What a week! I'm rough as a bag of spanners and still in a bit of a spin about everything that's going on here... not spoken to PQM since the wedding and really miss him (pathetic innit!) and have 2 'admirers' both of whom are 'attached' so non-starters (although persistent despite being told very plainly!).
Have the worst cold and earache ever... my head feels like an axe has been lodged in it just above my right eye and a split running down from it to the bottom of my throat! Seriously - this ain't fun! Work is horrendously busy as we have a major meeting tomorrow night and I have to go and have a blood test this morning as the Dr reckons I might have an over-active thyroid... (makes you feel tired, etc etc) I went to see him because I feel so cold so much of the time. I think it's coz of me age and the weight loss but not sure and it does bother me that my hands and feet as SO cold... he says it's not circulatory so that's good innit!?
Can't turn my head at the moment though coz it hurts so much and sleep, well, what's that?? lol
Anyway, enough moaning and groaning! Thank you for the kind words about the thing in The Sun.. it was so full of nonsense that me and the girls just laughed as we read it! The facts they did get right were my name., age, job , the county I live in and my daughters names and ages... and a couple of other bits.. but apart from that.. I was stunned!
Still.. I suppose it's journalistic license?
They were lovely to meet though and I had a smashing time with them all, very very nice people.
Busy weekend coming... Friday it's off to Weymouth to the bike rally then when home on Monday its a mammoth rush to wash, dry, iron, pack and set off Tuesday to mum's as we fly out early hours Wednesday to Cyprus for a fortnight. I really can't wait. I am aching for some sunshine and rest. Don't know what to pack - haven't got a cozzie, or shorts and no time to get any now and the shops are selling winter woollies!
Oh well.. probably end up buying some out there...
Thanks again you really are a lovely bunch. I don't get time to come on here very much as life tends to overtake me a bit, but I do think of you often and hopefully we can meet up again soon.
Perhaps another Brum meet might be in order... how does late May sound???