Sunday January 21st 2007
Sunday January 21st 2007
I slept like a log last night
- well, that is, until the dog woke me up at some ungodly hour!!
– but I went right back to bed and only woke when Mr K rang me
– I still felt like I was dreaming as we chatted – well, he chatted, I dreamt.. lol
Another wonderful start to the day
We talked for about an hour and then said our goodbyes.. I fell back to sleep – I was still really tired! Somehow, when I woke, the morning had already vanished!! It was ok, for once, as I didn’t have to be anywhere until about 2.30 so I still had some time to do the odd job around the house.. so that’s what I did.. I got up and showered and dressed and then went downstairs.. no sign of Zoe and her boyfriend,although the trainers strewn across the hall are always a bit of a giveaway, lol. I could see from the kitchen that the meal had gone down well – lol.. the place was a mess.. I wasn’t cross.. just put the radio on very quietly (didn’t want to wake them) and got on with the job of clearing up.
It doesn’t take that long when you are in a good mood – funny isn’t it… a messy kitchen can take just 15 – 20 minutes to clean up if in a great mood… yet if in a foul mood it takes almost double that! (must be all that time spent muttering and slamming cupboard doors.. lol
There never seems to be an end to the jobs that need doing in my house..
lol.. not a bad thing really as it helps me not to be sitting doing nothing and therefore tempted to eat! (Think I might have to plan a whole day and devote it to sorting out my kitchen cupboards – get rid of all the unhealthy things.. and the out of date stuff (flour, flavourings, tins of things I clearly thought at the time would be delicious and then forgot existed! ), and re-line them with lining paper (my friend Pam gave me that tip when we fitted the kitchen – she said, if we put lining paper on each shelf and in each drawer then it would be easy to clean as it would be simply a case of replacing the paper and a damp cloth wipe over and job done! So.. we shall see if that is how it really is when I get around to sorting them out! Lol
I’m in a bit of a de-cluttering mood to be honest .. it all started when I got my new dinner service… not sure why,
but I feel like chucking out (well, giving away) all the old stuff and, its
not about spending money and buying new, to be honest, I’d like to just have a less cluttered house.. the only thing is… with the best will in the world,, I think I would de-clutter and then, over a period of time, re-clutter!!! Lol So.. sorting out the cupboards will be ok as long as I resist the urge to refill them!! lol
So.. kitchen done, rubbish from bins all bagged and in the wheely bin (which I discovered already has 4 sacks in from the last few weeks when I was certain Zoe had said she had put the stuff out
) One load of washing on the airer in the utility and another in the machine and some items in the tumble drier.. I have a spicy tomato soup (washed down with a pint of water) jump on here to do a few posts and it’s already 2pm!!
Time to go and see my mum at her friend’s place in Duston (other side of Northampton).. as I haven’t been there before I dig out my street map of Northants – can I find their road – can I diddly!!
So.. quick search online and still I’m confused (doesn’t take much though so no real surprise there.. lol)
I decide to see if I can find my way without the aid of t’internet directions after all and find the scrap of paper with scribbled notes from the last time I spoke to her friends when they first moved in. lol..
I managed to
almost get there without getting lost – I found my way to the Sainsbury’s she had mentioned (so nipped in there and bought some flowers for her mate)… just as I was coming out of there she rang (my mum’s friend) to see where I am … it was almost 3 and we had agreed that I should get there sometime between 2 and 3.. lol.. so clearly, they were champing at the bit! (it’s a mum thing
)… so she (Doreen) talked me in.. lol.. as I pulled onto their drive I could see she was surprised about the car (I never thought to tell her about it.. lol).
That was nothing to the look on her face when I got out and walked up to her..
LMAO I Soooooo wish I had a camera!!! Doreen has known me since I was about 14 years old.. and I have NEVER seen her so surprised.. ROFL.. sorry, but just the memory of it makes me giggle so much.. lol.. her jaw was almost in line with her boobs! Lolol
Once the initial shock had dissipated, she managed to say hello.. lol.. we hugged and she just said.. WOW.. look at you.. (hee hee hee – I have to admit, I loved it!). . fed my ego a treat! Lolol I grinned and laughed and asked how she was.. lol.. she took me inside and then it was time to see her hubby.. and my mum.. well.. his face was the same!
Lololol and he just jumped to his feet and said WOW.. too.. lololol I was giggling away…so… flowers given and hug for mum .. I sat down.
Doreen and Derek have been such a big part of my life.. they were there for mum and me when dad died, when I had my Sarah so prem.. they have celebrated and comforted during more of my life than not! Doreen made my bridesmaid dresses for my first marriage, and has been a rock for my mother for almost 30 years! She had breast cancer 5 years before my mother did and was just the best person ever when mum was going through it.. she (Doreen) had it again and was so positive about it all, I am certain that helped her to recover from her mastectomy and gave her the humour to deal with her new boob (she always jokes about having one pert breast! Lololol).
She’s a lovely person and her and Derek are such great fun too! I could’ve spent all evening with them as well as the afternoon!!
We chatted on and on.. I made a toffee & walnut muffin whilst there.. and I showed her the site and the inspirational photos thread (I love that thread!!).. time passed in a blink.. and I suddenly realised that I had promised Mr K I would be online on msn to chat at 7pm prompt so had to go. I told them about him, and, although mum knew I had been on dates with someone, she didn’t know very much (and that is most definitely deliberate!).. and Doreen asked had he met Zoe ? I told her, very strongly, that I was keeping Mr K all to myself for a very long time before introducing him to any of my family. I told her that if it was appropriate, in time, I would introduce him to everyone – you see, I know they will love him, lol, and I also know they will be a nightmare if they have met him!!
(been there done that.. got the scratch on me heart to prove it!)…
So.. got home 3 minutes after 7, jumped online... (Tbc)