Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

I know I'm a day, well a nite early but just popping past to say.....:D :D

Happy St. Patricks Day
Shona St. Padraigs Duit
:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
OMGG.....100lbs is fantastic, sooo happy for ya, well done...again, fair dues to ya, such a milestone to cross..xx:D
Congratulations JennieIrene xx
thank you all :D
hubby just can running downstairs to see what was wrong cos i involuntarily shouted "f*cking hell!" had to explain i was looked at ur b4 & current pics LOL. well done! u honestly look like ur b4s daughter. bugger me!!
this made me giggle so much, lol, thank you :D

100 pounds
now that is just brill:wow: :scale: :superwoman: :clap: natalie xx
hay thats fab news Jennie,
:wow: :wow: :bliss: :bliss:
:wow:100lbs off - absolutely amazing. :)
Wow that's is truly remarkable!!! That's like 200 hundred packets of lard!!!!
Congratulations Jennie, 100lbs is an amazing loss, you have done so well. x Julia x
:wow: Well done mate ;)
Omg that is bloody amazing.. I have just looked at the photos too you look totally different, so much younger too.....xx
Good Golly Miss Molly 100lbs. CRICKEY!;) Dizzy x
Ooohh! Well done! 100Ibs ... wow! :D
:thankyou::thankyou::thankyou::thankyou::thankyou: all.. it hasn't really sunk in this whole 100lbs thing... but it will, I'm sure.
Oh Jenny, I just wish you could bottle some of your energy and sell it to me, lol I just dont know how you fit so much into your life. You are wonderful.
Forget the chicken, that is in the past now. As for the 100lbs - that is mega - well done !
Bless you Pam.. I wish I could bottle it too! lol Then I could take a swig when I need a bit more! ;) You're very kind, thank you.

Jenni you really are an inspiration to the rest of us. How many of us would have had the willpower not to devour the whole cake??? Well done and pat on the back to you ..... you may have to look for CD for dogs at the end of the diet though!!! Well done and keep on going!
Thank you Bev, I was so shocked that I had got a knife and cut a sliver and shoved it in my mouth without even flinching.. it was only once it was in there and I could taste the sweetness that I had to spit it right out!!! I've got the dog on Reduced Calorie Bakers Complete.. :rotflmao: lol think the thing to do is steer clear of the fridge - will have to shove my drinks out in the garden instead! ;) thank you though, very kind words.
So pleased Zoe is doing well and losing pounds. And remember to try and relax in any spare moment you can.
Irene xx
I'll try - I'm going to try and get to bed before midnight tonight - blanket on already! LOL.. have to get up at 8.30 so that should be ok. I don't have too much planned for the weekend.. well.. not as much as I could have.. :whistle:

hey Jennie,be kin to yourself.I know you've been absolute about the SSing,but as I see it you ate 200cal worth of lean protein & no more.this was after your 2nd day of working both your jobs. i reckon if you'd gone to CDC before doubling your work load & said what do I do if i get tired.she would have said either have an extra shake or have a small chicken & spinach/broccoli meal. what this actually means is you forgot to have your greens!!!!!!!!
lol, interesting perspective, but we'll have to agree to disagree, lol, it was an emotional need to be aware of that.. and.. it was before I started on the new job so I can't even blame that :( , but if I'd waited a few days it would have worked ;) ;) :giggle: lol but thanks for being so supportive :D

Have a lovely relaxing weekend Jenni!
Thanks Bev... really looking forward to Sat night and seeing Martyn Joseph again :D Front row seats for me, Lucy and our mate Rachael (who's driving so that will be lovely too!)
Hope it's gone well tonight Jennie, sure you will have wowed them!
XX Julia xx
Thanks Julia, it went really well. Will bore you about it over the weekend. lol
Hi Jennie.... You are definitely NOT morbidly obese so i guess the category is just obese - well done babes!! lol. I started my weight loss at BMI 39 and i was classified as obese then...... My word you have been a busy girl ain't cha?? Unbelievable!!..... I'm glad you got over the chicken in the fridge thing - it was a momentary slip and i'm sure it won't have done any harm but please don't do it again!!... sounds like your halo is well back in place though!!..... I'm glad Zoe is doing well on her diet, she's had a fab weight loss.... Speak soon, Luv,
I SO appreciate you telling me not to do it again (with the chicken).. and I won't :D I'm more chuffed about not being morbidly obese than having lost the 100lbs.. weird innit???
Oh Jennie you've not been morbid for a while now. You lose the big M when you sink one molecule below BMI 40. Hmm Another milestone reached & we didn't spot it. As They say "What are we like?" have a relaxing W/E
LOL, I can't believe it didn't occur to me before now.. lol.. but then, so much has been going on of late.. I'm going to have a very relaxing afternoon I think.. I think I may have a big bubble bath and pamper session - candles, bubbles.. soft music.. take all afternoon to get ready for the evening... hmm... sounds good.. mind you.. I bet I don't ! lol

I have loads to get done this weekend in preparation for the Sunday evening festival meeting...:rolleyes:
OK, it's almost 11.30pm on Friday 16th March and I am knackered!

It's been a very varied week... going back to last weekend.. I just want to share about seeing my mates again... I dropped R at the airport and set off to St Albans to see my bestest friend Zoe... she was as lovely as ever and so supportive about my weight loss.. she was almost in tears at how much has vanished.. lol.. her fella grinned and said that each time I go there is less of me.. lol.. and my mate Zoe just kept hugging me and then we nattered for Britain.. I gave her her birthday pressie and she loved it! She had oodles of cards and prezzies and it was a lovely time with them all. I do love her :D

After there I set off home via Dunstable to see my mate of 20+ years, Alison. Well. lol I have to say, her reaction was one which I truly wish I had caught on film. Alison is NEVER short of something to say, and say it she would, very frankly. I'd rung her to say that I'd lost a bit of weight since I saw her last and she said she was looking forward to seeing me and would watch out for me.

I pulled up and she came out of her front door.. we grinned and I waved and I got out of the car, as I walked around it and she caught sight of me.. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: her jaw dropped a mile and.. for the first time in all our years as friends.. she was rendered speechless... LMFAO!! It was hilarious... then followed the scream.. and profanities.. lolololol and we went indoors.. I gave her the cream cakes I'd bought (as I said, it's a tradition if visiting one another and the visitee has been poorly) lol

She just kept staring and saying she couldn't believe it was me, and that she would have walked right past me on the street unless I had spoken to her.. lol.. she said I was unrecognisable!!! And this, from a pre-kids friend!!! lolololol She didn't believe me when I said how much I still need to lose so I got her scales out and stood on them to prove it! She shut up (again) then. lol

We blethered away for hours (time flew by) and her hubby and eldest son came home (they'd been to the Chelsea v someone else footy match). her husband didn't know who I was!! :rotflmao: it was sooooo funny!!!! lol He once lost about 10 stone on a liquid (milk) diet years ago but has regained every lb and more!! So, poor sod... she's on at him to do the Cambridge now!!

I sat in her kitchen chatting as she prepared the most delicious smelling roast dinner in the world!!! That was tough.. so.. when it was ready to serve, I took my leave and promised to go back again sometime soon (ish).

I drove home and realised I would be passing Ailsa's turn off so rang and asked if I could get weighed a night early,and, bless her, she siad yes, come on! So I did.

you know the rest... lol

So into the week... I started the new job and I have to say, despite being totally worn out, it really is a challenging and interesting job. So much more than just admin.. there's loads of accountancy work, and, if they take on board my ideas over the coming months.. I will definitely be doing some sales too. It's a small but very successful catering company and the days have flown by!!

On college days (Tues-Th) my day starts at 6 and ends at 6
On non-college days it starts around 6.30/7.00 and ends at 6

I think it's going to take me a while to get into the swing of it, and, once the lady who's leaving actually leaves, I think things will start to pick up pace too. There is LOADS to learn though! They seem happy with me so far, so that's good.

I sorted out my tax credits this week too, and have arranged the advertising for the festival, got the programmes tonight, LOVE them!! Posters look ace too! SO pleased. Loads more to do, but this is the start of the festival marketing BIG style!

Today I got home around 6pm, then tidied up, did some festival mails, cooked dinner for Zoe (steak, new pots, brocolli, peas and sweetcorn) and then, did some more work on here, then decided to go shopping (to save me going tomorrow too!).. I dropped Zoe's form off at the Co-op and nipped next door to the wine bar and gave them a pile of programmes (they are great supporters of the festival). Gave them the contact details for the young lad who sang support last Sat night at the gig.. then set off for Asda.. did a fair amoung of Zoe food shopping, bought some new jeans and a jumper (so cold this week - new office is even colder than the morning one!!)...and some cheap earrings which are all sparkly. Got the dog food too and topped up with 7 bottles of Asda sugar free appleade (which I'm enjoying a pint of as I type!) lol

Got home at 10.30 and emptied the dishwasher (Zoe had cleaned the kitchen up beautifully!) re-loaded it, washed up the chopping board, put the shopping away and jumped on here... it's now almost midnight and my eyes are stinging so it's time for bed (to coin a lovely Magic Roundabout phrase).

Have warned the dog that we are going to the vets for his second vaccination in the morning but he doesn't seem to care right now.. I think I'll wallk him down there - the fresh air will do us both good (and help make up for all the food I keep feeding him!!) lol

After that I'm going to do some festival stuff then going to try and have my pamper time.. we shall see.. lol.. I did my washing one evening earlier in the week but I still have lots in the basket so thing that will be put in 'to do' whilst me and the mutt are stomping into town!! (if I don't give in and decide the car is warmer., easier, quicker!!....;) )

Ohhh.. and.. I almost forgot... dunno if ANY of you remember the chef I was due to meet that first night of the diet??? The one whose mum was very poorly and who kept asking me to meet him and then cancelling.. so I knocked all contact on the head...??? Anyone??

well, anyway.. I had a text from him yesterday afternoon and it appears that he will be in Wellingborough on Weds evening and wants to meet me!! So... I shall. But only coz I am intrigued.. lol...I told him about the weight loss and he was very shocked. lol So, weds evening I'm tootling off to W'boro to meet him!

Had a very very very stressful day today. Will expand another time maybe, suffice it to say, with all the tiredness ,, I am a very cranky cow and don't take bad news too well... oh... remind me please to tell you about Kim's phone call!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :giggle: lol I want to tell you about that! BUT.. I need to go to bed now.

So... goodnight one and all... sweet dreams... I'm off to dream about cruises.. lol

Oh.. should say.. that went brill!!! 22 old dears, all scrutinising me.. lol.. bless 'em all.. they weren't ALL oldies.. but most were.. and they were poppets.. they listened and laughed and oohed an ahhed and sat through a 159 slide presentation of my holiday last summer on the QE2.

They were such sweethearts too! They presented me with a gift and a thank you card!! The gif the said was "because we know you aren't eating chocolates at the moment" - it was a bottle of Dove night shower gel and is lush!! I used it as soon as I got home last night and it made my skin feel lovely and the smell was yummy too!

Anyway... midnight.. so.. Cazmaz.. (and all our Irish friends) a VERY HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY TO YOU ALL!!

night night xxxxx
They were such sweethearts too! They presented me with a gift and a thank you card!! The gif the said was "because we know you aren't eating chocolates at the moment" - it was a bottle of Dove night shower gel and is lush!! I used it as soon as I got home last night and it made my skin feel lovely and the smell was yummy too!

That is sooooooooo sweet. I smile when I read your posts, but that last bit evovled the smile to a grin!

Hope the bad news isn't the type of news that can't be rectified if you know what I mean.

Dontcha just love it when people are gobsmaked in a good way. You must look soooooo different. I am really looking forward to seeing you next week. :D All I can say is; if you had young men getting flirty with you in Flares the last time: "WATCH OUT BIRMINGHAM" this time around! :)

The Chef thingy sounds uber intruiging, GOOD LUCK with that! Remember what I said about meeting Mr. K .... lol! Remember to tell someone or write it down .......! :D ;) :D

Right, I'm off to start my day .... welll in a minute when I've read a few more diaries (weekend catch up).


P.S - Can I book in with you for a hug next week? As you know I love 'em and I reckon you've got a fair few heading your way!
hey Jennie,be kin to yourself.I know you've been absolute about the SSing,but as I see it you ate 200cal worth of lean protein & no more.this was after your 2nd day of working both your jobs.
i reckon if you'd gone to CDC before doubling your work load & said what do I do if i get tired.she would have said either have an extra shake or have a small chicken & spinach/broccoli meal. what this actually means is you forgot to have your greens!!!!!!!!

lol, interesting perspective, but we'll have to agree to disagree, lol, it was an emotional need to be aware of that.. and.. it was before I started on the new job so I can't even blame that :( , but if I'd waited a few days it would have worked ;) ;) :giggle: lol but thanks for being so [/quote]

You mean you're more cross with yourself because it was unplanned & unnecessary than for the calory or food value of the chicken?
Yeah I can see that.I was so determined to stop you beating yourself up on the eve of your new job that I insensitively ovelooked that aspect.

Are you getting ready to do or think about doing an AAM yet?
enjoy the bath
Gosh, I've missed this place and you guys!

I feel like its been forever since I actually had chance to write properly.. still.. another hurried entry coming up now!

So, it's Mothers Day.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all, whether mothers or not, you are all lurvely ladies and should be included in the celebrations! :D

I cried when Zoe presented me with a lovely card and a double DVD set of "sister act" which I always love to watch!!

Sarah texted me (she's working today) and also rang on her tea break.

I rang my mum and my nana. So - family all taken care of!

Saturday (17th March) : I took the dog to the vet first thing and afterwards trolled along the high street getting all the retailers to put up festival posters and programmes for their customers - that done I took the dog for a very bracing stomp around the lakes. That was lovely - and I went because I'd promised him I would walk him once we'd been to the vets - lol , the thing is, he goes nuts when you put his lead on him and I didn't think it fair not to walk him, and, to be honest, as tiring as it is, I love walking around the lakes and its peaceful and scenic. Oh, and good exercise! (as I had no energy for the gym this week!).

Got home by about midday and set to doing the housework and sorting out programmes for festival. We're short by 3,600 so I will have a word with the printers on Monday and sort that out - am sure it's a genuine mistake, they are such decent folks. Even so, not sending the cheque til I get the rest, lol ;)

Got all the washing done and the kitchen nice and clean and tidy,then headed upstairs for my bubble bath and pampering. Phone rang - it was Sarah. We chatted while I soaked. lol Then showered and gave my hair a deep conditioning treatment, then relaxed on my bed for a while and realised I had only an hour to get ready for evening out with friends Lucy and Racheal.

Hair was a bit unco-operative and have to confess, it fell out loads! But it was ok(ish) in the end. I got to Lucy's in time and we set off to The Stables in Milton Keynes to watch the ever gorgeous Martyn Joseph. There were some old familiar faces in the audience and I went to chat to them - some I haven't seen in about 6 months or more.. lol.. got a few who blanked me (then apologised and said they hadn't recognised me which was weird), lol, but reactions were fantastic and made me feel nice and warm inside. Martyn was, as always, superb, in fact, better than last time, and with the lovely Miranda Sykes supporting and an incredible chap called Martin Sexton doing the opening set - it was an even more fab night than I could have hoped for.

Afterwards as we met him for the after gig hug and chat when it was my turn he just looked at me and with a huge grin said "Look at you! You look fantastic! You've lost loads of weight haven't you!" followed by one of his infamously lush hugs.. I thanked him for noticing (the man is a saint - he meets thousands of people on his tours!! and to remember me that way really touched me) and he simply smiled and said, "of course I noticed, you're beautiful" and hugged me again. I know I'm a bit star-struck, lol, but I felt on top of the world!! lol (See the piccie - I'm blushing!) lol

I got a photo taken (as I always do) and will try and put it on the end of this post and in my gallery as a comparison to the others of me and him :D

Home around midnight and into bed. Exhausted.

Sunday 18th March - Mothers Day

Woke at 8 and, despite willing myself back to sleep, I stayed awake, so up I got, did the dishwasher again (there is a messy monster that lurks here I'm sure! lol). I settled down to do festival stuff and have been doing so all day. I love it! Despite being time consuming I've loved getting things done and I know this evening at the 7pm meeting we're going to get loads sorted out and it'll all be ready for them when they arrive.

I just heard my fence come down :mad: and went out to check and yep, sure enough, one panel down so far and blowing a gale and hailstones galore!! Another hassle:( - will have to wait for wind to drop before I can go out and put up temp stuff again and try and get someone to come and put up new panel (again) for me!! :sigh: there's always something!!!

Oh well. Anyway, where was I - oh yes... have got major brownie points for doing the family ring-around this morning so that's good. Have been sat in the study most of the day sorting out festival admin and marketing stuff and feeling good.

Had soup and a muffin so far and made some 'truffles' out of the choc mint pack I had my muffin from so I've got 4 of those to enjoy throughout the rest of the afternoon (its already 4.30pm) and evening.

Must have my other soup before the guys arrive as I want to be ready to go to the quiz on time.

Still have to do some ironing but apart from that all's done and dusted for my 'chores' this weekend and although I feel a bit tired it isn't as bad as I felt Friday night!

It's now snowing like mad and I'm going to join Zoe watching Project Catwalk for a while.

Hopefully this week will be a bit calmer - although I do have to sort out getting the 10k programmes to the distributors by Wednesday in Kettering and not quite sure what times they will be open - but it's not rocket science and I can do it so will do!

The chef rang me yesterday and he is very nervous about meeting me, lol. I'm not nervous at all as I'm simply going to meet him, have a pint of tap and come home again. Not looking for love any more so not got those goose-bumpy feelings at all. Not even slightly excited - which is probably indicative of my current emotional state. Been very weepy today - am thinking perhaps TOTM is looming, but, as I didn't write it down last time I have no idea! lol

Hey ho. Will find out soon enough eh! ;)

Right.. off to sit with my Zoe for a while and just chill out. Can do sod all about the fence so will have to watch the dog when he goes out to do what he needs to do later!


  • Me and Martyn Joseph March 17 2007.JPG
    Me and Martyn Joseph March 17 2007.JPG
    312.4 KB · Views: 299
That is sooooooooo sweet. I smile when I read your posts, but that last bit evovled the smile to a grin! lol, glad they do :D

Hope the bad news isn't the type of news that can't be rectified if you know what I mean. All sorted now, thanks :)

Dontcha just love it when people are gobsmaked in a good way. You must look soooooo different. I am really looking forward to seeing you next week. :D All I can say is; if you had young men getting flirty with you in Flares the last time: "WATCH OUT BIRMINGHAM" this time around! :) :rotflmao: well, I reckon if they do it will be as shocking this time as it was last time! I reckon it was some kind of winter madness then !! lol I'm not looking anyhow, just gonna have a giggle again with me fellow boogie-ers! :D :D :D

The Chef thingy sounds uber intruiging, GOOD LUCK with that! Remember what I said about meeting Mr. K .... lol! Remember to tell someone or write it down .......! :D ;) :D

Do me a favour honey, please don't mention Mr K any more.. it still makes me feel, well, a bit , y'know... anyway.. will let friends know, but am not in the teeniest bit concerned as know where I'm going and meeting him inside. But will be sensible - promise :D

Right, I'm off to start my day .... welll in a minute when I've read a few more diaries (weekend catch up).


P.S - Can I book in with you for a hug next week? As you know I love 'em and I reckon you've got a fair few heading your way!
yep, you never need to book a hug, I give loads of em., lol
You mean you're more cross with yourself because it was unplanned & unnecessary than for the calory or food value of the chicken? yep, that's about the size of it!! See - how well you are getting to know me!
Yeah I can see that.I was so determined to stop you beating yourself up on the eve of your new job that I insensitively ovelooked that aspect. bless ya, I knew you were being really nice and I appreciated it (even if it didn't sound like it!)Are you getting ready to do or think about doing an AAM yet? enjoy the bath
My AAM week is ages away yet, lol.. but I dream of it! ;) I always need to check with Ailsa as to when it is as I lose track.. I think I've got another 3 weeks or so left before then! lol I did enjoy my bath - it was lovely and bubbly and hot! Ta :D Hope your family have spoilt you rotten today! xxx
hi hun, as usual busy busy life for you, glad you having a nice day with Zoe.
this time next week we will be recovering from Brum excesses !!
how's Zoe getting on with her healthy eating ?
c u soon hun, with the huggs !!
Me too.
Jennie your Face has changed shape(again) since last pic too.
What a fantastic piccie! You are looking brilliant!

Good luck for tonight's Weigh In.

You rock gal ! ! !
hi hun, as usual busy busy life for you, glad you having a nice day with Zoe.
this time next week we will be recovering from Brum excesses !!
how's Zoe getting on with her healthy eating ?
c u soon hun, with the huggs !!

Hiya Hope you had a lovely day with your crew and that they treated you beautifully xx Zoe's doing great, she had a 'feck it' day and regained 4lbs and was so angry with herself that she's right back on track again now. The only excess for me in Brum will be laughter and boogeying! lol Can't believe it's come 'round so:rolleyes: fast!!!! Hope I have enough energy!:rolleyes:

After that last post I did the ironing :eek: and then Zoe and I settled down to watch Sister Act together.. I adore that film! As soon as it finished the fellas arrived for the festival meeting and that was ace. Got them to take all the progs and the melodeons away, allocated them jobs to do (bossy mare!):p and managed to get to the pub by just before 9. Bless him, PQM waited for me to get there before he started!! lol I dashed in and sat down as quick as I could, took the normal ribbing for being late :eek: :eek: on a meeting night, lol, and then proceeded to be thick as a plank the rest of the evening. Have to confess, am so tired I can't think at the moment.

At the end of the quiz one of the regulars joined me and Lucy and sat chatting, to be honest, I just wanted to go home to bed. It was his birthday and he was a bit drunk so we chatted amiably, he showed me pics of his son and his wife and talked about stuff. I was so tired though, :nightf:so, at 11 I said I was sorry but I had to go and I did. lol

Got home and I stank of fags (the chap was a smoker), I hate smelling of cigarettes and it was all in my hair, so I had a shower and washed my hair and finally crawled into bed around 11.45, took me a while to get to sleep and the damn dog woke me at 2.30am to go out!!:mad: :badmood: If I had a gun in the house I would've shot him! Seriously!!!! As the fence was down I had to get up, wrap up warm (it's freezing - literally) and stand and watch him to make sure he didn't run off!

I was not impressed!:mad:

I struggled to get up at 7 this morning and feel so sleepy it's just not funny. Think TOTM is due as still feeling weepy and nails are breaking and am getting some spots - all major signs! To top it all - I got here to work and have realised I have no packs with me. :banghead::banghead:So I won't get to have any 'food' until after 6pm !!! I'm NOT happy with myself at all about that! I've never forgotten before and can't believe I have now!! :badmood:

Glad I have 4 litres of appleade and red apple to drink and a good supply of chewing gum! Really miffed as I love having my soup around 11.30 as it warms me and fills me up. Still, can't do anything about it so might as well shut up and get on with it. lol

Busy day (is there any other kind) ahead - just off the phone to the printer - he says I'm wrong and that there were different amounts in each box :hitthefan: so now I've called the guy who took 9 boxes last night to ask him to count every single programme and make sure he writes on the outside of the box how many are in it!!!! It'll take him hours! I feel so bad.:cry: I didn't know. :doh::doh::doh: :( :( I also have to ring the other distributor I gave 3 boxes to yesterday and tell her she has way too many and that I will need the extras back!

I totally understand the Boomtown Rats now!! :badmood:

Think I might just go home and sulk.. lol.. nah.. not really ;)

After I get home tonight it's a quick turnaround and then off to Ailsa's for my weigh in. I really hope I get into the 15's tonight. It will help motivate me. I dunno why but I am getting more and more tempted by food every damn day!

When I got in last night I was in a foul mood, don't understand why as had a lovely time at the quiz. But I was and headed straight for the fridge - thankfully I remembered I'd put those 'truffles' in the freezer so I sat and had those washed down with a pint of appleade.

Think perhaps that I should make 'truffles' every day - only made 4 little ones but they were enough to stop me making a cheese and mushroom salad (which was in my head!!).. and it was so late too!! Didn't want anything at all during the day, but when I got in.. :sigh: I need sleep. NOT food! lol

Well, got to go. Head down, work work work, looking forward to my bed tonight and tomorrow supposed to go to gym right after work - will give it a try, but if it's too much will have to talk to instructor and ask his advice.

Roll on Wednesday - I have the day off and am going on a 'Quiet Day' to Turvey Abbey. I'm hoping for a day of peace and (unsurprisingly) quiet and reflection and prayer. I'm hoping it will refresh me and get me more focussed on the important things in life and , although I don't talk about my faith all that much (at least I hope I don't drone on about that too! lol).. I am hoping it will bring me closer in my relationship with God. I've kinda been neglecting him with all the other stuff going on in my life, am so thankful He doesn't take the same stance with me! lololol

Anyway., Wednesday will be lovely. When I get back I have an appt at the beauticians for me waxing and then, in the evening, suitable de-furred and chilled out, I'm going to meet the chef. Not going to have a late night though. Will be home and tucked up with me leccy blanky my 11 at the latest (I've promised myself!).

Zoe wants to start going to Aqua Fit on Tues & Thurs nights and I've told her that I might arrange to do that instead of the gym workouts for a couple of weeks.. not sure though - I went once before and the woman who led it was a nutter! All very well for her to do her full aerobic workout on the poolside and expect us mere mortals to replicate it in the pool! lololol Well, if nowt else it will be entertaining and the showers are free so saves on leccy and water bills! :rotflmao:
Im loving the picture.

Me too. Jennie your Face has changed shape(again) since last pic too.

What a fantastic piccie! You are looking brilliant! Good luck for tonight's Weigh In.You rock gal ! ! !
Awww, thanks. xxxx Glad you liked it. He's such a lovely person. I had a great evening and chatting with him at the end of the evening wrapped things up perfectly. :) Cheers Eclipse - will get on when I come home and let you know how it went!
Forgot to say - Zoe wanted to take me out for a meal yesterday or 'do' something special. So we made an agreement - she vacuumed downstairs (that was a treat for me! lol) and we watched the dvd but we also made a pact that for next years Mothers Day we are both going to go and have a Pamper Day somewhere nice!

PLUS, if we can afford to, we are going to see if we can get away in the winter (November) to somewhere hot for a few days, Sarah too if she can afford it. By then my finances will be very clear (one way or t'other) and Zoe will be earning full time and I'll have to see if I can subsidise Sarah's costs. I'm going to see if I can blag a free week at my friends ex's villa in portugal, but if not then I will trawl the net nearer the time for any bargains. Am sure we will find something - although the dog will hate us as he will have to go in kennels (IF I haven't murdered him by then of course!!) ;)


Just had a phone call from the guy who took the programmes for the newspaper - (insert here a huge list of expletives!!!) He is refusing to count them... this jeopardises the entire distribution of the damn things, and I'm stuck at work unable to do a fecking thing about it! I'm so pi$$ed off right now! I spent hours sorting them all out yesterday and now this!! I am so cross I could cry!

I'm going to tell him I'll pick them up from him on my way home tonight & count them with Zoe and take them back in the morning at 6am! FFS!!!

It took me about an hour to count out 2 boxes, so I can see why he isnt' keen, BUT, it needs doing and he has nothing to do all day as it is! FFS!!! Why do I have to do every frickin thing!!!! Why can't people just DO what needs doing!!!!!!!
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Hiya chick...... Glad you had a nice mothers day and i can appreciate the vaccuming being a great pressie haha!! Is today your weigh in day?? Looking at your previous few results you should be due a big one today??? Hope so babes!!! Loved your piccie by the way and what a lovely man to remember you so well from before and saying such lovely things to you!! Is he single? hahahaha
It took me about an hour to count out 2 boxes, so I can see why he isnt' keen, BUT, it needs doing and he has nothing to do all day as it is! FFS!!! Why do I have to do every frickin thing!!!! Why can't people just DO what needs doing!!!!!!! end quote

Cos he is a fecking man thats why. We women have far more common sense and everything else for that matter.

Hope the rest of the day goes better and you dont get too hungry
Hey Jennie, I think we're suffering from the 7 stone itch!!!! I want to eat like never before, it's really overwhelming. It's knocked me off my feet as I've been so strong and focused up to now.

Where on earth has it come from, it's odd that we have both lost the same weight and in the same weeks and we're both feeling the same right now isn't it?

I'm thinking I'll have to move into Management this week as I am away practically every weekend in April and it'll be my last birthday in the UK and somehow it feels wrong celebrating it with a glass of water and a shake :eek: Heads all over the place I can tell you!

Hang in there though Jennie and if you ever want a kick up the bum to keep you away from the fridge I'm happy to do it :D

Truffles? Please tell me more they sound fab!!!

Kath xx
Hi Jennie, glad to hear ya had a lovely Mothers day...oooh a hot holiday in winter, delish something to look forward to :D once your back from Tobago of course....oooh i'm so jealous lol :jelous: