Birth story Here it girls! Saturday evening the bf and I went to bed as normal with a sulk on as I was a day overdue and was convinced baby was not going to be making an appearance anytime soon... Little did I know how wrong I was! Around 3am I was experiencing some pains really low down , I wasn't sure if they were just the general pains I had been getting throughout pregnancy or the start of labour but once I realised they weren't fizzling out I began to consider I might actually be in labour! We started to time the contractions and by 4.20 they were about ten mins apart so rang delivery suite who advised me to stay at home as long as possible . Followed the midwifes advise and had a bath , then got on my hands and knees on my ball until the contractions began to get stronger in intensity and closer together . I can't remember what time we left for hospital but I remember that hospital journey feeling like the longest 30 mins of my life lol! I think it must have been around 6.30-7am by the time we got to hospital, I was examined after waiting forever in triage and was told I was 4cms dilated, they then left me with some gas and air in a little room and came back about an hour later and took me off to the delivery suite. The delivery suite was fantastic I had a lovely big room with my own bathroom, it was all decorating in lavender and there was little lights all on the ceiling I really was impressed! As soon as I got into the delivery room I wanted to get into the pool , must have been around 9am by this point and that's exactly where I stayed with my new best friend ( gas and air!) until 11.59 when Ruby-Amelia was born! I was supposed to get out of the pool at 11.30 to be re-examined and see where we were but by this point I was already ready to push. After ruby was born midwife got me out and warmed up I was shaking and shivering after being in the warm pool for so long , I was then examined down below and was relieved to hear that I did not need any stitches as I had only got two small grazes. So all in all a fairly straight forward birth story - definitely the most painful and overwhelming experience I have ever had but totally worth it for my beautiful princess! I would highly recommend a water birth to anyone considering it![]()
My boy (no names decided yet) born at 12.57 yesterday weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces.
So I went in to be induced at 7 am on Tuesday morning, I was being induced with the prostin gel I got put on the monitor for 30 minutes to check baby and then had the first gel inserted. After this I was told I was free for 6 hours so we went for a walk /coffee etc within about 2 hours I was having lots of pains.
At 3 pm I went back to be monitored again I had my internal and the midwife said my cervix was still unfavourable however I was having too many tightenings so I had to go back again 2 hours later.
At my next check everything had settled and so I was given the second dose of gel along with a talk about how it was unlikely to be successful and that I may need up to 4.
We went to walk laps around the hospital I climbed the stairs 2 at a time and walked with one foot on one foot off the curb.
Within 30 mins of this my waters broke and contractions began immediately.
I was given some co codamol which did nothing. I then managed 3 hours bouncing on the ball and breathing. At this time I decided I needed more pain relief so I had some pethidine which was awesome I had an internal and I had dilated to 4 cm.
I managed another 3 hours then had gas and air which made me hallucinate and I was saying some ridiculous things!
Next internal I was at 9 cm so I had gone from 1-9 in 6 hours.
The plan was for me to start pushing, this was horrific I pushed for 3 hours and I could just feel something was wrong.
The registrar came to assess me and said baby was still high in pelvis despite being fully dilated and she did not think I would get him out.
I was rushed to theatre for a trial of ventouse, given a spinal block which was heaven after 36 hours of labouring.
The ventouse failed and I had to have a crash section to get my boy out who was facing the wrong way and wedged in my pelvis!
I can not believe what I went through to get him and I am amazed at what my body was capable of. I am still quite traumatised by the whole thing but it's early days.
Well worth it to get my little chunk though xx
Birth story
Here it girls!
Saturday evening the bf and I went to bed as normal with a sulk on as I was a day overdue and was convinced baby was not going to be making an appearance anytime soon... Little did I know how wrong I was!
Around 3am I was experiencing some pains really low down , I wasn't sure if they were just the general pains I had been getting throughout pregnancy or the start of labour but once I realised they weren't fizzling out I began to consider I might actually be in labour!
We started to time the contractions and by 4.20 they were about ten mins apart so rang delivery suite who advised me to stay at home as long as possible . Followed the midwifes advise and had a bath , then got on my hands and knees on my ball until the contractions began to get stronger in intensity and closer together .
I can't remember what time we left for hospital but I remember that hospital journey feeling like the longest 30 mins of my life lol!
I think it must have been around 6.30-7am by the time we got to hospital, I was examined after waiting forever in triage and was told I was 4cms dilated, they then left me with some gas and air in a little room and came back about an hour later and took me off to the delivery suite.
The delivery suite was fantastic I had a lovely big room with my own bathroom, it was all decorating in lavender and there was little lights all on the ceiling I really was impressed!
As soon as I got into the delivery room I wanted to get into the pool , must have been around 9am by this point and that's exactly where I stayed with my new best friend ( gas and air!) until 11.59 when Ruby-Amelia was born!
I was supposed to get out of the pool at 11.30 to be re-examined and see where we were but by this point I was already ready to push.
After ruby was born midwife got me out and warmed up I was shaking and shivering after being in the warm pool for so long , I was then examined down below and was relieved to hear that I did not need any stitches as I had only got two small grazes.
So all in all a fairly straight forward birth story - definitely the most painful and overwhelming experience I have ever had but totally worth it for my beautiful princess!
I would highly recommend a water birth to anyone considering it![]()
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Few piccies of my beautiful girl xxx