Monday morning
Thanks Sarah & Cheryl
I had hoped to wake full of the joys of spring but instead I'm even more freakin' maudlin, this is daft. Time is supposed to help! lol
Right.. going to grit teeth, put on some 'jolly' music and get stuck in to work. Going to clear one of the spare rooms tonight with Zoe (we discussed it on the way to dropping her at college this morning). Then tomorrow night, energy levels permitting, will clear the other spare downstairs room. THEN I'm going to advertise for a lodger. I don't care if it contravenes any rules or regulations with mortgage lenders.. needs must and all that.. and I can't sit back and do nothing to help our situation. So.. postcards at the ready - printing them out on pc here at work this afternoon (in my own time and will pay for them too).. and will have them ready to put in local shop windows and to send to the local papers (need to work out costs and fair price to ask too..). Bit concerned as will want a female lodger (given there is just me and Zoe). Plus.. will only offer 1 month to start (until I see about London job) and then, if I get it then no more lodger. But in the meantime it will be something helpful!
Going to ring the job agency too, disgusted they didn't get back to me and going to tell them so!! Am right in the mood for an argument this morning (well, more of a snappy emotional burst into tears at the drop of a hat heated debate) lol
Was good music on the radio coming into work.. me and Zoe were yelling out at the top of our lungs to the Kaiser chiefs.. "Ruby ruby ruby rubyyyyyyyyy" lol , that made me chuckle.
I'm not all doom and gloom, honest. Just feeling really really weird. I know it's coz I'm in withdrawal from Mr K... I know that, and I know it will be fine and all will be ok and I need to stop thinking about his situation now.. as too he needs to stop thinking of me (probably easier for him than me as he has someone who loves him.. sheesh how 'poor me' does THAT sound!!!!) crap
Anyway.. jumbling jibberish this morning.
If I try to focus on the mundane (work, diet, house) then I think the day will pass quicker. Went to Asda this morning and stocked up on appleade and bottled water. Girl on till got chatting and asked me if it was all for work and I said yes, just me at work though and she asked why so much. So I told her, its all I drink. lol Told her I was on a strict diet so limited drinks (she's lovely and slim) and she told me last year she was a size 20 and now she's a 12! She did it on a water diet? Not sure how that worked but it worked for her.. never heard of it,.. she asked me what diet was I on so I told her about it. She asked how much I'd lost. (Good job it was only 8am and no other customers). We had a right old chinwag. She told me that she has her 'fat' photo up all the time in her bedroom so she looks at it every morning as a reminder. I showed her my passport photo from last May.. lol. She looked fantastic and said that being a size 12 is the best feeling ever!
I wonder if that's what size I shall end up being? I was telling my friend R the other night that I can't imagine what size I will be when (if) I get to goal.. and he was saying he couldn't either as he had only ever known me as the size I am now and the largest I was 2 years ago!
Bless him, he's struggling to sort himself out. Glad he has his son to stay for a little while. Also, his very good friends have managed to talk him out of making massive decisions about moving out to Spain. (I think he is in a mega mid-life crisis at the moment and just needs time out!).
Anyway. I feel (oddly) better for having offloaded this twaddle on here again! Perhaps it's coz I am (relatively) anonymous.. (apart from all the lovelies I've met) and so it's easier to just say this stuff and get it off my chest? I dunno.
Oh.. I was checking out more about the parachute jump (as I am fast approaching their upper weight limit) and was mortified to read that they might exclude me because I used to have high BP and have been dizzy!! Will have a chat with the organisers and see if a note signed off by GP (if he'll do it for me) will do the trick. Then,hopefully in the next couple of weeks, I will start getting sponsor forms and dates sorted out!
MUST get the festival stuff done this week or it will not be a success!!
Right, almost 9.30. Spent too long on here already (although have been at work since 8.20am and done my emails so maybe can let myself off , just this once.
Was thinking.. if I get the London job I'm gonna need a laptop and wireless internet! (can't imagine being alone M-Fr in a london flat without minimins!!).
So. Monday morning - this will pass and then it will be weigh in with Ailsa at 3.45 and she'll sort me out!
Will report back then.
Thanks again girls. :grouphugg: