Gold Member
Hope you're ok Binks
You can do this lovely xxx
You are doing so well, keep it up
Hope you're ok Binksxxxx
Thank you my lovely, I will keep on it, think slow and steady is my pace, I just occasionally get frustrated x I feel like the snail on monsters university, where he says 'I am going to be late, I better hurry' and then proceeds to run as fast as he can and move a centimetre as he is a snail lol x
Well this morning my friend took me to Swindon so I could take my theory test and I managed to pass, I am so relieved I did it, one step closer to learning to driveWe went for lunch in town afterwards and I chose the smaller portion size of a filled cheese and bacon jacket, it was very tasty
I am just cleaning, I have washed up and bleached my kitchen, I need to Hoover but the bf has fallen asleep on the sofa so will wait for him to wake up before I do that, might go and bleach my bathroom while I wait... Tonight we are going to buy pumpkins with our friends and go back to theirs to carve them he he, we will get something for dinner with them when we buy the pumpkins but not sure what yet, hopefully nothing too naughty
I am hoping to drive as I need to start practising lots for my actual test now but scared as I haven't driven in two months
Woohoo well done on passing your theory! Told you you could do it!! Does this mean bf is gonna let you drive with him now?? You are so good at your cleaning and as if he is asleep on sofa give him a jump and get hoovering lol!! Xx
Hahaha great description xx
Yay congratulations on passing your theory!! Xxx
Congratulations lovelyxx
First of all - you think you're stuck binks?! I think I've put on weight this month!! I forgot to weigh on Friday so have a 2 week weigh in this coming Friday. I started the month at 9st 2 - I really think I'll end up gaining - not happy!! Well done on your theory test - no excuse for bf not to take you out now for driving practice! You do seem to like cleaning!! Haha. I haven't cleaned anything in years - just throw money at the problem *hangs head in shame* !! The grill place sounds right up my street! Not for our veggie wafflette. I had my beloved fish and chips last night!! Back eating well today which is unusual for me on a Sunday
Hello Cat, i am sure you will be okay, you worked hard while you were in NY x Thank you, he is happy to take me out now, I just need to keep practising so I can get my license x I do, i love it when the place is cleanThe bf is going to Grillstock today for lunch with the boys
I have been good today too, maybe the clocks going back have made our bodies forget it is Sunday lol x
Haha - I wish something would make my body not want so much food!! Haha I'm not out of the woods yet - gotta go to tescos on way home to get my 500 cal dinner - thinking of going for a little picnic so I don't have to cook!! I really fancy some sushi but no sushi shops on the way home :-( <img src=""/> Dinner last night!! Haha
This morning I got up early and cleaned everything, did my two mile Leslie walk and then had a SF shakeI walked to town with the bf and bought more chocolate and finished making my chocolate cones for my sisters baby shower