gosh it's quiet on here... lol sorry if I've killed off any kind of conversation.. but I know it's hard to know what (if anything) to say at such times as these... so it's ok to just be as "normal" (although I don't think I have EVER been that!) as possible..
had a nod off this afternoon which is why I am awake now and downstairs in the living room watching telly. HWSNBN is very upset about my mum and he cried when I told him what I anticipate will happen ... I haven't cried since I got home., but then, I know as soon as I speak to some of my friends that I probably shall..
Glad that sis and I have "cleared the air" a bit, and I have had some lovely message exchanges with my daughters... as always.. we gather together when we need to be strong.. my poor girls have been through so much in their lives... this is going to be a really tough time for them... as for my sis... she has her kids and her fiancee to support her, although I am here for her too... but I am sure she will lean on her friends too..
I knew yesterday that I would find out things if I went down there, in some ways I wish I had gone sooner but it would only have saved my frustrations... nothing else.. Wednesday is not going to go down in my diary as the best day of the year.. but probably it will be the most memorable.. I cannot begin to imagine what's going through my mum's mind... my sister is a wreck at the moment, but then, she hasn't really really thought as I have... she has been a bit of an ostrich - a great coping strategy, but, sadly, it cannot be indefinite... so.. I feel really sorry for her as I think she is about a week behind me on the emotions front and that means it's going to be a veryvery tough time for her ...
Mum rang and said she had a nap and is feeling very very tired... but is glad to be home and managed to get up the stairs and down again.. but it took all her energy... it's so unlike her... she has always been so active, walking miles each day.. driving... fetching and carrying... she's a do-er, she's on so many committees etc... I don't envy her the task of facing folks when they know what's what... it's going to be utterly draining for her... bless her... I wish I could ease her burdens... and, if she will allow me, I shall do everything I can.. but, she is terribly stubborn (hmmm, wonder who that reminds me of...) so will be superbly independent for as long as possible, which will be a very positive thing for her... although I am not sure how much fight she has left in her... she was so rough last week she told my sis she wanted to die... Here's hoping she doesn't feel that way too often, although I suspect she will... and it will be normal for her to do so..
It's weird... as we were joking on holiday about euthanasia... and flying out to Switzerland etc etc... hope she's forgotten that conversation !!!!! I don't fancy that kind of trip with her! Although, I have to say, if it was what she wanted, I wouldn't hesitate to support her decisions... at the end of the day, this is her life, her body and her decision...
I love my mum so so much, I just really hope she knows that... it's going to be tough methinks... but we will cope... because we have to.
So, tomorrow I may go out on Hattie and see some biking mates... get some fresh air, might do some baking too... but have to do something to recharge my "happy" batteries...
waffle...waffle... waffle...