BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

Ok I will give it a bash tomorrow! If you don't hear from me send an ambulance my way ;) x
Ok I will give it a bash tomorrow! If you don't hear from me send an ambulance my way ;) x

Hmm perhaps not, as they would probably just wake you from your lie in he he x

Try the one mile and let me know how you get on, remember to drink a glass of water thirty minutes before you do it as it makes you sweat a lot,she recommends it on some of them x
I must have totally missed that about the water! Thanks for the tip! x

The first time I heard her say it was on the 4 mile fast one - (and I have seen them all). Passed it on to my Aerobics teacher and now when we arrive she tells us all to drink now then 20 mins later we do the class. It is to help your muscles replenish when you work out.
The first time I heard her say it was on the 4 mile fast one - (and I have seen them all). Passed it on to my Aerobics teacher and now when we arrive she tells us all to drink now then 20 mins later we do the class. It is to help your muscles replenish when you work out.

That's good that she gets everyone to do it, I feel better for doing it :)

Are you having a nice day? X
Hey that's me just up lol! Well the street cleaners woke me up early but I've been dozing since, I'm such a procrastinator... Ok joining ww on Monday so think I will start everything at the one time! I haven't had a night out in months and months... At least a year so I'm hunting for something to wear and for make up etc!! How's you today? X
I must confess peeps that i have had a lie in and slept until 11am, i got strait up and have cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and had a cup of tea, replied to my mini's and am going to put the big bang theory on in a minute and do a Leslie walk and the hoover =)

It is sunny again here so think i will start a new book and read it in the garden until the bf finishes his work hours (so weird having him work from home, nice though, until he saw me get up at eleven and called me a lazy binkybonk lol)

I must also confess that we are going to go to our local pub for dinner tonight as they literally do the best burgers i have ever had, so need to sit and work out the calories and that will decide which Leslie walk i will be doing this morning and this evening and how many calories i can have until dinner x
Hey that's me just up lol! Well the street cleaners woke me up early but I've been dozing since, I'm such a procrastinator... Ok joining ww on Monday so think I will start everything at the one time! I haven't had a night out in months and months... At least a year so I'm hunting for something to wear and for make up etc!! How's you today? X

I am the same this morning, i would say enjoy the weekend and then draw a line and start a fresh with your meeting =)

You should try the one mile walk today so you can say what you think =) I put my TV on and watch one of my favorite series that i record on sky while i do it, i put the laptop next to the TV and just find it makes it go quicker and now i am used to the moves i can watch the TV and just listen to what i should be doing =)

Have you managed to find anything to wear yet? is your stuff still in boxes then or can you just not remember where you unpacked things yet? x
A bit of both lol... I've got a black and white short dress from h&m... Bought it years ago... Wore it once and lost it and found it in the move lol... Just going to put leggings on because it's too warm for tights... I put a pic up on my diary... I've put eyelashes on for the first time in years and put on "fancy" make up and I dunno if it's too much?

What book are you going to read I love reading :) x
A bit of both lol... I've got a black and white short dress from h&m... Bought it years ago... Wore it once and lost it and found it in the move lol... Just going to put leggings on because it's too warm for tights... I put a pic up on my diary... I've put eyelashes on for the first time in years and put on "fancy" make up and I dunno if it's too much? What book are you going to read I love reading :) x

Well I will go have a look :)

I am going to start the real Katie Lavender by Erica James x
Grrr don't you hate it when the one thing holding you back from a good job is you?! I need to be able to drive soooo bad and i just struggle really badly, i have been learning for two years and am a good driver i just have no confidence in my self for some reason? for all my mini drivers out there can you please offer any advice on how to gain confidence?? any help would be greatly appreciated x