Just hopping on very briefly - missing you all! Was so tired yesterday was in bed and asleep by 9.30pm
Will try to catch up tonight but have to work on my talk for Thurs! First afternoon at new job went very well -feel much more positive about it now. Chuffed about the 100lbs off but have confession to make about after last post!
Went to fridge and ate approx 200cals of chicken, gave the rest to dog and put a sliver of cake in mouth and immediately spat it out (yukk.. dog got that too).. the moment it was in my mouth I was screeching in my head "what the F are you doing????" so.. it went.. instantly! Chicken prior to that was totally an emotional reaction to something. No excuses. Broke the diet. Ate chicken. Didn't devour the whole pack but could've! Thank GOD I have a dog! He was very pleased! I've asked Zoe not to bake any more cakes at the moment and if she does to not leave them in fridge. Not her fault - totally mine. Glad I didn't eat it but was damn close! Had spent the day around food and was very very very tired and a bit emotional after Pub Quiz and visits to friends. So.. totally back on track yesterday morning. Not beating myself up but very very wary now that this is dangerous territory. Last night when got in from jobs (6.30pm) I dealt with festival business then took a deep hot bath, got into me pj's and snuggled up on sofa. Had a lovely long chinwag with a gorgeous mate. Then went to bed and (had put leccy blanky on an hour earlier) slept like a log (and through the alarm!) but woke up feeling very good at 6.30 in time to run Zoe to college this am, and get into office for 8.30 (just). Off to next job at 12 so literally hopped on here to update a tad. THanks for ALL good luck messages. Means a lot to me. I'll get to reply to all these wonderful messages by the end of the weekend and will update on my sis, my mate who had stroke and my ever-manic life! Lots of love xxxxx