Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hi jennie-
Just to echo all the messages-
TOTM definitely plays a big role- and you've still lost inches. Scales are just a number-it's fat loss that matters and you're doing absolutely, amazingly brilliant. I could tell from the beginning of your diary that you were totally determined and were going to do great, and you have and are (as well as keeping us entertained along the way!).
Hecky thumps! Just seen the gallery pictures- how different and how great you look!
Kate F,

The pictures do not do her justice .... she has gorgeous long hair and she herself is gorgeous inside and out.
Feeling a bit sheepish now... you've all said such lovely and encouraging things! I'm still in an odd place mood-wise... in part due to the appaling weight loss, in part due to TOTM looming and also in part to tonights hospital stay. I can't begin to tell you how much I do NOT want to go... I thought of all kinds of excuses I could ring and use... but at the end of the day I have to do this. I have to go, alone, to a hospital I've never been to in a city I've never driven to for a treatment I don't want and to be watched and possibly videoed all night (which I hate the very thought of) to then come home with an horrendous contraption, which, if I don't use in the time between taking it home and the follow up appointment, will be taken off me and my name struck off for treatment..and all because my stupid sleep pattern shows I have OSA. I hate it! I hate all of it, I hate the taking myself, the bringing myself home in the morning, the having no one to cuddle me and tell me it's all ok and to love and hug me when its over...

I have been a stroppy mare ALL day... you don't even want to know what I did outside the bank!!

Well... maybe you might... after work I had to go and bank my wages cheque. My bank doesn't have a branch in the town I live in but there are 2 in the town I work in.. so off I set in the car to go to the bank. Got to the branch I always go to and a third of the parking was taken up with 2 road cones and a bliddy sign saying apologies for any inconvenience from some agency or another ... 10 feet up the road they were digging a hole!!! I was at the front of a queue of traffic, the high street is a one way street... so you get the scene... me - still being an ar$ey mare... stops me car... jumps out, well , struggles out coz whilst at Ailsa's last night I somehow managed to twist my knee!!... so I'm out of the car, apologised to the guy behind me and I simply picked up the cones and put them on the pavement and then moved the apology sign... got back in the car and parked up! I was so furious I couldn't have cared less! There was still a massive gap between me, the end of the parking bay and the fenced of work hole (unmanned I hasten to add!). I hobbled into the bank and paid in my cheque. Back in the car and did the offski - all in 5 minutes! Felt very empowered all of a sudden and that I had done something that was good and meant I had taken action!

Silly I know, but I must admit I did grin as I drove away (leaving the sign and cones on the pavement so someone else could park in the new space!)

My diary for yesterday and today is going to have to wait really... not in the mood right now and also have to go and pack an overnight bag.. NOT taking PJ's... taking trakky bottoms, bed socks, 2 t-shirts and clean undies and socks and top for the morning.. plus toiletries of course... am wondering what will happen if I want to get up for a wee in the night!!!???? Will I have to buzz someone and ask for permission? Should I just bust a gut? Should I wet their damn bed! (yeww... no, not an option)... but honestly, it bothers me... I often get up for a wee as I drink so much water! This means too I have to have my late night muffin (sounds like the title of a porn film!) before I go!

Will take my book but not sure how I'm supposed to read when I'll be impersonating the elephant man.. and... will I be able to sleep on my side like I always do... and will I have enough pillows... and will they have a leccy blanky!? (I know the answer to that one already...).. will I have me own bathroom or will I have to trudge to some communal effort.. I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Pouting, somewhat surprisingly, doesn't seem to help that much really ... and I know, no matter how much I gripe and grumble, I just have to get on an do this... I know there are much worse things.. but right now, this is pretty bad to me.. not helped by the buggered knee and still simpering foot! (looks like Friday night clubbing with my sister is off the calendar now...).

Having a major rethink on the "Eric" front too... I think that if and when I see him on the 23rd I shall give him his Christmas gifts and then say my goodbyes... it's been really troubling me that he suggested what he did and I deserve more respect than that.. and if that is all he sees me as then he isn't even half the man I thought he was.

Not going to do anything about that at the moment as I am far too emotional at the moment and need to be calm, rational and strong.

Boss peed me off too... got in early this morning to do my work and he had moved everything I had laid out! I fired off an incredibly shirty email to him and when he came in at 11.50am (knowing I HAD to leave by 12.30 and had a million things to do!) he looked at the pile of newsletters and simply said... it might be better if he came in on Friday morning... I agreed instantly.. then he said he thought we should have a chat too as it had been brought to his attention that I am not very happy with things at the moment. So I agreed and said I wasn't and we would talk about in on Friday morning - so there's another day to look forward to eh!!

Right, am off upstairs to get things ready... might cook Zoe a chicken curry before I go, but she pi$$ed me off today too... I offered her a lift to college as her lift let her down, but she didn't get up early enough and instead of catching the bus and getting in an hour late she rang in and took the day off! She has left the kitchen in a mess too so I'll be having words with her when I see her next!! So might not cook for her.. except I like cooking and if I don't do the chicken tonight then she will probably chuck it out tomorrow!!

I'm sorry to be such a grouchy baggage.. hopefully normal service will be resumed after I get tonight over and done with!!
Just leaving, all packed. Had a stupid text from "Eric" which has pretty much hammered home the final nail so to speak. PLUS TOTM has arrived 4 days early - oh joy! Thanks for the texts and calls and PMs (you know who you are!) xxx catch up with you all tomorrow xx
Thinking about you hun.
I know it's not the same as a real cuddle, but have some of these to see you through (((hugs)))

Kitty xx
Make a graph 1 square up = 1 lb. and one square across = 1 day. Plot your weight losses on it. Then draw a dotted line at the rate of 4lbs a week to your goal. That line won't be far out. Sometimes you will be doing "better" than the line - sometimes not. When I had a week like the one you've just had, I used to go in the room where my chart is on the wall, and force myself to look at it until I felt positive again. Try it.
Ann x
i've got a chart on my fridge held on with a magnet & plot my loss each mon morning & its encoraging to see the line keep going down. i havn't done the 4 pound line cos as i only lose 3 1/2 lbs each week i would find that demoralising, but def a good idea for boosting moral.
Jennie, hun, hope your night wasn't too bad, by time you read this it will all be over tho!:)
hope you n "Eric" sort out, however you decide to play it & remember YOU are the important one to think about when making your decisions
(hope your package arrived safely !!) :)
I hope it's going ok for you tonight. I'm sure Zoe would give you a hug when it's all over (not the same I know but its someone) :)
Make a graph 1 square up = 1 lb. and one square across = 1 day. Plot your weight losses on it. Then draw a dotted line at the rate of 4lbs a week to your goal. That line won't be far out. Sometimes you will be doing "better" than the line - sometimes not. When I had a week like the one you've just had, I used to go in the room where my chart is on the wall, and force myself to look at it until I felt positive again. Try it.
Ann x


That's the graph I was talking about. It's Fab.
Good luck also.
A repreive!!!!

Good morning all! Thank you SO much for all your support and good wishes...

It was with utter dread in my heart that I drove up to Leicester last night
- even as I was walking in I was trying to think of an acceptable excuse not to have the damn thing done to me...

I had been in tears on and off all day (PMT too - clearly appalling timing!)... AND that text from "Eric" just about topped it all off! (I emailed him to let him know how upset I was that he found it funny!) I have a complete and utter sense of humour loss about this business!

Anyway, got there early and booked in. The lady there (Myrtle) was lovely and put me at ease immediately. I told her how I've been feeling about it all since my diagnosis and about the tears and how I was dreading the whole experience.. and , thankfully, I told her about my weight loss (25kg since diagnosis) (showed her a photo as proof in case she thought I was making it up!)
and she said that rather than immediately start cpap treatement did I mind having what is called a split-study. Half the night you are on all the standard testing equipment and, if by the middle of the night it is clear that cpap IS needed then she would wake me and start that. I agreed. (Anything with even the teeniest possiblity of NOT having a maching and I was up for it!

So, all wired up... straps around chest and waist and a few patches with wires stuck under my chin and on my leg and a thingy-whatsit on me finger and an oxygen meter thing under my snout and I was all set to go! Well, to sleep! I was freezing (no leccy blanket there!) so, bless her, she got me another blanket.. I read my book for a while but it seemed to take ages for me to settle and finally close my eyes... i think I fought it because I was so afraid. :eek:

I know I woke at least twice in the night as I opened my eyes and rolled onto my back... I dreamt that she had come in and put the machine on me... then it was morning!
I woke up and immediately touched my face to see if I was on the machine - and I wasn't!! She came into my room and said good morning! I was amazed!
I thought she had come in to put me on the machine! I couldn't believe it!

She told me to get dressed and then she would explain why she hadn't put me on treatment... so I did (oh, I wore trakky bottoms and a t-shirt)..

Anyway, once dressed and with the biggest grin in the universe on my face, she talked me through the results and explained how I had experienced some apnea, that she felt I was borderline as to whether I ought to have a machine or not.. she showed me the chart and explained the wiggly bits and the shaded parts of the bar chart.. she said that as I had lost a significant amount of weight and was continuing to do so, and I was very resistant (her terminology) to having cpap that she felt that it was best at this stage to discuss it with the consultant at my follow-up appointment... she said she wasn't sure whether he would agree with her or not but she felt he probably would. (I got the distinct impression that she knows her stuff and would have whacked me a machine as soon as blink if she knew I needed it! So I'm confident the Doc will be happy with things!)

So, I left , not with a cpap machine to take home for Christmas.,, but instead with an appointment for February 27th when I shall be told whether or not I need to go through it again with cpap. By then I shall have lost at least another 3 stone and that, she believes, will probably resolve my apnea problem! She said if I was to have a machine it would only have been a temporary measure!

I can't express HOW happy I am!! I am over the moon!! Delighted!! I feel that these months of dieting have been so worth it! I shall NEVER put this weight on again and will lose more and more to make sure that I NEVER have to have the dreaded machine!

I'm sorry if my being elated offends any of you who do use the machine and find it a Godsend, but for me, it is the enemy! I have never made a secret of that!

I had friends praying for me and I have worked hard to lose the weight so far... and... given "Eric's" attitude last night I have also made the decision that he is not as lovely and kind as I first thought. Just a completely insensitive pri*k!

So... another naff thing crossed out of my life... and on with the weight loss and, hopefully, ultimately, an apnea free future... but not quite there yet.

I was absolutely convinced that I was going to be woken in the night and I know that the sleep technician/nurse would not have hesitated had she thought it necessary (she gave me a big pep talk before I went to bed about how important it is to have if needed!).

I gave her a massive hug and big beaming grin and drove the hour home with a mega smile and loud music!

So... onward toward Christmas without my spaceage box and tubilage! Hurrah!!!

Happy days!
Mmmmm what did I tell you?.....Auntie knows best...LOL;)

So happy for you......:D :D

Speak later - got to get beautiful (???) for my interview!!:eek:

Jenny - fab news about the tests - I'm really pleased for you and I think you were very brave to go through all of that on your own. I would have been upset about it too!

Re 'Eric' - my man has a theory that men are dogs and women are cats.

By that he means that men are like dogs - who run around, grinning with their tongues lolling out, fetching sticks, eating, sleeping and demanding affection.

Women are like cats, in that we think more deeply about stuff and have intuition (we just KNOW things), and need folk to take our needs into consideration otherwise we take ourselves off and find a warm place to brood.

It's a bit simplistic but I think he may have a point.

I think your 'Eric' honestly didn't mean to upset you with his 'fun' comment. It sounds to me like a throwaway remark, which he hadn't thought through properly, in which he was just trying to find a way of seeing you - and you didn't find it acceptable, so he retracted it straight away.

I think most men would have tried to make a 'funny' (totally unfunny) joke about your test. I know mine would have - and he's a really nice man. It's their way of trying to help, isn't it! Mine does that every now and then, so I just freeze him with a cat-glare and he knows he's crossed the line lol.

I know you won't do anything in haste, luv - and I'm not defending bad behaviour (Lord, I would be the LAST person in the whole world to stick up for a bloke who was a bad 'un) but it doesn't sound like your fella is malicious - just a daft dog.

Oh Jennie... i was nearly dreading you getting that as much as you were... for you obviously!!!

Girl i'm soooooooooooo delighted you are feeling soooo good... as i was reading your diary i was thinking that i bet because of ur weight loss you wouldn't need it and you don't and by the time you go back in feb you defo won't!!!!

well done and look its nearly tuesday already :D :D :D u'll have a great loss i can feel it ;) ;)


Gen xxxx
Jenny - fab news about the tests - I'm really pleased for you and I think you were very brave to go through all of that on your own. I would have been upset about it too!

Re 'Eric' - my man has a theory that men are dogs and women are cats.

By that he means that men are like dogs - who run around, grinning with their tongues lolling out, fetching sticks, eating, sleeping and demanding affection.

Women are like cats, in that we think more deeply about stuff and have intuition (we just KNOW things), and need folk to take our needs into consideration otherwise we take ourselves off and find a warm place to brood.

It's a bit simplistic but I think he may have a point.

I think your 'Eric' honestly didn't mean to upset you with his 'fun' comment. It sounds to me like a throwaway remark, which he hadn't thought through properly, in which he was just trying to find a way of seeing you - and you didn't find it acceptable, so he retracted it straight away.

I think most men would have tried to make a 'funny' (totally unfunny) joke about your test. I know mine would have - and he's a really nice man. It's their way of trying to help, isn't it! Mine does that every now and then, so I just freeze him with a cat-glare and he knows he's crossed the line lol.

I know you won't do anything in haste, luv - and I'm not defending bad behaviour (Lord, I would be the LAST person in the whole world to stick up for a bloke who was a bad 'un) but it doesn't sound like your fella is malicious - just a daft dog.


very well put isobel... i do feel the same abour ur 'eric' jennie!!!

it'll all come good!!!

Gen xx

ps... great analogy Is... dogs and cats eh :D :D :D
I think your 'Eric' honestly didn't mean to upset you with his 'fun' comment. It sounds to me like a throwaway remark, which he hadn't thought through properly, in which he was just trying to find a way of seeing you - and you didn't find it acceptable, so he retracted it straight away.I know you won't do anything in haste, luv - and I'm not defending bad behaviour (Lord, I would be the LAST person in the whole world to stick up for a bloke who was a bad 'un) but it doesn't sound like your fella is malicious - just a daft dog.


The thing is, he didn't retract it at all last night! Even though I texted back immediately! His entire reply (this morning) to my email was as follows...


I'm sorry you didnt appreciate what I said, I was only trying to make light of a situation, thats just the way I am, if the roles were reversed, I would still be making light of it.

(then his name)"

It did nothing to appease me at all and if the roles were reversed I would never have been so insensitive if he were as distressed about it all as I was! I understand what you are saying.. but really... I just felt like he was being an unfeeling pig (dog) especially as there was no "hope it goes ok" or "take care and let me know how it goes" kind of message. I really don't think he cares to be honest.
Mmmmm what did I tell you?.....Auntie knows best...LOL;)

So happy for you......:D :D

Speak later - got to get beautiful (???) for my interview!!:eek:


I know... lol Thanks for the call and texts too... I did think about ringing you on my way home from hospital but thought you may not appreciate a 6am call! ;)
I know... lol Thanks for the call and texts too... I did think about ringing you on my way home from hospital but thought you may not appreciate a 6am call! ;)

Yeah, you thought right:D

Oh and I need a slap wrist as I did sample my efforts from last night:eek: ....mind you there wasn't as much pastry as there had been.....LOL;)
