Ha ha it's funny you don't like them, there might be a new favourite by the time she is a bit bigger![]()
Ha ha I bet she did as she was in the protective bubble, not so fun for us pushing the pram in the rain lol x
I looked after 4 week old twins so no what you mean, as they become aware you are constantly thinking of things to do to entertain them lol x
Aww wow 4 weeks old, that's so young! I can't of imagined having a nanny when maisie was that young! I'm dreading nursery in Jan lol! I bet twins was a real handful? I'm glad your in such a positive mood after your holidayxxx
The mum just needed me mornings so she could sleep, they were so cute, the little boy had colic so used to sleep for no more than thirty minutes and then need to be held, rocked and winded for hours at a time, the mum used to be up all night with him then I would arrive at 8am and he would give me smiles, where as the little girl would sleep the whole time and need to be woken for her milk, feeding them at the same time was fun though lol x
I am sure she will love it in January as she will have lots to explorehave you chosen her nursery? X
Aww I can imagine you were a total godsend for her! Wish I'd of had that kind of help when maisie was that small, she had colic, it was so embarrassing in the hospital, I had to stay in 3 days coz I had a csection, all the other babies were so good & then I had maisie screaming her head of day & night, even the midwives couldn't settle her :s and I could hear the other people in ward telling their visitors they were getting no sleep because of my babyI felt awful! How u doing today? It's well windy here!! What r your plans today? I'm glad your back I missed you when you were away!! Xx
Aww what a tough start for you![]()
I have done my two mile Leslie walk this morning and had my SF shake, walked to work and took the little one to the park but he has fallen asleep x
I am enjoying ten minutes while he sleeps as it is swimming tonight for the big one which is always a busy evening but makes it go fast![]()
What are you and Maisie doing today? X
It is lovely to be back chatting to my minis, missed you all too![]()
Sorry don't know how that post ended up turning into a poor me story lol oops!! Yehy for doing your Leslie walk, I did the 1 mile yest, need to find the 2 mile one to do but the 1 mile one fits in nicely when maisie is napping g for now! How old is the little one again? What a shame he fell asleep at the park! What time your working till? I must admit me & maisie haven't done much today coz it's just so cold & windy outside! This morning we tried a nap upstairs, didn't work out at all so ended up bringing her down & rocking her in her pram lol then just been the usual lol sitting her on sofa with toys, having a roll on the floor, put her in pushchair and let roll in to say hello for a bit, a go in her jumperoo, napping again now lol! OH home at 3pm so don't have to talk to myself all day today lol! Xx
I can't stop eating todayStrawberry SF shake Chicken and smoothie Chicken, carrot, green beans, potato Meatball, mixed beans and passata Crisps and chocolate
I walked 18000 steps and did my physio exercises, got to cuddle up on the sofa with the bf and watched Gotham when I got home
In bed watching Big Bang as I need to be up at half five for work zzzzz
Bless ya I'm in bed too ill be up at half five as well no doubt so your not alone, usually blonde cats up at 5 too but she's on different time now lol! Well done on all the steps I can't wait to get my fitbit! Waiting till paydaynot long now! Is Gotham good? I've not heard of it! What Choc did u have? We can't be perfect everyday don't worry xx
I am not good with mornings lol x It is weird not chatting to Cat,I hope she is back soonThey are meant to be really good
It is really good, we think it is interesting although some of the acting is funny
I are twirl bites *hides head in hands* lol x
It is weird how you become attached to people on here isn't it, I feel a bit sad that you guys are becoming my best friends but if any of you wanted to You's could just never sign in here again and you would be gone out of my life it makes me a bit sad. God I am a sad case aren't i lol!! Yummy twirl bites pass me onexx
I have a few people who chatted to for ages on here, then they just vanished![]()
Morning everyone, Can I just say I think six o'clock is too early to be walking through town on your own, however the stars look so nice this morning![]()
Haha bless ya Maisie wasn't up till 7am this morning woohoo lie in!!! Never thought I'd here myself say that! Xx
Woop woop x The little one was asleep until 7.30am, they are normally both awake when I arrive x