not mixed, where as the bf really liked all of it mixed as it has more flavour for him =) With fruit i just don't like the sharpness of some of them and the little pips in strawberries are weird but i am working on it as i really do want to make proper changes so that i can lose the weight and keep it off, so i have frozen mixed berries and fresh strawberries, bananas and raspberries and had mixed melon chunks (mixed together in one tub lol) last week, this week i have bought pears that i am going to try and have and will buy some sort of orange, satsuma, clementine etc but these are the hardest thing for me as i feel like you get the yummy juice and then have to chew and chew with nothing happening until you just give up and swallow bleargh, going to try though as i really love the smell of them and orange juice freshly squeezed has to be synned x When i first started CC i was not really looking to try new things but now that i have lost over a stone i really can see and want to change my lifestyle so that it is permanent, I think you will be surprised with yourself waffle, the more you achieve the more you want to achieve x x
I think that is a good idea as it will help you try more foods and recipes too and they have vegetarian options as well, do you eat quorn and linda maccartney sausages etc? x Lol bless you, i am rubbish at being ill, the bf says i am like Sheldon on Big Bang, when he gets a cold and cries when his blanket falls down and he can't bend to pick it up, that is totally me lol x
Okay peeps, I don't know why but I feel like I have had a bad day today? Not sure why I feel this way as I have been good all day, the only thing I can think of is that it is because I had alpen bars as my HeB today and baby bel lights as my HeA as I didn't need it on my meals, i think having both made me feel like I was snacking today? Hmmm x
I understand that Binks, it's normal to feel like that but keep telling yourself you're on plan!! It's hard to believe we can snack so much but we canxx
Thanks hun, i haven't done anything wrong (i don't think) but it is just the first day that i feel i have had snack foods which feels so wrong lol x I also think i have ended up doing an SPEE day without even meaning too? still unclear if that is right or not x
It's complicated the sausages aren't a p on an sp day they are free, but you are allowed free food on an spee day so you have done one but with some free food too. As you didn't have 2 HEXB I guess it is an ee day. Personally I don't have any free food on an sp ee day but that is a personal choice as sw does allow you to. I just tend to have a very black and white approach to things!! I wouldn't worry too much tho just be happy you had a great sw day!xx
Nice menu Blinks, glad you doing well. I remember when I only started I did not use all my syns either did not needed. But in time I started to realize that I can eat more then I did and still lose weight. Your meals are very nice and healthy by every diet in world =) Try some great sw meals too from web site -maybe you can plan them into your weekly meal plan ( try sw quiche or burger in the bowl or chicken tikka masala ) I promise you will love them =)
Keep going and enjoy your journey, enjoy great food and smile =)