Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

You look fantastic, totally stunning and so happy.
I bet before you'd heard of this diet you'd never have imagined being slimmer than your sister, you both look great :)
I can understand your worries about Zoe especially being so far away, I don't know if her's is pollen driven at all, but we've had a really humid couple of days so I wonder if thats contributed to it.
Try not to worry hun.
You've triggered a memory with your comments about beaches being reflective, I remember a counselling session where my counsellor asked me to pick an object from a box that caught my eye.
It had all sorts in it, handbag, champagne cork, material...literally all sorts and I picked out a piece of rock from a beach...just held it for a while and turned it over and it had a kind of orange mark on it from water. From the moment I turned it over, my emotions flowed and it unlocked so may things I'd kept bottled up.
Enjoy your time there, it looks like such a gorgeous place.
Take care
Kitty xxx
u look so fab and the place looks wonderful. enjoy the rest of ur hols. xxx
arn't you n sis alike, except blonde/dark hair !!
glad you're having a fab time

I completely agree.

Your pics look fabulous and you look fab-since-u-loss (hope that worked!)

Ciao lovely ..... xxxxx
Hi Jennie - Couldn't resist a peek at your holiday look wonderfully relaxed and happy - but it's hard not to feel like that in Tobago! Your photos really gave me a shiver of envy!

I trust you're going to Sunday School?!!!

Hi Lesley

You obviously have been here! lol

Yep - I went to Sunday School on Sunday! :rotflmao: nothing like any Sunday School I've ever been to before! We had a brilliant time!

Today I had a scuba diving lesson and went diving with the babysitter. It was incredible. Only 40 feet down but the fish were beautiful and the coral was too.... it went way too quickly and I took an underwater camera with me and so have 27 photos to develop!

I wore a wetsuit!!! I was amazed lol ME in a flippin wetsuit! hahahaha

Lordy be, this holiday is full of 'firsts'!

We're off somewhere posh tonight to hear some steel pans and then a night club to dance the night away until the wee hours again!

My babysitter is being relieved of his duties now as I am finding my feet more and more although I have to say, I am not comfortable with being out and about alone in the evenings.

Been pretty good diet wise, have had a muffin and a soup so far today and another soup to come before going out this evening. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day food wise - had bbq chicken and salad, cashews (small packet) , bar of dairy crunch and some crisps (about 6)... realised I was eating purely out of habit and loneliness so stopped and went for a walk.

This afternoon I went for a really long walk to avoid eating! It worked but I'm parched and hungry! lol

Only came on here as arranged to meet up with sis here. So. Off to shower, condition hair and dress up in my new white linen trousers for this posh place! lol Then it's back to the apartment to get into more casual clothes for the nightclub. SHould be an interesting night - I hadn't realised that they get all oighty if you dance with more than one fella! lol ho hum! s'only dancing!!

Catch up with you all next time it rains (not today - scorching hot today :) )

Today I had a scuba diving lesson

Hi Jennie,

You look amazing and so does the place:character00180: I am so delighted your having a fab time!!!

WOW! Scuba diving!!!

Good for you:D

Love Mini xxx
Wow! You look fab! Glad you are having a wonderful time. Scuba diving eh:eek: sure know how to have a life:clap:
Looking good girl - so pleased your having a good time....:cool:


PS - tell us more about 'Sunday School'......please......:D
don't knowif you've continued to lose weight on hols, probably have. But in the pics you look better than your last progress ones. the outdoor life & all the exercise must be suiting you!
Well, what can I say Jennie, you certainly seem to be fitting in as much as possible into your 'dream' hols.

Not sure how much rest you are getting - sounds like sleep is still low on your priorities.

Dead jealous at the scuab diving and seeing all those little fishys.

Had a major chuckle though over your Babysitter - just goes to show you inspire protectionist feelings wherever you go.

Have a fandabydozzy remainder - tickle a fish for me - LOL
i can only repeat what all the others have said
you look amazing and so happy
great pics

tee hee.... half way through the holiday already and am doing some washing at the local laundrette/internet cafe! Towel stands up on its own it's so full of salt and sand! lol

Got my scuba pics developed and am really pleased with them. Having a few 'man' issues over here! Lordy be, if you think English blokes are complicated and sensitive creatures you should try being pleasant (and I mean, simply cordial) to the ones over here! They are like bees round a honey pot (or flies round a bucket of poo...) lol If you dance with one of them they seem to think you become their property!! Tough really as I danced my feet off last night with about 20 of them! lol Still... my foot is screaming at me today and I have spent the entire day sleeping on the beach. lol I'm knackered - my sis is a real party animal and I just feel so flipping tired! lol

I've told her NO dancing for me tonight - my foot is really bad and I can't be doing with the blokes! (OMG DID I REALLY SAY THAT????) :rotflmao:

I have to say though, the dancing is ace! lol I've never felt so many hip bones in my life! LMAO hilarious! I just start giggling and blushing when they start all that hip rubbing malarky... sis tells me off... lol... but it's funny! Some of them, like in any club, are real creeps and I manage to avoid them pretty much. I met an american guy last night, he was funny, bit full of himself though so I declined his offer of a drink! lol (Over here, like the dancing, if you accept a drink it appears that you 'owe' them something in return!) Sorry - but that's how it seems to be.

Some of the guys are really nice and a good laugh, they put up with my lack of rhythm and are very tolerant about the giggling thing.. lol... the women here are stunning! They have complexions to die for and are so beautiful. Sis told me they won't smile at us because they think we are here to steal their men, well, you know what, I flash them me pearly whites and so far they almost all have smiled right back! Perhaps they can sense that I'm no threat!

The music is fantastic - I've bought some cds to play loudly in the car and at home... this whole holiday is a real rollercoaster ride - sis has had some problems with friends and ex-fiance and so that's caused a couple of tricky moments (like last night when I whispered in his ear that 'if I was a bloke I would cut off your ba**s and slice them into tiny pieces'), having discovered some shocking information!

Today has been an SS day... too tired to eat and lovely and hot too, which actually is working as a pretty good appetite supressant!

I have found that I am spending a huge amount of time alone here which I hadn't envisaged, and that's a mixed blessing really. The apartment is all spick and span and I get bored. Postcards written but not posted so will get to everyone long after I do! lol Can't be bothered to get stamps... lol... each day blends into the next. Tomorrow is a public holiday so the beach will be heaving so sis is taking me on a tour of the island so, camera at the ready!! I'm looking forward to spending a whole day with her. That hasn't happened really since the third day.

I find it hardest in the evenings when she goes out to meet friends for a couple of hours... I found myself eating! Well, let's be honest, I decided to eat - raisins. Yummy! lol And a few multigrain crackers with marmite on (mozzie repellent). But I'm still not going mad and hopefully haven't put any weight one. I guess I'll find out when I get home! lol

I'm not going to worry about it too much for now and am still having my 3 packs a day plus the occassional chicken or fish salad.

Right - almost out of time now on here so will sign off from rainy Tobago (it's just started to rain - not bad considering it's early evening and hte sun has been blazing since 6am!).

Glad it isn't a long walk back to the apartment as I'm going to get soaked, lol but the rain is like a warm shower so I don't care.

Think I might be going fishing and perhaps diving again, but I upset the babysitter (with the dancing thing!!!!) so who knows.. lol... who the hell cares! lol I got to do it once and it was ACE!

Cheers from me for now! Loads of love and hope all's well with you guys xxxxxxx

Oh, S rang me the other day as I had sent him an 'I'm lonely' text. lol.. Bless him... still not sure what'll happen there...time will tell! Dublin first though eh! Hee hee hee!!!
catch the babe magnett !!!!!!!!!!!!!
glad you're having fun, catch up real soon
love as allways