Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

ahhh radox baths are bliss!

I really needed it too! Gardening is hard hot work! I don't have a huge garden but I do give it a shot and there was plenty to do - and still is, although it looks loads better.

My mother rang this morning (I had rung and left a message on her answerphone)... I had to tell her I was on CD as she told me her microwave was broken and whatever food I planned on taking be sure it didn't need microwaving!! I told her I would borrow one.. lol... am sure she thought I'd totally lost the plot and then she asked me why was I bringing my own food? So I told her.. and her response "Oh no Jennie! Why??" sheesh!! as if she doesn't know why!! FGoodnessS... So I told her, I need to shift my weight and it works! So she huffed and puffed and pouted (trust me, I can HEAR my mother pout) and muttered that we couldn't go out for any meals now! So I told her we could go for a carvery if she wanted to as I can pile up my plate with veg - so she was happy again (I know my mother sooo well! lol)

I am also going to take a couple of choc mint crisp cd bars with me - I know my mum will try and tempt me with other nibbles and I will not give in if I have my own alternative to hand.. so.. veggie stock mix, choc mint crisp bars, soups and choc mint packs WILL be coming with me and I WILL be sticking to it! (Meal on Sunday lunchtime being the exception - but will stick to poultry and greens so no damage will be done). I managed yesterday at the bbq to give the skin off the chicken to the dog and only ate naked salad (undressed)... and have been 100% today so I know I can do the protein and veggie one-off meal thing.

I also know that my house is going to be spotless before I go to mums at the weekend - if only to keep me out of his way and me pre-occupied... I am shattered though... hoping to sleep better tonight... might even take the dog out for a walk before bed... blimey - that'll be a shock to his system!

Well - the soaps have finished on the telly and HWSNBN has turned it off and is outside again polluting the atmosphere (i.e. having a ciggie)... he hasn't spoken to me at all since he got back from the tip - except when I thanked him, and when I offered him a coffee... he replied "that's ok" and "no thanks"... I guess I can't expect anything more really.

I know I will stick to my guns and will move on in time... just a bit low today... not only about situation but also thinking about my lovely friend Lucy who died the day after her wedding day in Feb.. it was supposed to be her big day this coming Saturday... I feel so sad for her hubby - he's gone away on retreat and I think it was wise of him to do so... bless him. Life is so cruel at times.

Right - accounts next and, if energy, may just vacuum upstairs... then again, may just sod off out with the dog or even on me own with my book and camera and just find a peaceful spot to sit in for a bit...

Laters folks xxx
Seriously?? Flippin heck! In that case - yeah Karen - wayyyy too harsh mate!! :eek::eek:

I dont think she meant it like that.. its just a phrase i think DQ used?? was it?? Just basically, allow yourself to wisp for a little time, and then pick yourself up because no one else will type of thing?
Lol no offence meant ya nutter!! Just want you to stop giving yourself such a hard time that's all - we all wisp now and again and it's good in small doses xxx
well, I was so glad to go to bed last night it's just ridiculous!

I got into whirling dervish mode with the vacuum cleaner (can never remember how to spell vacuum... although looks like I got it right this time as no red wiggly line..) anyway,.. decided to do the landing (it's only a tiny landing so no biggie) and as I did HWSNBN yelled upstairs.. I peered over the banister and he said for me to leave it and he will do it in the morning - it was (as it always seems to be) too late, I was on the last inch.. lol so I told him (nicely) that it was ok, I was nearly done but thank you.

I took the vac downstairs and he went back up to carry on shooting folks on his war game. Once downstairs that was it! Bit between the teeth and it was my very own war on dust and messiness! lol

I hoovered (cop out) the living room floor and rug to within an inch of their lives and polished and dusted too. I was a real pucker cushion plumper! The kitchen and dining room floors didn't get off lightly either and before long I had worked up quite a sweat!

I was so close to getting the mop and bucket out I can't tell ya! I resisted though - my foot and iffy leg were beginning to have a moan and it was heading for 9pm so I decided to stop (after loading the dishwasher and cleaning (again) all the worktops... must be nearly TOTM as these are classic "nesting" behaviours! lol

HWSNBN appeared as if by magic (a la Mr Ben stylie) at the kitchen door and with a very pained expression said "I told you I would do that in the morning!" ... I was flummoxed! Erm, noo, you said you would do the landing in the morning... "Oh, well I meant all the hoovering.. not just the landing"... so I just smiled and laughed and said it was ok, I had got it wrong and misunderstood, sorry, but hey, all done now so that's ok.

I don't think he was ready for that... still, the moment passed, the hangdog expression continued and down he sat for the rest of the night in front of the telly..

I made my final pack of the day and went to bed - he actually said goodnight so that's a start..

I had a rotten night again - damn dog woke me to go out at 2am and 5am... and I had weird dreams... but hey ho... soon be Friday and I will have peace... and on Sunday... food! lol

Am feeling a lot brighter today, I still think he will move out, but he hasn't said what he's going to do.. I know he will moan at me as I put the rubbish out this morning and he did say he would do it - the trouble is, he has said that before and then NOT done it, so now, if it isn't out before I leave for work, I put it out.

No idea how he will spend his day today, and to be honest, it's not my business any more. I am off to meet my lovely friend Linda for lunch (spicy tomato soup and my own mug already in my bag ready and waiting) and then I have an afternoon of sorting out my bedroom planned! (unless weather changes and I decide to go out on Hattie)..

Also hoping to meet my younger daughter as she has some problems with her chap at the moment (cannot say any more than that) and she also has all my summer clothes and I want them back! lol

So - happy Tuesday all! xxx
Step by step, day by day it'll get easier..... that's the HWSNBN situation. I can feel the joy from you as you think about the weekend.... roll on Sunday huh? :D

Hope you have a good day xx
Step by step, day by day it'll get easier..... that's the HWSNBN situation. I can feel the joy from you as you think about the weekend.... roll on Sunday huh? :D

Hope you have a good day xx

Roll on Friday to be honest... will be glad to take my dog and me off out of the tension and into a more peaceful environment...

Nearly forgot - weigh in tomorrow! A day early as I have a hospital appointment up in Leicester on Thursday with the chappie who did my surgery (he has to re-do some of it as mucked it up)... so am looking forward to telling him how much I have lost and will have lost by the new year when I am hoping he will pencil me in for the next op... will be good to have a definitive goal (timewise) as it will help keep me focussed on shifting the weight and getting my house in order too... also need to crack on with ebaying stuff for my other surgical needs that will appear in 2012... although anticipate that op being at the end of 2012 or even in 2013... but it WILL happen and I WILL be properly sorted out!

2013 isn't that far off really, and, in the November, I shall be celebrating my half-century so... goal is to be all done, dusted and sorted by the summer of 2013 so that in the winter I can be a fit and fab 50! lol

It's good to have dreams... lol lol lol xx
Roll on Friday to be honest... will be glad to take my dog and me off out of the tension and into a more peaceful environment...

Nearly forgot - weigh in tomorrow! A day early as I have a hospital appointment up in Leicester on Thursday with the chappie who did my surgery (he has to re-do some of it as mucked it up)... so am looking forward to telling him how much I have lost and will have lost by the new year when I am hoping he will pencil me in for the next op... will be good to have a definitive goal (timewise) as it will help keep me focussed on shifting the weight and getting my house in order too... also need to crack on with ebaying stuff for my other surgical needs that will appear in 2012... although anticipate that op being at the end of 2012 or even in 2013... but it WILL happen and I WILL be properly sorted out!

2013 isn't that far off really, and, in the November, I shall be celebrating my half-century so... goal is to be all done, dusted and sorted by the summer of 2013 so that in the winter I can be a fit and fab 50! lol

It's good to have dreams... lol lol lol xx

Good luck with the doctor. Its good to have short and long term plans, I reward myself with a treat every time I reach a goal.
I am sure you will go into your fifties fit , fab and hot !!:D
I have come back from weigh in (a day earlier than usual to make me free for tomorrow's hospital appointment).. and am utterly stunned. 6lbs off this week! I had to look and check but she's right... and only another 2lbs 'til I am down into the next "stone" and 4lbs to total of 4stone.. I think my body must like me having the occassional meal! Just as well as I am already looking forward to Sunday's carvery! lol

HWSNBN is still very tearful and sad... and he hasn't eaten a meal since his return Sunday (at least, not in this house - he may well have been to a cafe...) but I did notice a box of 12 Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the utility room this morning which have now gone...

He asked me yesterday if I was ok for money to go to mums this weekend and I said I was, he knows that's not true but I won't say anything else except "it's fine, will be ok".. he asked if he could give me some money and I said no thank you.

I got back this afternoon and there's an envelope with cash in with a note on it saying "just want to be sure you are ok for the weekend. xxx" I've told him I cannot accept it and he says I have to as, if I don't he will put it into my bank account!

I am tired.

Supposed to be going to see my friend Annee this afternoon and was going on Hattie but there are very dark clouds and I just want to go to sleep so I'll go in the car. I am still looking forward to Friday and getting away. Not packed yet, but I have begun to sort out a few bits.. and I bought a couple of cheap books at the charity shop yesterday which I know I will get chance to read so am looking forward to that too!

Right - must get on... spent all yesterday evening sorting out my bedroom as much as I could.. well, one side of it... still to sort out the other side - mainly clothes! I have a big pile of things to sell on ebay but need to work out postage costs and descriptions and think it will take me a fair bit of time to sort that lot out and then will whack them on in one big hit!

Clothes and chefs clothing mainly.. found some clothes that I can now fit into again which is really really nice... so will be keeping them (for now)... lol

6lbs.. still amazed... so pleased.. hope all having great day xx
Well done thats a great loss can almost see you smiling from here well done you deserve it hun :)
Hope you have a lovely afternoon visiting your friend keep up the amazing work xx
Another great loss, Jennie.

Well Done!!!!

Pam xxx
Fantastic result honey, well done you, especially with all thats been going on. Hope you had a lovely afternoon x x
Fabulous result Jennie:D
jennies letting me into her secret

it involves surgical removal of limbs

aaaahhhhh - now it makes sense! lol

why are we so pleasantly surprised - halves is not a term that jennie knows of !

(as in does things by ..........)