Day 1 - headaches and happiness

Right... FINALLY I get a few minutes to write todays efforts...

- just as I stepped into my bath the phone rang (I swear that BT and Anglian Water are in cahoots!)... my friend wanted to come over to "talk" - I knew this meant a long session of nodding and umming

, she's a great pal, so I didn't mind but asked if she minded if I had my bath first.. (in a nice way of course!).. I knew whatever was bugging her wasn't urgent as she said for me to call her when I was ready)
Back in the bath and the mobile went..

and then the house phone

.. in the end I ignored everyone

and sank into the now deflating bubbles! I fell asleep!

Fortunately I woke before I drowned or got cold!
Well, the day got of to a flying start, actually think I slept better last night than in a long while

, but then, I was on here until after 1am!
Anyway... literally ran downstairs to have my very first "meal" on Sole Source (although I actually think I may rename it to Soul Source! - will explain more another time

)... so.. quick rummage in the bag and I chose Fruits of the Forest (mentally thinking it would remind me of a fruit yogurt taste - and it did!)

. I washed it down with a pint of water (my second of the day as I had one by the bed too which I downed as soon as I woke up) which I think helps to digest it a bit better

- not literally, but because of the density of the mix.. know what I mean

Anyway... drink drunk, blender washed and ready for lunchtime... off I head to work. I already picked up 4 x 1litre bottles of Volvic last night on my way home from Ailsa's and so, they are nicely chilled now

... all I can think all the way to work is how fab it's going to be when the weight has gone and I will look SO different and FEEL it too!

Somehow the sun seems brighter and the clouds whiter and fluffier today! I sing along to the radio all the way

... as I pass the newsagents where I would usually call in and pick up £5 worth of crap food and snacks, I smile to myself and make a mental note to see if I can save the equivalent money and stash it away somewhere so I can treat myself to a health farm or pamper day somewhere in the future...
Self-righteously I get to work and take my water into the office. First things first... I log on here!

lol (now... I don't want to hear anyone accuse me of addictive behaviour... BUT..!

) anyway... confession time!... couldn't focus on work
at all and was
SO glad when I had a few phone calls about mind-numbingly easy things and a visitor who likes to sit and chat!

I put the fan heater on as I feel a bit chilly (I work in a church building with very high ceilings and pathetically inadequate heating..

As I have decided that today I want to finish about midday it soon arrives and I want to rush home and have another "meal" and get back on here...

but no...

instead... I end up coming home, having a row with the car dealership

I've ordered my new car through..(threatened to cancel the order if I can't have it when they said i could! Major league strop! lol poor sod... premenstrual AND on the first day of the Cambridge, .. I mean... what chance did he have!!

). In the end we agreed that he
will call me tomorrow and confirm that
I will get my car oon time, or I really
AM going to tell them where to stick it!!
I then have the job of ringing my ex-brother-in-law

(who I last spoke to in June of 2005) to arrange to meet to sort out my younger daughters trust fund money on her 18th next week... I
hate having to ask him for anything , but we are joint trustees, and to be honest, I'm glad that after this I shall never need to speak to him again!

So, a difficult phone call but hey - I'm feeling particularly bolshy so it's ok!
During all this I am drinking with such a thirst! I lose track of how many pints of water I've knocked back! After all that I had my second "meal"... I am desperate to chew something so I have a Caramel Bar... it's something Ailsa and I discussed...

if I'm not in ketosis by day 4 then the bars will have to go... but for now... it's better for me to do it this way. I also decided (this morning) to put the bars in the cupboard where I keep the mugs.. this way I can't see the food in the larder unit or cupboards or fridge

...and... what the eye can't see, the mouth can't hanker after!!

I must ask my daughter to take the kitkats upstairs though, it IS hard to see them in the fridge.
Anyway - I sit and take AGES to eat the bar

... whilst watching Midsomer Murders... (how can they get away with that in the middle of the day

).. anyway.. I enjoy every morsel fo the bar and THEN I decide that I need to sort out my bureau... so... another hour or so passes before I realise it and then I decide to run a bath. Another pint of water downed and countless trips to the loo already...
I come downstairs and log on here with every intention of saying a few words but then the phone goes and it's my mother. Well,. as I'm feeling a bit grouchy I manage to keep the conversation brief

(best way when worried about saying something that may have many years of being regurgitated at you!!)

I've just spent a very arduous weekend with her and my stick thin gran... won't even BEGIN to tell you how horrendous that was!
I dash upstairs. Bath too full... smells nice though... phone goes again.. Car dealers.. I keep thinking... I wonder if when I am slim if I will be more chilled out about distractions... hope so!
Anyway... I've started to get a real nagger of a headache and have yet another litre of water (I drank 2 at work). I feel a bit nauseaus too.,

but, armed with my little info leaflet about the cambridge, I head upstairs and sink under the bubbles! (I have to be really careful though as I have broken the sealant around the bath

... so can't have any overflow or it is prone to coming down through the kitchen ceiling! (as I found to my cost once!)

I'm quite pleased though as I can actually sit down in my bath now... at my heaviest I couldn't fit in it and was so glad we had a shower!

Oh, and, I think I discovered the origins of the term "bums rush"... I think it's that mini tsunami you get when you have already pulled the plug out whilst jammed into the bath, and then, suddenly lift your ar*e up!
So, I fell asleep

... it was lovely

... had to shower though as well as needed to wash my hair too... so, that all done, I look into the mirror and wonder what my face is going to look like slim

and if I will suddenly get all wrinkly and tired looking... I have a theory that the only reason I don't have many obvious wrinkles is coz me skin is stretched so much!

(never see a timpani drum with ripples on it now do you!?) ... you see, I've
never been a slim adult... when I left school at 16 years old I was 13-14 stone and a size 18-20. I haven't revisited those statistics's too scarey to even think about!
Blimey - I do waffle!

(mmmm waffles... lol)... anyway.. eventually (about 8pm) get downstairs in me pj's and cozy bedsocks! Get myself another pint of water and sit down... remember to call my mate up and she comes around.. we sit and do what we both do best.. TALK...

for the next 2 hours!
I offer her a drink and make my last "meal" of a chocolate mint drink with pint of cold water, and we say our goodnights and I think.. right,..
NOW I can get online and write about today!..
THEN the phone goes and it's my date for Friday evening... now
HE is a dish (well, I think so!) and I am SOOOO excited about the date! lol, it's only our second one but I can already feel me toes tingling (and I'm sure it's NOT varicose veins or cramps!)...
He asks how the diet is going... (he's a member at his local Slimming World)... so I tell him it's great! He lost a pound this week but was happy with that... (I flaming wouldn't be!).. but then, I don't think he's sticking to it... and boy can I relate to that! (NOT now though!!!

) we chat.. as you do...

and when we eventually say goodnight I remember that I was supposed to be back on here and catching up with things!!
So... here I am...

sitting looking SO delightful in my jimmypalmers and odd (1 pink , 1 blue) bedsocks

and thanking God that I got through my 1st day ok!
Still got the headache and feel a bit ikky,

but if I don't think about the ikkiness it will pass!

Also... hair came out loads when I combed it after shower,.. but.. as I have enough hair to stuff a matress.. I'm not worried about it. The headache's not good though..

still... off to bed in a moment and will be asleep (apnea permitting!) and won't feel a thing!
AND... now it's past midnight I'm already into Day 2!!!
(Sorry this is so lengthy... I obviously don't get out enough!)