My date with Mr K...
Well, I did write this a few minutes ago but the internet is playing silly beggars!
You know that feeling where, when you think something lovely and get that 'ready-brek' glow? It's kind like that when I just think about Mr K!
He woke me in the morning with a call,
, and throughout the day there were texts and messages... and another call on his way to meet me.. I actually got there on time! (Having spent far too long deliberating what to wear!) I plumped for jeans, blue boots (I love 'em) and a grey and white top (like a jumper) which I know is too big, but it's warm and looks ok-ish. Anyway.. he was waiting in the car park as I pulled up.
Instant heart skip! lol I parked up, leapt out of the car and into his huge hug
How lovely it is to be with someone who wants so much, to be with me too
We kissed (as you do) lol, and then went into the pub, found a quiet corner (not difficult as hardly a soul in there) and he ordered the drinks.. lol.. the barman didn't look too impressed - it cost nowt! He was drinking soda water with lemon and lime in and I was having my usual pint of tap! lol As he sat down he explained that he thought it would be supportive of him to drink water with me. (Bless - how lovely is that!!!!!) So, we sat.. and for a while we just grinned inanely (we do alot of that) lol.. and then he asked me to tell him about my life - not recent as he knows lots about that, but where I was born etc etc.. so... I did! I never noticed any glazed expressions so he clearly wasn't bored.. he was lovely though.. resting his hand on my leg.. (sent tingles through me I can tell ya!!!!!) and nodding, and smiling, and.. when it got to the bit about my dad dying.. his eyes filled up and he gave me a hug.. It's a time in my life that I don't tend to revisit very often - and it was insome ways hard to share it with him, but in others, so absolutely right. Y'know?
Having had more than enough of hearing my own voice, I asked him to return the favour and he did... we have different but in some ways similar backgrounds. Each with out own challenges and peaks and troughs. We talked for hours.. barely touched our drinks... I'm not really sure how it happened but before we knew it, it was past 11pm and we didn't want to leave! So we didn't.. we carried on talking until the barman asked us (very politely) to leave. lol I didn't want to leave him, he didn't want to leave me. We both agreed that this had been a very significant date for us both. We had shared things with one another that we have never shared with anyone.. and on so many levels too.
I thought my head was going to explode when we were saying goodbye.. I think if we both hadn't got to drive home and go to work today, we would have been stood in the cold in that car park even now!
Neither of us wanted the evening to end... and we both said so too.. I can't tell you how much I like him.. his hugs, his kisses.. his mannerisms.. his intellect... his humour.. his empathy.. his compassion..
Anyway *sighs.. we did part and talked on the phone as we drove off in opposite directions.. I think that the next time we meet... well.. all I can say is this - from sparks to roaring flames... don't think that's too far off! Bit worrying really - but not thinking about it now! (well, that's not strictly true.. lol,. been thinking about it a lot!! LOL).
But this is so much more than that basic animal stuff.. this is something so very special.. VERY special...
Drove home (don't remember the journey at all, lol) and climbed into bed.. lay awake for hours.. am knackered today.. but.. with his calling me this morning I'm still smiling.. still up here on my cloud.. along with him... and we're both enjoying the view!
Seeing him again next week.. (got the Portsmouth do this weekend)... and also SO looking forward to our Valentines Celebration! (Perhaps I should take a Fire Extinguisher with me to that!!!) lol
He's lovely, and he thinks I am too.
That alone is something to smile about.