Birth Annoucements and Stories

Congrats Katie and Sammie on the birth of your little ones.

Sammie - your birth sounds amazing! I could fancy one like that next time (if I don't have an elective section!). And Ruby is gorgeous - you did so well xxx

Katie - I know what it's like to feel a bit shell shocked with it all, I can remember being dazed and shaky in the recovery room as everything had happened so fast I'd not really had time to accept what was happening! It's hard to get your head round but you will in time. xxx
Jess you certainly did ! Everyone in my family thought I was having a boy so it was a lovely surprise .
Thanks missy i was very lucky to have such a straight forward birth xx
My birth story:

Oliver Thomas Baker

born 27th May 2014 at 22:27 weighing 9lbs 11oz

Sunday 25th: 8 days overdue and we decided to go for a nice long walk with the dogs. Although I was a bit frustrated at baby not arriving yet, we had enjoyed all the extra walks we chose to take and I was prepared for having to be induced on the 28th.
However that night, after getting in from the walk, I started to get a fair amount of backache... Sunday night I struggled to sleep as I started to get some really pains lower down. Monday morning and still not convinced I was in labour, I spoke to my MW who was due to give me a sweep that day and plus at 4am Monday I started to have a show that lasted pretty much up to birth.
MW said it sounded like early labour and there was no need for a sweep. I just had to wait for the contractions to get stronger.
Went to bed at 11pm but by midnight I was in agony so off to hospital we went.
Examined and I was 3cm dilated, sent home to wait it out and spent most of Tuesday morning fighting my way through contractions.
By 3pm, I'd had enough and we took ourselves off to hospital again.
Examined and I was 6cm dilated! So I was admitted and MW asked if I wanted to try the birthing pool. Jumped at the chance and got in about 4pm.
Lovely and relaxing as I fought my way through the contractions.
Amazingly enough I didn't feel the need for pain relief, even after my waters broke at 20:40 and the contractions got stronger.
I was pushing soon after that and just short of 2 hours later, he was here :)
A 9lbs 11oz bruiser!!
Gave birth in the pool so as I delivered him, I got to pick him up and announce that he was a boy :) a very special moment that had my hubby in tears :)
Had first cuddles in the pool still then handed him over to hubby for first cuddles.
I then had to deliver the placenta and I lost a lot of blood in the process. So much so that I felt quite faint and had to helped into a wheelchair and taken to a delivery suite with a bed where the wonderful MW examined me and had to stitch me up.
The room looked like a bloodbath!!
Once that was taken care of, hubby gave Oliver his first bottle whilst I destroyed the toast and tea they provided me with!
Cuddles with Oliver so hubby could have a cuppa too and then MW came to weigh him.
We all guessed weights but none of us were expecting a 9lbs 11ozer!!
And his head circumference is 39cm which is big- no wonder I was stitched up!!!
Was told I'd be staying in overnight due to blood loss and feeling faint. So after showering and getting into fresh nightwear, said goodbye to hubby and me and Oliver were taken up to the ward for the night.
By this time, it was 2am so we both fell asleep straight away.
I was under strict instructions not to get out of bed without assistance in case I fainted, so I had to call MW a few times for help with my chunky monkey :)
After doing a blood test on Wednesday morning and deciding I needed iron tablets I was fed and watered and then discharged.
Home by 1pm on Wednesday and we couldn't be any happier :)
I'm very grateful to have had a natural labour and I totally recommend the pool!
Within half an hour of being stitched up, I was telling hubby I'd have another lol!
Totally in love with my boy, can't remember life without him :) xx

And here's some photos:


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My birth story: Oliver Thomas Baker born 27th May 2014 at 22:27 weighing 9lbs 11oz Sunday 25th: 8 days overdue and we decided to go for a nice long walk with the dogs. Although I was a bit frustrated at baby not arriving yet, we had enjoyed all the extra walks we chose to take and I was prepared for having to be induced on the 28th. However that night, after getting in from the walk, I started to get a fair amount of backache... Sunday night I struggled to sleep as I started to get some really pains lower down. Monday morning and still not convinced I was in labour, I spoke to my MW who was due to give me a sweep that day and plus at 4am Monday I started to have a show that lasted pretty much up to birth. MW said it sounded like early labour and there was no need for a sweep. I just had to wait for the contractions to get stronger. Went to bed at 11pm but by midnight I was in agony so off to hospital we went. Examined and I was 3cm dilated, sent home to wait it out and spent most of Tuesday morning fighting my way through contractions. By 3pm, I'd had enough and we took ourselves off to hospital again. Examined and I was 6cm dilated! So I was admitted and MW asked if I wanted to try the birthing pool. Jumped at the chance and got in about 4pm. Lovely and relaxing as I fought my way through the contractions. Amazingly enough I didn't feel the need for pain relief, even after my waters broke at 20:40 and the contractions got stronger. I was pushing soon after that and just short of 2 hours later, he was here :) A 9lbs 11oz bruiser!! Gave birth in the pool so as I delivered him, I got to pick him up and announce that he was a boy :) a very special moment that had my hubby in tears :) Had first cuddles in the pool still then handed him over to hubby for first cuddles. I then had to deliver the placenta and I lost a lot of blood in the process. So much so that I felt quite faint and had to helped into a wheelchair and taken to a delivery suite with a bed where the wonderful MW examined me and had to stitch me up. The room looked like a bloodbath!! Once that was taken care of, hubby gave Oliver his first bottle whilst I destroyed the toast and tea they provided me with! Cuddles with Oliver so hubby could have a cuppa too and then MW came to weigh him. We all guessed weights but none of us were expecting a 9lbs 11ozer!! And his head circumference is 39cm which is big- no wonder I was stitched up!!! Was told I'd be staying in overnight due to blood loss and feeling faint. So after showering and getting into fresh nightwear, said goodbye to hubby and me and Oliver were taken up to the ward for the night. By this time, it was 2am so we both fell asleep straight away. I was under strict instructions not to get out of bed without assistance in case I fainted, so I had to call MW a few times for help with my chunky monkey :) After doing a blood test on Wednesday morning and deciding I needed iron tablets I was fed and watered and then discharged. Home by 1pm on Wednesday and we couldn't be any happier :) I'm very grateful to have had a natural labour and I totally recommend the pool! Within half an hour of being stitched up, I was telling hubby I'd have another lol! Totally in love with my boy, can't remember life without him :) xx And here's some photos:

Perfect. Lovely birth story x
Fantastic birth story. Apart from time fainting and blood loss, obviously ;) The rest of it sounds perfect. Welcome to the world Oliver x
Love reading these stories!!

Part of me would love a 2nd baby and natural birth...but I'm scared after mine so u would be requesting a c section lol xx
Beautiful birth story thanks for posting it :) the pictures are great. Wow the pool must have been amazing if no pain relief needed xxxx
Lovely birth story, thanks for sharing so soon x
What a lovely birth story, you did so well and the pics are lovely. You both look so happy and he is so cute. Enjoy the first few days, they are so special xxx
Congrats again Kirsty.
Great story and well done on no pain relief!
Pics r lovely xx
Lovely birth story I wish mine was like that your pics are lovely too xxx
Oh how nice of a labour!! You made it sound so easy lol. Xx

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Thanks everyone I'm a very happy mummy :)

He's asleep on me right now and I don't want to put him down, I could cuddle him all day long :) xx
Oh how nice of a labour!! You made it sound so easy lol. Xx Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins

Lol if only!
One of the hardest things I've ever done but I'd do if again! X
EDIT: apologies it's so long!!!!

Well here's the story of Connor James B* entering the world..

On the*Saturday 7th we*walked to Tesco which is only*10mins away..
Had a bumpy drive on the old town cobbly road which Jacob loved.
Walked for a hour under the number bridge.
Went to Indian restaurant for tea. Madras for me ;)
Ending the night with 3 hours on my birthing ball. As didn't realize*'wolf of wall street' was that long!*
Throughout the day I had a few 'tightenings' they wernt painful and whilst on my ball.

Late night and went to bed around 2am! First time since been pregnant I've stayed up so late, which was typical as I woke up at 3:10am with a painful tightening. Started nodding off again and got my 2nd one. This is when I download a app and started timing them just to see if they were more coming...
Well they did, every 8ish mins! I woke Rob to tell him I've had a few pains that are coming regularly.

By half 4am they were every 4-6mins lasting 30/40seconds. This is when texted my mum & sisters! called delivery ward too & they said take paracetamol, have shower.. come in when can't handle anymore, or if no change in 2hours I'd to go get checked anyway.

Just over a hour went and they were almost every 3mins but still 30/40seconds apart. But were getting very painful!! I had hot shower, walked around, sorted last min bits in room.

By 6:10am I text my mum saying she needs to come round soon (mile up the road and having jacob for us) but I had like a few more contractions and needed her to come now!! Lol.*

So we set off to hosp around 6:25am And arrived and put into a room by 7:15am. Only waited 5mins for them to sort one for me too..

Here's where times etc I don't really remember! I was on birthing ball when there and walking around. They checked me after a little while to see how I was. I was 2-3cm. So she told me to have a bath with these oils to help get things going. Cannot remember what they were though! Very strong smelling.*

I was in the bath for about a hour, it helped with contractions but not, as I couldn't find a comfy way to be whilst they came.
I too were actually having a few snoozes as contractions started slowing down a lot, so I got out after the hour. As soon as I got out the bath, my god they came on strong, long and fast. I couldn't even get dried and changed without burying my head into robs shoulder.

around 11:10am*I was 4-5cm, I thought was 3-4cm but robs text updates were 4-5cm! This is when I had the pethine injection and started g&a

Things were going good, longer, stronger contractions. Around 12:30pm midwife actually thought I was ready to push from the noises I was making with contractions. She checked and I was slightly pushing but wasn't fully dialated yet. But guess it helped with the pain. between then and around 1pm (when I got the epidural) I blacked out and was in/out consciousness as I was so high on the gas & air. I was also talking about microwaves!! Lol.*

Unfortunately epi didn't work properly, so had hard time for a while until I got it redone around 3:20pm.. they also popped my waters before I had the second epi and put heart monitor on his head.
Baby heart rate was also dropping slightly with contractions so some concern but after second epi it had gone to normal.
I also kept falling asleep afterwards with the pain gone.

4:47pm midwife could feel babys head. He came right down as loads of string on the heart monitor on his head had come down. Also said she doesn't think will be much longer!!*

Checked me again about 6:30pm which I was ready to push my baby out!!*

The room was warm, fan turned off. I had rob holding my left leg, midwife between my legs and another at my right leg. I started pushing. It was lovely Rob been so involved and helping me push, he was even looking occasionally!.
It took a little while to push his head right out as said I just needed to just get past that little part for his head to pop out.*

He was in a funny position apparently and was looking up ... (Which now we know as he did have a red mark on his forhead where she said he'd been tucked under my pubic bone.)

I remember the midwives saying I needed cutting a little on my old episiotomy.*which obviously I was fine with!

Once his head came out his body slowly followed, I asked if I needed to push but i didn't and he slowly came! I*was pushing for approx 20mins and Connor was born at 18:51!*

He was put straight onto my chest for skin to skin.

Best feeling ever!!*

Placenta was delivered easily, I didn't even realize! Rob actually took a picture of it with the sentence of "that is rank, you can see what I've just seen!" And took a picture on the camera!! Pmsl.

And that Is the story of how Connor entered this world <3*



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EDIT: apologies it's so long!!!! Well here's the story of Connor James B* entering the world.. On the*Saturday 7th we*walked to Tesco which is only*10mins away.. Had a bumpy drive on the old town cobbly road which Jacob loved. Walked for a hour under the number bridge. Went to Indian restaurant for tea. Madras for me ;) Ending the night with 3 hours on my birthing ball. As didn't realize*'wolf of wall street' was that long!* Throughout the day I had a few 'tightenings' they wernt painful and whilst on my ball. Late night and went to bed around 2am! First time since been pregnant I've stayed up so late, which was typical as I woke up at 3:10am with a painful tightening. Started nodding off again and got my 2nd one. This is when I download a app and started timing them just to see if they were more coming... Well they did, every 8ish mins! I woke Rob to tell him I've had a few pains that are coming regularly. By half 4am they were every 4-6mins lasting 30/40seconds. This is when texted my mum & sisters! called delivery ward too & they said take paracetamol, have shower.. come in when can't handle anymore, or if no change in 2hours I'd to go get checked anyway. Just over a hour went and they were almost every 3mins but still 30/40seconds apart. But were getting very painful!! I had hot shower, walked around, sorted last min bits in room. By 6:10am I text my mum saying she needs to come round soon (mile up the road and having jacob for us) but I had like a few more contractions and needed her to come now!! Lol.* So we set off to hosp around 6:25am And arrived and put into a room by 7:15am. Only waited 5mins for them to sort one for me too.. Here's where times etc I don't really remember! I was on birthing ball when there and walking around. They checked me after a little while to see how I was. I was 2-3cm. So she told me to have a bath with these oils to help get things going. Cannot remember what they were though! Very strong smelling.* I was in the bath for about a hour, it helped with contractions but not, as I couldn't find a comfy way to be whilst they came. I too were actually having a few snoozes as contractions started slowing down a lot, so I got out after the hour. As soon as I got out the bath, my god they came on strong, long and fast. I couldn't even get dried and changed without burying my head into robs shoulder. around 11:10am*I was 4-5cm, I thought was 3-4cm but robs text updates were 4-5cm! This is when I had the pethine injection and started g&a Things were going good, longer, stronger contractions. Around 12:30pm midwife actually thought I was ready to push from the noises I was making with contractions. She checked and I was slightly pushing but wasn't fully dialated yet. But guess it helped with the pain. between then and around 1pm (when I got the epidural) I blacked out and was in/out consciousness as I was so high on the gas & air. I was also talking about microwaves!! Lol.* Unfortunately epi didn't work properly, so had hard time for a while until I got it redone around 3:20pm.. they also popped my waters before I had the second epi and put heart monitor on his head. Baby heart rate was also dropping slightly with contractions so some concern but after second epi it had gone to normal. I also kept falling asleep afterwards with the pain gone. 4:47pm midwife could feel babys head. He came right down as loads of string on the heart monitor on his head had come down. Also said she doesn't think will be much longer!!* Checked me again about 6:30pm which I was ready to push my baby out!!* The room was warm, fan turned off. I had rob holding my left leg, midwife between my legs and another at my right leg. I started pushing. It was lovely Rob been so involved and helping me push, he was even looking occasionally!. It took a little while to push his head right out as said I just needed to just get past that little part for his head to pop out.* He was in a funny position apparently and was looking up ... (Which now we know as he did have a red mark on his forhead where she said he'd been tucked under my pubic bone.) I remember the midwives saying I needed cutting a little on my old episiotomy.*which obviously I was fine with! Once his head came out his body slowly followed, I asked if I needed to push but i didn't and he slowly came! I*was pushing for approx 20mins and Connor was born at 18:51!* He was put straight onto my chest for skin to skin. <img src=""/> Best feeling ever!!* Placenta was delivered easily, I didn't even realize! Rob actually took a picture of it with the sentence of "that is rank, you can see what I've just seen!" And took a picture on the camera!! Pmsl. And that Is the story of how Connor entered this world <3* <img src=""/> <img src=""/> Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins

Wow Jess what a story. Thanks for sharing. Glad everything was ok and you got your gorgeous Connor. Hope you're doing well x
Lovely birth story Jess, thanks for sharing it :) Love the pics of you and your little man x
Lovely story Jess, congratulations. Great pictures too x