Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Wow babes you are looking even more gorgeouser than before!!!! lol

Love the 3/4 jeans they suit you down to the ground!

Have fun tonight chick!!
Funny about the lodger, Pandora.
I'd thought the other way.
Get a chap! He'll spend less time in the bathroom, be less demanding emotionally & could even be useful eg Reaching the top shelf or undoing the tight lids on jars.

LOL I'm really nervous as he'll be here in an hour and half and the rooms are a mess, however, I did tell him they weren't ready as I had only just decided to rent them out. Will let you know how it goes.

I join the list of Fans of the new avatar.

:eek: thank you , they're my favourite piece of clothing at the moment (apart from the leathers which i have been wearing for the last 3 hours!!) ... lol
I also demand that it is made BIGGER!

Ps. Arms looking good. Thought you said you had wings?
not from here you don't

I've learned how to hide the wings with clothes and how to stand for piccies to hide them as much as I can too ... ;)
all exciting stuff re job, the one working from home sounds ideal for you, no travelling to wear you out !!
glad to hear you have got your CD head firmly back on, won't be too long b4 you can start mantainance now :party0049:.
if you do get a lodger be 100 % sure they are ok, bit nervous you having a male lodger, sorry if thats sexist but just how i feel, only looking out for you !
have a fab time with your sis, & weekend it sounds busy ~ nothing new there then eh ???

thanks sweetheart, I'm shattered - got in at 6.30am !!!

Will say more on that later...

CD head definitely firmly on! Can't believe it.. lol.. still sticking 100% to AAM and, in fact, just about to have my meal now! Chicken salad - yummy!!

As for the lodger - thank you, I do have some concerns but will know instantly whether I feel right about it when he arrives. I have very strict terms and conditions which he would have to adhere to., ie... only goes upstairs to shower or have a bath as no need otherwise, and all other rooms upstairs are private and off limits... so.. I've lots to discuss.. but even so, he might not like the space (which I have still to clear!) and we might not like each other (in a landlady/lodger way)... so... will wait and see!

Also, am VERY aware of Zoe coming home for her days off too... so she will need to meet him and her input will be key also. I've got to pick her up tonight (after the pub thing finishes...) so that will be a VERY late night drive again - not sure I am happy about that... had to stop to sleep on way home last night!

LOADS to share about last night though! lol

Must go now as it takes me a while to peel the leathers off to go to the loo!! lol ;)
looking good jen
i love the head shot pic your hair looks lovely
where did you go in luton ?
we were there last week

have a great weekend and hope you get on with the lodger o.k
kaz :D
hope it goes well with the lodger interview, your instincts are usually spot on, lets face it you like me don't you :D
Hey Jennie love your new avatar its amazing the
Hope you can get your job situation sorted soon hun.,x

thanks Sonya, and well done again on coming down 7 dress sizes!!

Hear, hear re the avatar.
What a great sunny pic in all ways.

You're sounding, as you say, "back in control"
Good luck with lodger and leathers and weekend and fun and life.
You've come such a long, long way. Maintenance will be here before you know it


:D thanks Kate, I do feel much more in control! Have a feeling that maintenance will take a while to reach but, having come this far, am not giving up!

Hi Jennie

Pics are fab. You have done and still are doing so well

Hope you have a fab night out xxx

(((hugs))) Gen, thank you. I did! (Will say more later!)... hope you are alright xxxx

luv the leathers hun !!! v sexy haha.
i'm sure the blue to & shorts looks absolutly fab, quite casual but smart too & bang up to date.

LOL, I'm wearing the leathers at the moment but think I'll change before lodger man arrives... then again, lol, maybe not! lol I felt great last night and had no idea I was 'fashionable' !! lmao... purely accidental I can assure you!
looking good jen
i love the head shot pic your hair looks lovely
where did you go in luton ?
we were there last week

have a great weekend and hope you get on with the lodger o.k
kaz :D

:D thanks Kaz... took that one myself... would you believe... to put on a dating site! I know, I know... said I wouldn't join one but on Thursday I just thought, well, why not! But no face shot! lol Hence that piccie...

went to The White House... very funny in there - loads of youngsters but I didn't care as the music was ok and I knew we weren't going to be there long.. a few sleazy guys... (all I could hear each time one of them made eye contact or tried to speak to me was Sarah (Westiegirl) warning me off 'em all! lol) :giggle: :giggle: was glad to leave there though and we headed to a club that played all reggae music and soca...that was brilliant... initially I thought it was rubbish, but the dj changed and it was so good. Danced my feet off! Me and sis were grinning like cheshire cats when they played some of the stuff we'd danced to in Tobago.. lol.. one song in particular is 'My Song'... and when it came in I sang my lungs out! lol

Anyway,,, will talk to you about Luton in PM as I lived there for 14 years and have some fab friends still living there too! So, we can get together some time when you next visit your mum :)

must go get out of these leathers - lodger chappie due any second!! argh!!

hope it goes well with the lodger interview, your instincts are usually spot on, lets face it you like me don't you :D

yes indeedy!! :D :D :D :D
too late was the cry - I'd just posted that message and he arrived. Cut a long story short, nice chap, could definitely cope with him being here, don't fancy him, (good!), lol, he's happy with all the terms and conditions (that I could remember) and is going to let me know by Monday as he has a chance of another place, which, I would choose if I was him, lol Still. Will find out soon enough. :)

Right have to go as I'm off for a drink with a chap from the dating site - lol - agreed to meet early as
a)I am out later and
b) if we can't stand each other then we still have our Saturday night to enjoy LMAO

Think this is going to be a whole different dating experience for me this time 'round. Going into it with a very different perspective and being incredibly picky too! lol Already declined loads of offers and put a few well and truly in their place!

Right, jeans and nice top and off to the pub for me then later (whatever happens) off to the quiz pub for Ted's retirement bash - all in all it's going to be a lovely evening.

Will catch up later - just wanted to reassure that lodger man was nothing to fear and fingers crossed will turn out to be a very good thing for me financially and also (believe it or not) he likes doing housework so I told him I'll give him a tour of the cleaning stuff and if he ever gets the urge then feel free! lmao

See you later xxxxxx
Hope it went well, looking forward to hearing all about your date later :)

So updates on
3.did you ever get out of the leathers

needed please
Hope it went well, looking forward to hearing all about your date later :)


:D It was very pleasant but have a few reservations (must be the Navaho in me! lol)

Oh My God

Love you new pics~ especially the face one

You look amazing and so young ~ keep cracking on this crazy CD thingy ~ you are nearly there

love love

aww, thanks Shaza... was 100% until tonight when I had 2 very small slices of cake so am confident that tomorrow's weigh in should yield something good (hoping for at least 2 or 3lbs off this week, although not done exercise as much).

So updates on
3.did you ever get out of the leathers

needed please

lol ok...

1. No news as yet, he said he will let me know Monday so I shall have to wait, but I think he would be ok to share a house with.

2. I'll call him Smiler as he did that the entire time. He is very nice, 5 ft 11, dark hair, brown eyes, big smile, smelt VERY good too! lol We hit it off ok and sat in the pub chatting away (he was most forgiving as I arrived 10 minutes late but I did call to let him know!). We got on pretty well and tootles off to a couple of other pubs... found out lots about him, his work, his family etc etc all good stuff. He's very sociable and pretty easy on the eye too! lol Although I already knew that as I had seen a load of photos, which, incidentally, didn't do him justice.

His opening words to me (after the grin) were ' wow, you look fantastic' lmao - good start!! LMAO and that sort of set the tone... lol lol

So, lots of pluses, BUT, a pretty major negative... he was pretty 'forward' and I didn't like that very much and told him so. I got the distinct impression that he would expect me to sleep with him pretty quickly - and that in itself (his expectation I mean, not that I would...) is ok.. as it's nice to feel someone is attracted to you... BUT... I think there would be pressure and I don't need nor want that. So.. although we agreed to see one another again, I was vague as to when and where and said I needed to check my diary - which is true as I do have a packed few weeks!

We spent about 3 hours together then I left for my pub's party... will try to tell you about that tomorrow sometime as I need to go to bed soon.

He (Smiler) texted me later to thank me for the evening and I replied similarly. He texted me today to ask how I was and I replied asking same too, that was about 11am, not heard since. lol

I also had a text from S today!! I have to admit, I miss him. I sat with Smiler and it was hard as I wanted it to be S sitting there... and that wasn't fair on Smiler... hmm,... need to reflect on that a tad .. lol

Anyway, got home from pub at 1am. Set the alarm, shot off to get Zoe at 7am and we were back here for 10 and by 1 all the washing was done, dry, folded. I also baked a cake for PQM as it was his last night doing the quiz :(
Been shattered all day and nodded off watching The Parent Trap. Tried to sleep in the garden but the breeze was too cold. So, in the end I went to bed. Went to the quiz and PQM loved the cake (as did all the regulars who I gave a piece to - I had a piece and the scraps on the plate - it was a Betty Crocker carrot cake) It was totally scrummy.

After the quiz we gave him the cake and a present and a card signed by everyone. I gave him a lift home and as we got there he told me if it is a nice evening tomorrow to go round in my leathers and he'll take me out for a ride on his motorbike!!!! :D :D :D I'm chuffed to bits and am hoping for a nice evening. It was a surprise offer and I was really pleased.

I wore my leathers most of today... lol.. they are lovely and warm but restrictive on the old bladder! lol I got home to find Zoe and her fella here and eating pizza and chips... lol.. so.. came into the study :) He'd kept some of his birthday cake from last weekend and gave me a small slice, it was yummy.

Off to bed now as in dire need of sleep and have to be up in about 7 hours so Paul McKenna it is for me!

Weigh in at 3pm tomorrow - am really hoping for a decent result even though I've been doing AAM.

Whatever happens I'm back into CD mode now for certain! lol (or is that tempting fate!!

Night night, sweet dreams all xxxxxxx
I also had a text from S today!! I have to admit, I miss him. I sat with Smiler and it was hard as I wanted it to be S sitting there... and that wasn't fair on Smiler... hmm,... need to reflect on that a tad .. lol

Now why am i not surprised by this?
Neither by the fact that he, by telepathy, texted you just when your mind should have been on someone else.
Nor by the fact that smiler didn't compare favourably to those first few meetings with S.

Life eh?

Anyway, got home from pub at 1am. Set the alarm, shot off to get Zoe at 7am and we were back here for 10 and by 1 all the washing was done, dry, folded. I also baked a cake for PQM as it was his last night doing the quiz :(
Did you tell us why he's leaving the PQM business,or did I miss it?
Life's odd innit - got the text from S this morning just moments before the one from Smiler...

With S the first dates were magical... heady... I remember them so vividly (only a few short months ago...) oh well... Not really fair to compare Smiler and S but there it is..

PQM has a new job which means he'll be working 4 Sundays on a rotating basis and he's had enough of being restircted to having to be there each Sunday for 8pm... so a natural progression for him I guess. Funny thing is, I think I shall probably see a lot more of him now... definitely a friendship... not a romance.

D'ya think mebbe my heart is with S?? I do.. daft mare.. lol Still... just time probably will sort that out.
Wahayy! The sun's shining !!!! Great start for a Monday (July 30th) morning.

I love it when the weather is so lush! Makes me smile inside and out.

Woke to the alarm going off (funny that, it actually worked! lol)... instantly fell back asleep, lol still a bit weary from overdoing it at the weekend.. but still managed to get to the orifice in time. Not in the mood to work at all which is very bad as I have heaps to do. Will have to get an early night tonight so feel energised in the morning I think.

I don't think it helps that with the lateness of Fri and Sat my packs were taken at weird times... not even sure if I might have had an extra one at some ungodly hour! Anyway, the cake was scrummy last night and as I could've been a real glutton with it, I wasn't and felt really good about it, HOWEVER... when I got home I think if there had been any 'instant satisfaction' food laying around,.... hmm...

Must say though, I do feel like I could SS again now... I talked about this with Ailsa t'other day and we agreed that IF I feel able then I can give SSing a try BUT give myself permission to do AAM if I find it too difficult. In effect I'll be doing AAM but without the meals on the odd day where I can! :D Make sense?

Right... when back from pub last night and updating on here I checked my emails from the dating site... messages from 2 guys who seem ok. So will perhaps get back to them later. Not heard from Smiler again, and to be frank (apologies to my friend Frank!!).. lol... it's ok. Think I was right about the negatives on him... I did make it clear there would be no 'funny business' going on for a very long time... lol,, so he probably was only after the one thing and as he knows he ain't getting it he's done the offski. LOL Good, my filters are working! :D

Had a text from S this morning... ah me.. lol (imagine soppy girly sigh at this stage!!).. he's taking his boys on hols soon... hope the weather is kind for them but they'll have a great time regardless. He is a brilliant father.

So today is weigh in day again - 3pm. Hoping for good result but any loss is a good result for me when on AAM. My smallest losses have been on AAM... but I had the freedom (or percieved freedom) to eat so it's a good trade off, plus this week has seen a marked decline in the 'I would eat my own arm if nothing left in the house' feelings... last can of caffeine free diet coke has been drunk... so.. will just have to wait and see what Ailsa's scales have to say!

Forgot to say - have 2 more job applications out there now, so, hopefully will hear back from them soon. Lodgerman not contacted me as yet, but I did say there was no panic and it is only Monday. I think it is a pretty big decision for him, and I know he has masses on at work. So. Will keep you posted!

I MUST sort out my bedroom, can't nag Zoe anymore as mine is a tip! Clothes everywhere! (Plus 2 suitcases),,the mirror she (Zoe) got me for my birthday is propped up on the floor - I can't figure out how to put it up!! Shoes, books, my bureau is overflowing with paperwork and jewellery and toiletries... I have my cd player (huge thing) on the bed as I listen to Paul McKenna every presents (I saw some really good things t'other week and got them for friends for Chrimbo) and all sorts of junk!

So, might dedicate an hour to making my bedroom look more like that bedroom of a 40-something than a teenage chimpanzee with a fetish for holidays,clothes hangers and bling!

Then again... the patio does need de-weeding AND I have the tools for the job... AND it IS sunny... hmmm... might even be warm enough to have a snooze out there this afternoon before my 6.30pm ride with PQM!! :D Nervous and excited about that! Oooh - just had a VERY naughty thought! :giggle: :giggle: Lets just say, it's to do with the way one sits on a motorcycle! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I won't look very fetching in me bike gear but I don't care! lol Here's hoping the weather stays lovely :D

Hurrah, 11am already - soup time! (Trying to get back into my SS routine....)

Was going to say about Friday night... seems so long ago now though! lol Am going out this Friday with a chap I met last Friday though :D Going to a club in Stevenage somewhere... I like this going out malarky. Even better - I can't wait to get me dancing shoes on again! Westiegirl - you GOTTA come and stay!!!!! ;)

Oooh, have to say,, remember last Sunday when I said how I felt ok being out with my mate for the first time... well.. make that twice now! I felt brill last night and it's a good feeling! :D

Need to watch out that I don't become (if not already) an arrogant Annie.... confidence is one thing, arrogance is quite a different matter! :) Am sure those who know me the best will soon tell me!!!! (anyone else I wouldn't take much notice of! lmao)
11 stone gone!! It's official

Tuesday and the sun is shining and I'm happy :eek:)

Yesterday aol decided to behave badly and so I couldn't get online but a long phone call to a lady perporting to be called Shirley but sounding like her real name would be something entirely different, and with her ace techy know-how and my ability to click when told, lol,. it got sorted!

So... I'm very happy... because... I lost 4.7lbs this week meaning I've LOST 11 stones!!!!!

I am so so pleased and couldn't quite believe it! So... am SSing/AAMing this week in the hope of another good loss but know that last weeks was partly due to TOTM coming and going... but hey... I don't care why it went, it went! lol Bodes well for weigh in Thursday at the Docs as their scales show much lower numbers than Ailsa's (but hers I suspect are the truest!!) ;) Still... for my purposes it's a good thing it isn't t'other way around!

Bike ride was FANTASTIC!!! I walked round to PQM's house in me leathers and boots... not attractive but felt wonderful!! He had a lid to loan me, and gloves and off we went!!! 2 hours later and we were back... having never stopped! I couldn't believe it! I loved every second - especially the windy bendy bits where I got to lean into the bends... what a rush! He took it pretty easy, but you know what, I felt completely safe. He is a very good rider. I babbled incesscantly my thanks when we got back and couldn't stop grinning, gave him a mega teary-eyed bear hug and huge smile and walked home. (He was going to drop me home but I'd taken my hair clip out and left it at his and my cardi too as he said I wouldn't need it under the coat I had. He was right, I was lovely and warm although my hands froze (despite the gloves he loaned me too).

I was buzzing all night after that!! :D

Spent a bit of time sorting out bedroom and then sat up with Zoe until a ridiculous time of day doing a jigsaw puzzle I'd bought in the charity shops after work.

Oh, I also bought a blouse, 2 dresses and a pair of jeans... one dress in particular I love. I bought it for the wedding I'm going to in September. It's a Marks and Sparks dress. V neck sleeveless (I already have the perfect sheer cardi to go over it)... it's mainly white with a kind of abstract red poppy and black design on it. It's all feminine and floaty and quite posh looking so I reckon it will be ideal for the wedding. Need to get some sucky-in pants though as it touches my flabby saggy belly but won't with a little help from some kind of control pants. (Love that name... 'control pants' - sound like something a dominatrix would wear... LMAO - hmmm,.... a thought for next fancy dress party.... :rotflmao:

Mad day ahead today... work.. crap gotta go in 5 mins!! So, work, dash home, get house tidied, beds sorted for mum and sis coming tonight, chivvy Zoe up into getting ready for the return journey to Hatfield... must leave by 1.30 to get her there in time, and then I have a 'date' with a chap at the Savacentre.. lol... well, I'm not eating, neither of us drinking, so, tea shop/area at a supermarket on the way back from Hatfield sounded like quite a good idea at the time... LOL

ohh, would you adam & eve it!!! S rang me yesterday afternoon!!! We had a natter for half an hour and I suggested we make firm arrangements to see each other sometime next week before he scoots off with his boys. So. By the weekend I shall know if that's gonna happen. Told him I was too busy this week but next week was clear at the moment. lol lol lol (Suspect it may fill up soon though!) lol

Smiler texted me last night and asked if he could call me. Of course I said yeah, then he didn't so I texted him and simply said, 'are you calling or not? IF not I'm off to bed" lol Zoe told me off for being so abrupt and I just told her I wasn't taking any you-know-what any more. lol Apologetic call at 7am from Smiler to say he fell asleep and he'll call later in the week and was I busy? lol So, told him I'm busy all week but next week's ok at the moment... lol

Glad the sun is shining, makes me feel wonderful and I have to admit.. the knowledge that the 11 stone mark has been reached and I am 4.7lbs closer to the final decision from hospital is a GREAT feeling!

SSing today for definite, tomorrow should be too but going to Scarborough to visit me nana (she of the 'well, you waddled you know' comment after 5 stone had gone...) and we're taking her out for lunch.. perhaps fish salad would be a good choice but am going to take soup and mug and see how I feel.

Thursday I'm out in the evening and I will be eating as I'm meeting up with a lovely friend for dinner and to catch up on all that's been going on in their mad life too!

Friday - SSing totally and clubbing all night (I think)... missed 2 calls from my Friday night date.. so wondering if perhaps that may not happen.. but that's ok... lol... I'll do something else instead! :D

No word from potential lodger but told him no rush so will leave it for a couple more days then call him.

Right - must dash! LOADS of work, feel like today is going to be a most productive one! :D

jen 11 stones :eek:
that is fantastic :D
no wonder you look so happy :D

have to admit to an emotional moment reading your post today:cry:
i know i`m a soppy tart but i am so happy for you
i am still dreaming of getting to where you are now, you have proved it can be done.

you enjoy every moment of your life now as the world is your oyster and you sound so much more confident
well done hun i`m very proud of you

the dress sounds lovely we must see pics
every time i go to a charity shop i never see bargains like that

you keep these men hanging you show em who`s boss :giggle:

still in awe of your 11 stones off what a star you are :queen:

:party0019: You totally rock Jennie - 11 stone OMG!!! That is just awesome, I'm so pleased for you, what a star you are :D I'm so glad that your AAM has worked too as I know how much you lurve your salad :p

Your bike trip sounds fantastic, Kev had a bike when I first met him and it's such an exhilerating experience, bet you looked hot in your leathers too.

You sound so up and happy right now & life is pretty darned good, fantastic - keep smiling - I can feel it from here.

Congrats again on your mega awesome loss.
