Monday afternoon - still at work. Read all your comments and sat here with floods of tears.

Thank you.

I just hate feeling this way.. I wish I didn't still get so damned upset about it all.
I know you are right.. and yet... it just seems like it was yesterday that it all happened.. all the hurt... the shock... the physical pain and emotion of it all.. I don't want to remember but in a bizarre way I think I need to. I need to to know that it DID happen and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change that, there never has been. All I can do is impact on what happens next.. not on anything already gone..
My head is telling me all the logical stuff yet my heart is still breaking. He is remarried, baby on the way, happy ( I guess) in his new life having discarded me and the girls as his old life. (He once told me that - when I was trying to sort out all the finances etc.. that I was sorting out the old life! I soon put him right and said it might be his old life but it was still very much my present life and that of the girls too!). How easy it seems to have been for him to forget all about us and all the good years we had...
I want to eat, so much, there is half a shepherds pie in the fridge, baguettes in the cupboard, lemon and sultana biscuits in the larder unit, money in my purse which I could buy cakes with.. *sigh.. God this is
so hard!
I won't give in though.. he will not beat me! HE has no hold over me! I choose not to give up! I have always been an emotional eater.. but you know... if I eat now I know I won't be able to face the move into ketosis ever again.. ever! It was too hard and too physically painful. I think I'll go and walk around the lakes again for half an hour.. don't care if it is raining... just need quiet time. Tears time without food. Too easy to cheat at home.
It isn't even hunger.. it's just habit.. it's just emotions...
Sorry, I know you're right Cah-Ching... but I can't celerate tomorrow.. the date is seared into my heart just as real as if it was branded there with a hot iron. I will do something positive though. Dunno what. Not food shopping though. Thank you though, your message was lovely.. (waiting with interest the pm about Eric).
Not thought of him today.. haven't contacted him. He is going to end up a lonely old man I think. That said, I don't think he will grow old as he is diabetic, has high cholesterol which he refuses to take medication for, has little or no sleep, is obese and is doing nothing to improve his health and is crap at relationships. Not looking good for him eh?
Got an appointment at the Drs with the Nurse at about 2. BP & weigh in. Hopefully will get referral to gym, if so then I will go there and join tomorrow! That's my positive thing to do! If not then I might just do it anyway.. will have to do something and soon, my arms are already like batwings and I know they will need surgery... might make an appointment with GP to discuss that now.. once the rest of this weight goes they will be horrendous.. I am still doing the weights but that doesn't seem to do much good.
Caught sight of my thighs the other day.. not good.. but you know what.. as no-one but me sees them it doesn't matter at the moment.. but.. I can see it having an impact on how I feel about my body if I let it. I need to get my head into some positive thoughts and maybe read some motivational stuff... I met a lovely lady on the Cruise ship who is a motivational writer and speaker.. might drop her an email and see if she fancies a house guest late in next year? (Australian so would have to be once I get a decent paying job!).
Still to have that chat with the boss.. due in tomorrow now.. don't want to have it now.. especially not tomorrow.. need to think about that.
Right.. am going for my trudge around the lakes.. hopefully the rain will stay off but if not, well, I have skin!
Thanks for all your kind words and hugs.. they do make a difference.
Wish it was next year already.... I don't think the temptation is related to Christmas though... just emotions and the fact that it's been 2 months now and I miss food. Oh well... soon be 2007 and I can look forward to going out and about a bit.. then take it a bit easier from summer onwards..
Taking another look at the jobs pages again this afternoon... once Zoe and I have put everything back up in the loft I'm going to get an early night.. read my book.. hopefully sleep a bit better than last night... jeez.,, I need to cheer up! I'm a right old moaning minnie today! Weigh in with Ailsa tomorrow - so am looking forward to a better result than last week! (Don't think that has helped with my feelings this week)... I'm hoping to be close to the weight I was over 10 years ago when I married the ex... not saying how much that is but will let you know when I get there!
Thanks again ladies.. xxx