BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

Congrats on weightloss and degree distinction! What a good day! Regarding your tummy, are you doing any exercises ? I don't want to sound preachy but honestly the exercises I have been doing have 100% made a difference - I can nearly see ab muscles - they're starting to peep through for the first time in my life :D

I know feeling happy x

I was doing Leslie walks and 30 day shred to try and help my tummy but because my leg has been bad I have just been doing physio exercises, can you recommend what I can do to improve my tummy? It needs to be basic level first as physio has said all my muscles are shockingly weak :(
I know feeling happy x I was doing Leslie walks and 30 day shred to try and help my tummy but because my leg has been bad I have just been doing physio exercises, can you recommend what I can do to improve my tummy? It needs to be basic level first as physio has said all my muscles are shockingly weak :(

Yeah blondcat I'd like to know this too, my stomach muscles are crap too coz I had a caesarian a few months ago and they cut your muscles ick! My belly is so saggy it's gross but I think I'm a long way from seeing abs lol x
Yeah blondcat I'd like to know this too, my stomach muscles are crap too coz I had a caesarian a few months ago and they cut your muscles ick! My belly is so saggy it's gross but I think I'm a long way from seeing abs lol x
I had a c-section too and my tummy muscles are ruined :(
My hope is to one day get a massive amount of money and get a tummy tuck lol xxx
I really enjoy cooking and cook dinner for us so he has it ready when he gets in from work and i like to cook it all from fresh most of the time and if time allows, however i can not make an omelet to save my life, it just ends up scrambled egg and veg lol, so the bf cooks the omelets when i fancy one =) The bf goes through phases of what he wants for lunch and at the moment he likes having the healthy ready meals as he knows how many calories are in them and he can just pop them in the microwave at work, i had one in the freezer for him but forgot to take it out last night, so he had a tin of tomato makeral with a pouch rice... not something i could eat bleargh x I am going to try and start making him more lunches again as the only reason he stopped was because i kept making salads and he was not impressed at all Lol x Thanks dinner was yummy and the only comment from the bf was that he would have preferred 'proper' roast potatoes as opposed to baby potatoes roasted, i had a feeling he would say this as he has a thing against baby potatoes for some reason? maybe they are not manly enough? lol x How have you been food wise today? x I have had far too many snacks, i need to go to the shop tomorrow for carrots, cucumber and fruit, as i have run out and so have an excuse to eat biscuits instead for a snack =/

Haha your comment on omelettes made me laugh so much as I am exactly the same!! Not to blow my own trumpet but I am actually quite a good cook, but an omelette gets me every time!! Even more aggravating is that I love them haha xx
I am 11st 5lbs this morning *dancing around the room* Officially 1 stone lost and now a healthy range BMI eeeek x x

Fabulous well done hun :) xx
Haha your comment on omelettes made me laugh so much as I am exactly the same!! Not to blow my own trumpet but I am actually quite a good cook, but an omelette gets me every time!! Even more aggravating is that I love them haha xx

That's so weird, I'm the worst cook and I can do omelette! Maybe people that can cook over try because u literally just mix egg tip it in pan and leave it literally don't do anything with it until it looks cooked then turn it done x
Woohoo for being in the healthy BMI range :D! x
Haha your comment on omelettes made me laugh so much as I am exactly the same!! Not to blow my own trumpet but I am actually quite a good cook, but an omelette gets me every time!! Even more aggravating is that I love them haha xx

Me too, which makes it more frustrating x
That's so weird, I'm the worst cook and I can do omelette! Maybe people that can cook over try because u literally just mix egg tip it in pan and leave it literally don't do anything with it until it looks cooked then turn it done x

I know hubby makes it look so simple too, but honestly I always end up with this weird mangled egg mess by the end, haha x
So waffle - you in particular need to be really careful because if your muscles were cut / torn sit ups and crunches will make the gap worse. Google

So I would start with plank. It's horrible but it's something you can start out very basic and improve. It strengths your entire core (tummy) section and tightens muscles for people like waffle. When I started I could only hold it for 10secobds before dropping to my knees. I'll take some pics tomorrow xx
Had a lovely day today, took the little one to music time and then lunch with my nanny friend, we had lunch there but I didn't have my shake this morning...

Today food diary-

12pm ham egg and chips - 650 cal

6.30pm ham, pastrami, salami, cheese and pickle - ?

Not sure on the total but have walked at least six miles today burning 544 calories so should be okay x
Had a lovely day today, took the little one to music time and then lunch with my nanny friend, we had lunch there but I didn't have my shake this morning... Today food diary- 12pm ham egg and chips - 650 cal 6.30pm ham, pastrami, salami, cheese and pickle - ? Not sure on the total but have walked at least six miles today burning 544 calories so should be okay x

Do you have a little one binks or did you mean the ones you are a nanny for? Xx