I'm home!
Loads to tell you but suffice it to say.. I have oodles of time to do so and right now I'm utterly pooped.
Op was a success (as far as I can tell)...
gory details to follow...
will be fascinated to learn more..
thank you for your texts and good wishes... I'll be back again over the next few days but for now really can't believe I'm saying this, but,.. I need to rest.
That's the phrase I was lookingto read..
Get to know your sofa!
Am still smiling and very glad I went through with it. Despite being swollen and weighing in at 11 ston 9lbs this afternoon!!!! (heaviest in over 6 months...) I guess that's fluid and crappy hospital food and no exercise!! Will have to be ultra careful with the calories but increase protein methinks!
Please don't worry about the nembers on the scales. you can't have put on ....you've had stuff cut off remember.
Even if the hosp food was more stodgy than you wanted the main thing you will be experiencing is fluid retention. You've had a GA you've been artificially ventilated, you've had a savage assault to your skin & you've been flat on your back. What else?...oh I.V. fluids, ..you get the point.
well all these things conspire to put your fluid balance up the spout. From the obvious eg swelleing at the wound site, possibly puffy ankles, to the less obvious. there will be fluid sequestered in the wrong compartments including interstitial accumulations.
It will self correct!
I immagine you are back on high-protein low-fat low-gi & lots of fresh veg as I type.....fret not Jennie.
..but most of all welcome home!!1
Loads of love and thanks again