Right then... it's
Saturday Dec 23rd , 3.00pm
Not quite sure where to pick up from.. um.. yesterday morning I guess...
Friday 22nd Dec
I did go back to bed, put on a dvd and promptly fell asleep! I was woken by a telephone call from someone asking if they could give my number to someone else! I mumbled yes and rolled over.. lol Sadly this didn't work and so I got up! Plodded downstairs.. still very heavy of heart.. and looked around the kitchen... the girls had left it in a mess... so.. I cleared it up.. muttering to myself like a mad woman.. lol... never helps really does it!? That done I opened the cupboards to see what food there was.. why? I dunno? Old habit I guess... realised what I was doing and promptly shut the door and got myself a pint of water..
Realising it was almost 11am and remembering that I had advertised my treadmill on freecycle, I set to getting it out of the shed and outside the front of the house - I was likely to be out when they came... that done, and Zoe up and dressed... we set off to get her fitted for a new bra.. (I said I would treat her as hers are appalling!)... overshot the turn off (NO idea how that happened as I travel there every bloomin' day to work!) we got off at Wellingborough and went to get her L plates from Halfords.. also got her a sign that says "caution new driver"... the plan being that she would drive her car later on.. we then headed back to Rushden and the wonderful
Quality Designer Lingerie from Louise's Boutique Limited, secure on-line shopping. shop. Walked in, she took one look and turned on her heels and out! It transpires that she knows the girl who works there, was at school with her, and absolutely refuses to be fitted by her!!!! What a wasted journey!! I was not impressed, but I understood... popped into the neighbouring health food shop and ordered some psyllium husks... then came home!
Spent some time on here, then on msn chatting to someone from one of the sites I am on, seems a nice chap... will find out as time goes on I guess..might be a bit of a flirty sod though.. lol we shall see!
Did some more clothes sorting and some washing and then headed off for a relatively early night.. the dog had other ideas and woke me around midnight to be let out!! grrrr... got back to sleep and in no time it was 3!
Saturday 23rd
Got ready, put the last few items of clothing in the sack and our lift arrived!
It was very cold and pretty foggy all the way down to London... we were making better time than expected and got there around 5.30am, wide awake by now and keen to get stuck in! Zoe wore her chef's jacket and apron, and we all wore aprons provided... we went with a group from my church

we got stuck in and I think we (me, Sarah & Zoe) cooked about 200 sausages, 80 burgers... 5 bags of hash browns, 300 rashers of bacon, 20tins of beans, 20 tins of tinned tomatos, 3 huge tins of mushrooms PLUS... 400 fried eggs!! IN addition to that the team served up 11 loaves of bread/toast and butter, 50 bowls of cereal, and 200 full breakfasts. PLus teas and coffees. There was a big demand for clothing too.. and once all was done we had to clean everything up. We left just after midday having arrived at 5.45am.. all very tired, but totally chuffed. I know it sounds daft to say that., but you know, it was a good feeling and every single person was fed and warm and safe for those few hours.. Crisis at Christmas is now open too, so hopefully more homeless folks will feel cared about...I'm totally whacked and my foot is screeching at me, but am very happy - got to meet some very interesting people and have a laugh with them too... plus wore a silly hat whilst cooking..

and sang along to a Christmas cd!
So home again.. and got in, had my spicy tomato soup (current fave) and a pint of water and am seriously thinking of going for a soak in a deep bubble bath..
Whilst at the mission I spoke to Lucy about t'other night and told her I was upset - she looked very shocked and asked me why!!!!!????!!!!! I simply said, oh, coz I like him. She seemed a bit frosty with me after that... perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it... I dunno...
Just realised that we have left Zoe's chef jacket and apron at the mission so will have to call them and ask them to post it to us!! Feel daft for that..
Something else incredible happened whilst we were there... I heard about a job opportunity that would suit me so much.... I am seriously thinking of applying.. ... might mean living in London M-F but that seems a small price to pay for the right job and the enjoyment level I think it will bring.. perhaps an aswer to prayer..
We shall see...
Still feeling odd about the quiz man, and need to ring Lucy to see if she's ok as she was very odd towards me all day... once we had finished cooking my foot had had enough and I sat down.. perhaps that peeved her.. she worked flaming hard! Everyone did.. and I felt lazy at the end but knew if I carried on I would be a cripple for the rest of Christmas and Sarah & I are committed to cooking / serving etc Christmas dinner for a local home so I need to be mobile to a certain degree over by Christmas day!
Christmas eve tomorrow... *sigh.. and the quiz....

Sarah has said she might come with me.. which would be wonderful as I wouldn't feel such a gooseberry... or quite as uncomfortable..
CC I think you got the wrong end of the stick about how I felt towards my friend.. lol... I absolutely love the girl.. not hate her! She is a genuinely lovely person and, lets face it, it's not her fault if a bloke I like likes her.. lol So please, don't think I thought anything less of her.. if anything I felt less of me!!!
Today did me loads of good as the chap who runs the mission and I had a really good chat about the diet, and my plans, and also, right at the end.. as we were leaving.. one of the staff told me he liked what I'd done to my hair and that it suited me! lol that was out of the blue so made me smile inside...
Geri - thanks hon, am feeling more like meself again now.. just a tired version, lol.
Caz - aww.. cheers for the nice words!

lovin' your diary! Know what you mean about the diary, I just didn't feel in the mood to spill it all out on here.. some days its ok.. others not so ok.. lol
All - thanks again for the love and support on here.. it makes a difference!
Am going to give the job some really serious thought and drop the guy an email about it... it would appear to be a really fab opportunity... and good money too... the only negative is the travelling .. but there may be a solution... watch this space!
Right.. as there are no emails from prospective "dates" I shall retire to the sofa for the remainder of the afternoon and rest this foot of mine! Will call Lucy too.. see if she's ok... and to sort out driving arrangements for tomorrow night.. (quiz then midnight communion/carol service)....
Oh... also, got home to find an envelope in the post box, addressed to me, with "ON NO ACCOUNT TO BE OPENED UNTIL DEC 25th" written on the back!! Really tempted to open it, but won't... it will be a surprise! lol I don't recognise the writing so have NO idea who on earth it's from!