Where to begin.... will try not to be too drepressing, so will get the negative out of the way first...
Shrek's mum dying has been awful. It brought back all my feelings and memories from when my darling mum was ill and dying and after.. so terribly, terribly sad.
Then, just as I'm kind of getting to grips with that, I got called into a meeting at work on Friday and was told they were laying me off because the business is in a mess financially.
So now, I'm once again on the employment scrapheap. It's not a good feeling, especially when, within half an hour of that, one of my colleagues swans into the office and tells me he has got a pay rise - what a real kick in the teeth! I'm going to wait and see if I get the 2 weeks 'redundancy' pay they promised me. Not going to hold my breath.
Got some major issues with daughter's fiancee. Can't really say too much other than that if he doesn't clean up his act I shall make damned sure he has no rights regarding her baby!
I'm totally worn out, wrung out, and fed up. Lovelife is challenging to say the least and weight is rising instead of reducing. I need to get a grip and turn things around, but to be absolutely honest, I'm beginning to feel I've got no fight left in me.
I'm hopefully going for an informal job interview at lunchtime today - there's the possibility of a temporary part-time job doing admin for a nursing home. Fingers crossed eh?
So much has gone on in my life since mum died and when I look back over my diary pages, I wonder if I shall ever find my va-va-voom again.
My grandchild is going to be a boy

I just hope that nothing happens to my beautiful daughter or her little one as a result of her fiancee and his demons... if it does, I'll be writing updates from prison... and trust me.... I mean it.
Sorry - meant to be more positive but am struggling to see the 'silver lining' to all this - especially as it's sodding well snowing again.... think I might just get into some old clothes and check out the loft... see if I actually need or want the junk that's up there and if not, stick it all on freecycle or perhaps ebay?
Was thinking about seeing if I can get any kind of training to do something different... perhaps teach English as a second language overseas... but I can't be that far from my daughter and grandson....
I'm thinking maybe learning accountancy? Or a business admin qualification as I've got years of admin experience... Whatever I do, it has to be sitting down as my foot is getting worse each year...
I'm so tired... lots of little lumps popping up in lots of different places, and now back pain deep inside - just below right shoulder blade.. probably a pulled muscle.
I've applied for a few jobs but my heart's not really in it...
I need a miracle.