Well, I barely know where to start my thank yous... and responses... so will just say this for now...
Today (it's now October11th) is actually the offical anniversary of the day I began to SS and I can't believe it. At times it felt like it was dragging and yet here I am, precisley 1 year and a couple of hours after my very first diary entry...
I've had an incredible 12 months... not least this last week! Today too! (Weds 10th)
A local reporter rang and a photographer came 'round because of the skydive and when they discovered the weight loss the whole approach changed and photos were taken outside which made me feel ridiculous and deliriously happy all at once.. (if that makes any sense!)... I have no idea what will happen next but I hope that it helps people find out about what an incredible tool the Cambridge Diet is and how it really does work.
I also picked up my business kit and need to get prepared fully now as I hope to have some clients very soon. I also dropped off the rail to stalker mans house (having got lost and made the day of a pair of Police Community Support Officers)... lol.. long story! Anyway - rail delivered and sticky note left saying ta very much and don't contact me again! lol So, another loose end tied up and sealed off.
Work is mad too right now but very rewarding.. plus things are going great at the bike club and we had our Quiz n chips night tonight - I took my own grub and got lots of envious looks as I tucked into my chicken, veg and pasta salad! lol Right giggle, mad team of 8 of us and we were total rubbish but had the biggest laughter going on all night! Loved it and have only just got in! (2am)
Planning to go out on another cycle ride at the weekend or something similar with bicycle man and am greatly looking forward to that too.
Mum and sis are off to Tobago in the morning - I hope they have a lovely time, mum really needs the break.
I know I haven't said what happened with the ex... but it went really well (for me - lol) and I came away smiling and feeling so damn good! lol I will share about it all but not right now as I desperately need to get to sleep as tomorrow is going to be another busy day with (hopefully) some garden clearing going on and room sorting as Zoe has sorted out one bed from downstairs! If I can get the other one to bits then the Sally Army can have it!
Thank you all so much for your truly lovely comments - I am really really touched by them. A year ago I joined this site full of determination - that hasn't changed and, thankfully, neither has the level of love and support along the way.
I have made some of the most wonderful friendships en route too and am still on my weight-related journey as I carry on with maintenance. I am still loving it and cooking etc is fabulous. I will do my best to be the best CDC I can - I am scared and excited and nervous and optimisitic all bundled into one.. and yes Paula... something inside is exploding , lol.. that's a really good description...
Right.. I must sleep or won't be able to function tomorrow!

Night night.. will try my best to catch up over the next few days but I have a funny feeling it's going to be a busy time for me (more so than usual that is....)