Hello lady, found you so subscribing!!! Xxx
Here to sub your diary will have a big read tomorrow![]()
I hear you on the whole '26/low confidence/don't try new things' front. Although I'll soon be the 27 year old letting that happen :\. x
Had a Big read now, I love your diary! You do sound like me in some ways, especially the cleaning lol! I've tried slim fast before and done well on it so I might have a go on it for a few weeks see if I can get this last 7lb of baby weight off if it's still on offer at Superdrug do you know? I love that your totally honest about your naughty days tooBig well done on the loss this week xx
I am the same about trying new things Hun, I think it's my anxiety aswell as my insecurity. I find that sometimes you have to just force yourself to do it and it shows you that actually nothing terrible happened and you're fine and you can do it again. If you ever need any advice feel free to message me as I've been in the same situation so many times and I know how hard it is. Big hugs xxx
I am quite the opposite - will try anything once - unless it means being off the floor. I hate flying and am very nervous (once sat in an airport in tears because I saw the plane land, unloaded the passengers and they loaded our luggage on it and told us to board it - they never even looked to see if anything had fallen off it on the way there) but know that if I want to go anywhere I have to do it, but still hate it.
I always clean, am about to do a deep clean as I have a couple of hoursHow long did you do SF for and how much did you loose? If you don't mind me asking x I am doing it for another two weeks until I go to centre parcs, will see after but am thinking I might carry it on when I return as really enjoying it
Yes Superdrug still have a third off everything but boots is back to full price, tesco are two tins for £9 x
Hiya! Want to come and do my house lol? Before my little one came along I was constantly cleaning, but now I don't have as much time to clean but I still clean at every opportunity I get! I think I only lost about half a stone, but I didn't do it for long, about 3 weeks? I've done it a few times when I've wanted to lose a bit quickly! Ooh centre parks, lovely x
Lol I have enough to do with mine x Ooo that would be a good amount, I have been on it a week and have two more so hoping I will get down closer to 11st before my week awayI know we love it there x Do you think you will try SF again? X
Haha I have moved into a house with 3 bathrooms now, just making more work for myself, our first place was a flat with 1 bathroom, then we had 2 bathrooms & now we have an ensuite, bathroom & downstairs toilet argh!! I'm sure you will do it as long as u stick to it and stay in your calories... I set myself a goal & I have 3 weigh-ins left to lose 7lb so if I don't get a good loss this week u reckon I'll do it for 2 weeks see if I can shift that last bit before my goal date x