Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hugs from Somerset too honey x
what bike do you ride?? We all ride off road oh and 3 boys all do enduros and trials! Me being overweight well I'm the camera man!!
May seem a silly question and ignore if you like but why do you refer to oh with all the letters! (being dim I don't know what it stands for!!) xxx hope your ok x
Hugs from Somerset too honey x
what bike do you ride?? We all ride off road oh and 3 boys all do enduros and trials! Me being overweight well I'm the camera man!!
May seem a silly question and ignore if you like but why do you refer to oh with all the letters! (being dim I don't know what it stands for!!) xxx hope your ok x

Ok... well, firstly, welcome to my mad world!

Secondly - he's not my oh! The initials stand for HeWhoShallNotBeNamed... because I can't think of a nickname for him... lol He WAS my oh but is just a lodger in my house now in his own rooms .. perhaps I will think of another acronym for him but not at the moment..

My bike is a 600cc Honda Hornet (I also have an old 250cc Honda but neglect her terribly at the moment).


So, today... awoke at 5.45am so now, here I am at just gone 8am and I've baked 50 fairy cakes and a batch of ginger biscuit mix which is chilling in the fridge... the ginger biscuit recipe is my nana's (mum's mum) and I am hoping that they work out ok so that when I take a tin of them for her on Wednesday that she will enjoy them (she loves ginger) and it may also make her remember some happier days..

I slept fitfully but had another mad dream! lol I dreamt that I was in a car with my mum and dad - dad was driving - and I needed to report something to the police but when I got there instead I asked for an application form to do an accelerated course to be a detective! lol lol Whilst in the waiting area I was chatted up by a drunk who then wanted to walk me home.. we walked back but I was barefoot as my shoes were in the back of the car???

So... lol... I walked barefoot and then came across the car in the church carpark (not a church I recognise) and when I went in there was a scooter meeting where a big screen was showing a race film, lol, and my parents were at the back and came out as soon as they saw us... HWSNBN was with them and when we came out he walked out to me and put his arm around me and the guy who chatted me up left, then HWSNBN skulked off into the darkness... I was peeved to say the least! lol

Have a feeling that I am perhaps a bit concerned that HWSNBN will "cramp my style" when and if I ever find myself "involved" again!

I know it's mean but I was thinking too... when the time comes... I shall want him to move out... I won't want him here.. I won't be able to cope with him too... he will make things so much tougher... I may even sit him down and say to him, that, when that time comes, if he is still living here as a lodger I will want him to go and stay at his mothers for a while to give me space to do what I need to... I know that will upset him but to be honest, he will upset me more by being here and I AM going to be immensely selfish "after"..

Sorry, shouldn't really talk like that but perhaps Wednesday will focus my thoughts and I may end up making some very major decisions.. and.. (take note my lovely HopeSprings)... I may well tell HWSNBN to eff off! lol

It will depend on what I need to do to cope.. selfish mare eh... lol

Right - time to decorate the cakes and then I AM going out on Hattie!! Wooohoooo! Not sure where, HWSNBN has gone out until this eve (whooppeeeeee) and a group of my pals are riding to the Bike Museum in Birmingham so I may well just tootle on up there (with a topbox full of cakes) and meet them there! :D:D:D

Thank you to the wonderful friend I rang late last night and offloaded to and got fabulous advice from - I was really peeved though as HWSNBN came upstairs to deliberately listen in!! (He was watching a film until I went to bed and made the phonecall!!) Nosey sod... bet he thinks it was to a bloke... lmao lmao

Right... laters! xx
Big snuggles sweetie..... Try to stop living what will happen when or if something happens with your mam.... its a waste of energy right now cos as you say yourself you won't know how you will react until you hear what the docs say on Wednesday. Do prepare yourself for the worst but try to stop living it out cos what you think you will do or need may be very different to what you actually do need. Don't know if that makes sense but you know I'm here for ya if you need me :D:D xxxxxxx
Mornin FFnF,
I have never got around to telling you i had a bike once, many years ago, before i could drive, i wrote it off on my maiden voyage lol i think it was a honda 50cc, just a little one, the kind you have to pedal like hell to start it (which in itself was an achievement because i had never learned to ride a bike as a child) i got it 2nd hand for 30 quid and it came with a one of those crash helmets with a strap under the chin and a wee skip on the front and a bright yellow poncho, for a little wee bike it made a lot of noise a bit like a very angry petrol lawn mower, it didnt go faster than about 30mph, (maybe 35 if going downhill in a strong wind) anyway... skidded in some horse poo about 15 miles from and broke off a pedal and skint my knee and that was the end of my biker chick days!
Have a good day hun:)
Ps i lost 2lb:happy036:
Big snuggles sweetie..... Try to stop living what will happen when or if something happens with your mam.... its a waste of energy right now cos as you say yourself you won't know how you will react until you hear what the docs say on Wednesday. Do prepare yourself for the worst but try to stop living it out cos what you think you will do or need may be very different to what you actually do need. Don't know if that makes sense but you know I'm here for ya if you need me :D:D xxxxxxx
It kinda makes sense but that's just how my brain works... I am always looking ahead.. thinking of all the options etc... sorry.. don't think that's going to change anytime soon, lol...

Thanks for the big snuggles though - really appreciated xx
What a day today has been... just for a few hours it was fun.. it was filled with friends and sunshine and motorbikes and laughter... only 1 person there on the rideout to the museum knows about mum and he very briefly touched on the subject.

I rode on the motorway for the very first time and I have to say, I quite liked it! lol I went a teensy weensy bit quicker than I thought I would but still only in double figures, not triple... in fact.. nowhere near! lol

I thought I was lost at one point but I wasn't, I'd merely run out of the right signposts! lol lol

It was lovely to see the guys,.. 3 I knew, 1 I didn't, but do now... I took a box of cakes in the topbox with me and handed them 'round when they arrived and had their first coffees.. also gave some to the Harley Davidson riders who were there before my lot showed up.. lol Nice bunch..

Had a call from mum, I only spoke to her last night.. and I couldn't get to mobile fast enough and she left her usual "it's only mum, keeping in touch" accusatory message.. lol lol I did chuckle... rang her back and she wanted to know where something was... so I reminded her and had a brief natter.. then rang younger daughter to tell her about the "just keeping in touch" comment... she laughed too.. it's a bit of a standing joke... lol my nana used to say it all the time too...

Sis knew where I was and what I was doing today and... you guessed it.. texted me to tell me that SHE felt sick and that mum is now complaining about a pain under her arm - the same arm she had lymph nodes out of when she had her breast cancer op.. doesn't bode well... mum becoming less settled now too... I am sure this will worsen as Wednesday approaches, and if it does, I am going to call the consultants secretary and ask to speak to him before he tells mum (and us) the news...

Bless her, she sounds terrified... natural enough though.. I would be too! She's an intelligent woman and so far has not had things "officially" confirmed... Wednesday is going to be a very hard day for her... she will need all her courage and strength just to go to the appointment...if she cannot face it I shall offer to go on her behalf and I will report back to her upon my return... if mum can't face it.. I shall..

I worry about sis too... if she is getting sick then she cannot and must not stay with mum as her (mums) immune system will be at rock bottom...

So... am going to pack a bag (like I did when I was pregnant) and am going to keep it in the boot of the car, along with a whole load of cd packs (already asked cdc for extras this week just in case..) and so I will be ready at a moments notice to just up and off!

I have done lots today - washing in machine now, cakes all baked, decorated and lots eaten by the guys on the rideout, some saved for mum and some for HWSNBN, dishwasher done and emptied too, and Hattie locked up for the night... me all showered, so, just got to get my "emergency stayaway bag" packed and ready and I can relax for a while before heading to bed I think..
can't remember last night's dreams... woke early and decided to head into the office early... just needed to get out of the house and away form HWSNBN's well-intentioned "I am here for you" "You know you can lean on me" "You may not want my comfort but it's here for you" constant comments....

I could scream with the way I feel right now... I am thinking of asking him to take the dog and go to his mothers... I need head space... I am spending more and more time in MY bedroom just to avoid his sorrowful looks and pitying comments.. and it's NOT good..

Sorry to sound so selfish, but I really wish he wasn't in the house right now, I feel like I cannot breathe... I wanted to cry last night but I couldn't because I knew if I did he would come in and try to comfort me and touch my arm etc and I DON'T WANT HIM TO!!!

HE needs comforting, HE needs to cry, HE needs to get HIS emotions out.. and I just cannot give him anything of me... I need it all for myself and my family... he is adding to my stress not lessening it...

Sorry, I am a mean, selfish cow, but that's the truth of it... he mopes around the house doing sod all all day with a face like a smacked ar$e and is constantly telling me how worried he is about me, how he's there for me, I feel like getting a t-shirt that reads "YES! I KNOW YOU ARE HERE FOR ME! NOW LEAVE ME THE F%$K ALONE!!"

Sorry - sorry... sitting in office in tears... blah blah blahdy blah... can't cry at home so will do it in the orifice instead...

Need to get a grip and focus on work "list" ... think mebbe BBCiplayer and some music is in order!

Rode Hattie to work this morning, packed a soup so I can go out this afternoon after work and just chill out for a bit... avoiding going home really... not good considering it is MY house...but if this is what it's going to take to keep me relatively sane then so be it...

Deep breaths, nose blown, music on...
....coping mechanisms kicked in.....

My heart goes out to you my lovely.... and in an attempt to put a smile on your face....

I'm here for you :p

Big hugs xxx
off out on Hattie for a ride to wherever... don't want to go home to Mr Misery ... got all decisive and am now staying at mums from Weds thro' Sunday so Sis can go home for a rest.. and I get to see mum for a good block of time.. have offered to sleep on sofa if sis wants to stay too.. but easier for her to go home than for me to... her choice. I'm not going to be bullied out of spending time with mum by ANYONE!

More tears... more internet searching... all bad stuff though.. was hoping for a teensy chink of light but nope, it's switched off at the mains.. lol

Catch up later - weigh in tomorrow now... and nurse too... then all set for Wednesday... will take laptop with me and some work... going to do whatever it takes and whatever mum wants.. and IF she wants me to go home, I shall, but otherwise I'm stopping 'til Sunday..

Hattie's getting impatient and I need fresh air and some nature appreciation!

Enjoy a good blow through the wind on hattie , I think she's your saving grace , your hold on sanity at the moment . You need some time just to you where you can do & think all you need without interuption .
Tbh I think your mum will be better off with you there than your sis this week . Your no nonsence approach will get her further than your sisters head in the sand emotional approach .
Tons of love Xxxxx
thanks all.... had a faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous ride on Hattie - didn't get in until 6pm! I rode to my friend's house and she was ironing so I told her to get her gear on and come out for a ride.. she did! She has 2 bikes too. She chose the 600 Honda that she has and we went for a lovely long ride to a coffee shop in St Neots. We sat in the sunshine and I told her about mum - my friend lost her husband the day before my stepdad died... he (her hubby) was also a great friend and it was devastating... she's such a lovely person and our friendship has grown stronger in the last couple of years than ever... she was lovely today too when I told her. She is very straight about such things too, her hubby died of leukaemia. He'd had it for years. If you didn't know, you wouldn't have known... fantastic fella.

Anyway - we sat in the sunshine and enjoyed the afternoon.. rode back here and Mr Misery looked even more miserable than ever! He straight away said "are you ok? I was worried about you".. I wouldn't mind but I had texted him earlier to say I was going out and would see him later... I know he's worried but honestly, I am NOT his responsiblity! I shouldn't have to "report in" to him...

Anyway - worries alleviated and I gave my friend a tour of the house.. funny how busy lives involving bikes mean you rarely get to see your friends homes... lol If I can't go to Cornwall next week then she has said I can go to her place for a week... it's actually a tad closer to mums than here, but more importantly, it's not here!

Nearly fell over when Mr Misery said he was going to take the dog and go to his mother's whilst I was away!!! Argh!!! Why can he not be here when I am not??? It's bizarre!! I would much rather that he went off there when I get back! lol Still... clearly the ONLY reason he wants to be here is because I am!! *sigh* It would be flattering but instead it's just downright weird!!

So when it was time for my friend to go home I offered to show her the way.. on Hattie of course.. lol so off out for another ride! yippeeeeeee

My Hattie-ometer is getting nicely topped up! lol

She IS my saving grace for definite... and when I spoke to mum tonight sis had told her I was staying and mum's response was utter delight and "it will mean your sister can have a hard-earned break"... give me strength!! All she has to do is a be with mum for a few days and run some errands... sorry but it makes me cross... Saint Sister the Great!! Blah! lol

I made mum laugh with a dreadful joke about her constipation.. I told her she didn't need a rectal examination, she just needed an accountant... because they work things out with a pencil....
Well, the day is fast approaching and I was up before even the sparrow's began to fart! 4am and I was up, dressed, and have done all my washing, kitchen, dishwasher, bike club merchandise orders, general tidy up, bins out ready for collection and in the office an hour before official start time. Can't bear to be near Mr Misery right now.

When I got up to go to the loo he got up too! Came and stood outside the bathroom door and asked if I was ok!?? FFS!! I was having a wee!!!!

I swear, if he doesn't leave me alone I'm going to kick him out... he really is in my face ALL the time. I told him, quite brusquely I'm afraid that YES, I AM ok... just needed the loo and NO need for him to get up!

I was glad that he went back to bed... I didn't... I headed downstairs and got stuck in to my list for today. Unfortunately he came down around 6.15am (he NEVER gets up that early) and kind of loitered... looking miserable... so I carried on pottering around and then came to work... had he stayed in bed I'd still be doing stuff in the house!

It is really hard not to snap at him right now, so, best course of action is to extricate myself from stressful situation. As I left I told him my friend D was coming up from Luton today and she'll be at the house for 1pm... he said he will make himself scarce and I said ok and left. I can't be doing with him and his pity and pitiful looks and comments right now... little wonder his mother sent him packing when his father was ill.... he is neither use nor ornament! Rant rant rant...

Sis sent me text telling me she has friends in high places in the NHS and is going to complain about the hospital... I know they made a few mistakes but nothing that would change the situation... and getting all fired up about it is just wasting energy and emotion, but, if that's how she will cope then fair dos. She also said SHE is going to sort out what mum needs etc... with her friends! I pointed out that I am actually pretty adept at organising and sorting things out and perhaps we should wait and discuss what mum's needs are and then go from there... wrong thing to say... yet again... I cannot let her bulldoze me and mum this way though... after tomorrow I am going to suggest we each take responsibility for specific aspects of the next steps... that way she can get on with her bits and me with mine... if she'll let me.. lol

I am so glad I am going to stay with mum... she is too... I think Jacqui is wonderful but is in a different head state to me (perhaps it's the drugs I am on or perhaps its because I have Faith and she doesn't)... I am going to see if I can encourage mum to be as independent as possible... otherwise I KNOW she will very swiftly and very "happily" slip into "dependent patient" mode... it's already happening... she hasn't even tried to make herself a cup of tea yet! Sorry - but if you knew how well she is apart from her mobility then you would know how mad that seems to me... if she can now manage to get up and down stairs, I am sure she can flick on a kettle and make a brew,,.... learned helplessness ? weariness? acceptance of limitations? I dunno...but... when I am there we shall see just how much she is a) able to do and b) prepared to TRY to do... I would like to see just a flicker of fight in the old gal... a lot to ask, I know... but still... maybe she will after tomorrow...

Time, as they say, will tell... weigh in this evening, nurse this afternoon (dread what BP will be like, lol)... and baking the ginger biscuits and possibly baking a cake for her too...

Looking forward to seeing my friend D... been too long... xxx
oh Jennie, just got back and spent last hour catching up - so sorry to see whats happening.

You are one incredibly strong person and I take my hat off to you and the way you are coping - thanks heavens for the hattie medicine eh?

It is difficult to know what to say - but all I CAN say is that I feel for you and feel with you (if that makes any sense! LOL)

Hugs xxx