I feel the need to respond to the comments re the hosp decision that were posted on previous pages on here.. as I neglected to do so earlier...
Firstly thank you - you are
all fabulous caring people and I value you each one of you.
I don't think that people realise that I hide the problems I have
very well with clothes. When I am undressed it is utterly obscene. I can't go swimming any more. I look like the elephant man. Those who have seen it properly know this. It isn't a case of it'll tone up - it won't, it can't. It is flaps of skin. There is no substance to it whatsoever - when I am in the bath it floats. When I go to the toilet it gets in the way. It is not something that is going to go without surgery, it can't, plain and simple. It isn't going to improve. It isn't possible for it to improve. It weighs at least a stone overall. I'm not even going to begin to describe my 'breasts'. My skin hasn't got a cat in hell's chance of recovering any more than it already has. End of. Surgery
is the only option. My trainer at the gym,GP and nurse agree. Totally. The NHS was and is my only option. I have another infection in my belly button and, if I wasn't such a clean person am certain there would be other incredibly nasty infections going on too. I know and understand that this is cosmetic surgery, but this isn't vanity - it's sanity. I don't know if I 'deserve' it or not. I am not in a position to say, what I do know is that I have not even been seen by anyone and the decision was made. Nobody has physically looked at my body so how can they decide without even seeing me up close and personal? I just wish they would have given me the chance to show my problem to someone who just
might have been able to help me. Even if they said I had to maintain for a year or two... that at least would give me hope. But to write me off without even seeing me. To force me into losing more and more weight to suit their preconceptions of what is an acceptable BMI and then say no. I don't think that is fair. I'm going to see my GP and tell him how I feel and ask what we can do next. I'm not going to give up. Not yet. Asking for surgery was not an easy thing to do. I know it is major surgery and costs a lot of money. I know too that there are arguments for and against the NHS using essential funds to do this kind of work. I am not stupid. I wouldn't have asked if it hadn't been a last resort.
I am an optimist, one way or another things will improve and something positive will happen. To lose hope is not an option. I shall do my damndest. I'm not going to say any more about it as I need to remain positive about all the other stuff that's going on right now, but I shall deal with it.
I have to get on now as it's almost midnight and I need to do more work before bed. I am not going to miss my curfew though. I need sleep.
I'll have a look at that article CD, thank you
Goodnight all, and thank you again for your love and support. It is, as ever, truly appreciated. xxxx