Hugs from Somerset too honey x
what bike do you ride?? We all ride off road oh and 3 boys all do enduros and trials! Me being overweight well I'm the camera man!!
May seem a silly question and ignore if you like but why do you refer to oh with all the letters! (being dim I don't know what it stands for!!) xxx hope your ok x
Ok... well, firstly, welcome to my mad world!
Secondly - he's not my oh! The initials stand for HeWhoShallNotBeNamed... because I can't think of a nickname for him... lol He WAS my oh but is just a lodger in my house now in his own rooms .. perhaps I will think of another acronym for him but not at the moment..
My bike is a 600cc Honda Hornet (I also have an old 250cc Honda but neglect her terribly at the moment).
So, today... awoke at 5.45am so now, here I am at just gone 8am and I've baked 50 fairy cakes and a batch of ginger biscuit mix which is chilling in the fridge... the ginger biscuit recipe is my nana's (mum's mum) and I am hoping that they work out ok so that when I take a tin of them for her on Wednesday that she will enjoy them (she loves ginger) and it may also make her remember some happier days..
I slept fitfully but had another mad dream! lol I dreamt that I was in a car with my mum and dad - dad was driving - and I needed to report something to the police but when I got there instead I asked for an application form to do an accelerated course to be a detective! lol lol Whilst in the waiting area I was chatted up by a drunk who then wanted to walk me home.. we walked back but I was barefoot as my shoes were in the back of the car???
So... lol... I walked barefoot and then came across the car in the church carpark (not a church I recognise) and when I went in there was a scooter meeting where a big screen was showing a race film, lol, and my parents were at the back and came out as soon as they saw us... HWSNBN was with them and when we came out he walked out to me and put his arm around me and the guy who chatted me up left, then HWSNBN skulked off into the darkness... I was peeved to say the least! lol
Have a feeling that I am perhaps a bit concerned that HWSNBN will "cramp my style" when and if I ever find myself "involved" again!
I know it's mean but I was thinking too... when the time comes... I shall want him to move out... I won't want him here.. I won't be able to cope with him too... he will make things so much tougher... I may even sit him down and say to him, that, when that time comes, if he is still living here as a lodger I will want him to go and stay at his mothers for a while to give me space to do what I need to... I know that will upset him but to be honest, he will upset me more by being here and I AM going to be immensely selfish "after"..
Sorry, shouldn't really talk like that but perhaps Wednesday will focus my thoughts and I may end up making some very major decisions.. and.. (take note my lovely HopeSprings)... I may well tell HWSNBN to eff off! lol
It will depend on what
I need to do to cope.. selfish mare eh... lol
Right - time to decorate the cakes and then I AM going out on Hattie!! Wooohoooo! Not sure where, HWSNBN has gone out until this eve (whooppeeeeee) and a group of my pals are riding to the Bike Museum in Birmingham so I may well just tootle on up there (with a topbox full of cakes) and meet them there!

Thank you to the wonderful friend I rang late last night and offloaded to and got fabulous advice from - I was really peeved though as HWSNBN came upstairs to deliberately listen in!! (He was watching a film until I went to bed and made the phonecall!!) Nosey sod... bet he thinks it was to a bloke... lmao lmao
Right... laters! xx