am so stressed out it's unbelievable!
Utterly exhausted when I got up yesterday, picked up mum's best mate and drove down to see her... she looks pretty rough and, I thought, a bit yellow but that could be the lighting, my imagination etc etc...
Mum seemed pleased to see us but even more so when my sister came back in the afternoon!
She's in bed all the time now - because she cannot manage the stairs - I am worried she will very fast slip into "dependant invalid" mode if she's not careful... I told her I felt she would feel better if she washed and dressed and sat on top of her bed rather than in it in her nightie all day... my sister and her mate poo-pooed this and just said it was what was best for my mum right now. I can kinda see what they are saying but at the same time I know the psychology... and I know the dangers....
Hey ho. Mum is going to hospital tomorrow to have some kind of scan - no-one (not my mum nor sis) seems to know exactly WHAT kind of scan... I do wish they would ask and write things down!!!
So, hopefully we will know more tomorrow... I dunno... I tried to talk to sis but we didn't really get chance and I am worried about her too... she hasn't slept either... lack of sleep is dreadful... I cannot function without it...
I had a massive row with my elder daughter just now... she rang me at 1am this morning to let me know there were riots in Liverpool but she's ok. I am, of course, relieved to know this, however, having only had 1 hour max of sleep by then I was a bit peeved at being woken up to be told all was well, when, I had no idea there were any problems in Liverpool!!! I thanked her for telling me but asked her not to call me in the middle of the night again unless an absolute emergency.
She said I was selfish., and that any mother who had a child in a troubled area wouldn't mind being called no matter what time, and did I think I was the only one who was tired!!
She said that she hadn't slept because "my city is burning down" to which I told her not to be so melodramatic!! FFS - what can I DO at 1am if she has a problem 100's of miles away!!! I said I DO care and I DO want to know she's ok, but in the morning!!! I NEEEED sleep... she said I was being selfish and then I lost the plot and screamed down the phone at her "MY MOTHER COULD BE DYING AND YOU THINK I AM SELFISH BECAUSE I NEED SLEEP TO FUNCTION AND COPE WITH IT ALL????" and then I hung up on her....
I cannot deal with this... I worry for her and about her but she is 24yrs old, can get out of Liverpool if she's that worried... and can text me to let me know she is ok... and if NOT ok then yes, get someone to tell me, BUT, if it's not life-threatening then it can damn well wait until after 6am!!
So there we are - selfish daughter (according to sis) and selfish mother (according to daughter)... wonderful... really makes me love my family!