Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hi Jeannie,

You have so much going on tomorrow and I hope that the car thing goes well and gets sorted, you really don't need all that fuss just now.

I am very sorry to hear that it is also your first husband's anniversary, tough times.

Hopefully you will have a good weigh in...stay strong.

Love Mini xxx
Monday - but doing ok..(Day 28)

So it's Monday already... roll on tomorrow!(in some ways)

Just got home from Asda and... Quelle Horrorrrrr!!!!!

I got the very last bottle of Perfectly Clear Strawberry & Kiwi Fruit!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Am going to ring the store manager in a minute and insist that they re-stock!! I'm down to my last 10 litres!!! :rolleyes:

Whilst there I got some Christmas prezzies, birthday prezzies (I have heaps of birthdays to buy for this month - so many friends birthdays are within a fortnight of mine!) :eek: ;) Mainly got jewellery... love their jewellery - costs next to nothing (always handy on a tight budget) and looks fab!

Also went to the bank for work, posted some letters, arrived home to find their is a parcel at the post office! Don't recall ordering anything but Zoe probably has so will have to nip down there in a few minutes - want to make some chilli crisps and sit watching telly with my feet up for a bit!:D Might get the jobs done first then get inside sleeping bag and settle down in this iceberg of a house!

I also got my other daughter Sarah an Asda giftcard - so she can at least eat!!! :eek: If I post it today she should have it tomorrow and she has just rung me to say that she has got a part time job!!! I am SO pleased!!! :D :D At last - she will be earning for herself whilst at Uni, and., it isn't too bad money-wise so she will be ok next term!

I miss her so much:( - not the mess and hassle and stress... just everything else.:) Hope she'll be ok tomorrow. I know it always affects me and Zoe...still... lots to think about and the one thing I can control right now is what I eat or drink so I am exercising that control and sticking 100% to SS.


I am already planning the meals...:eek: weighed the raw ingredients out and they are waiting patiently in the freezer... :rolleyes: I am so determined to savour every single morsel! I have promised myself that I will lay the table and sit up at it and also cook for Zoe and we can sit and eat together! I will make my meal last as long (if not longer) than she does hers! lol

I am REALLY looking forward to it. :D

Thank you for your kind words Mini, they do help. :)
Hi Jennie!

Firstly thanks so much for always dropping by on my diary to see how I am - it's so kind of you and much appreciated:D I've just updated it as I was away at the weekend - won't bore you on here with the

I am so sorry to hear that you've been down and that the nasty barstewards that you sold your car to are giving you such a hard time - no advice really as never sold a car privately but hope that you manage to get things sorted out with CAB.

Pleased to hear you had a lovely evening with your 'young man' at the weekend - ooooh you can't beat a good snog eh....;) bet your counting the days till the next one:D

Hope your weigh in goes well for you again tomorrow - you are so focused and determined - I really admire you enjoy your AAM and eating with Zoe:D

Thinking of you tomorrow too ....for all the reasons you list and {{{{hugs}}}} to you and the girls on the anniversary of your hubby/dad passing.


Hi Jennie!

Firstly thanks so much for always dropping by on my diary to see how I am - it's so kind of you and much appreciated:D
I love reading your diary - will pop in now!

hope that you manage to get things sorted out with CAB.
appointment is at 10.30 so am praying they will make me feel a lot more peaceful about it.:confused:

- ooooh you can't beat a good snog eh....;) bet your counting the days till the next one:D
OMG you are SO right! He's told me now that its his sisters 50th on the 25th so that's another weekend blown out of the water! Not sure if I will ever see him again.....although he says its just timing.. we'll see.

Thinking of you tomorrow too ....for all the reasons you list and {{{{hugs}}}} to you and the girls on the anniversary of your hubby/dad passing.
sitting here in floods of tears:( :( :( . Thank you for this... it is always such a terribly sad day. I try not to cry but it just happens. Zoe is so upset she's stayed home, I had to ring the college. I understand totally how she feels as my own father died when I was 21, but she was only 7. We're ok the rest of the year, just today, it's hard. Thank you for the hugs and klind too Mini. It is very kind of you both and deeply appreciated.

I'm looking forward to the weigh in tonight as I've been 100% on the diet again - can't believe it's been a month already! Must remember to take the turkey breast steak out of the freezer tonight!! yum! :)

Am so cold at the moment.:rolleyes: Wearing gloves to type in. Couldn't get thermals yesterday as they've stopped selling them, think I'll have a look online later on.:rolleyes:

Need to put some cheerful music on I think.:cool:

Also - think I've upset my mate who is in crisis about her relationship predicament.:( Basically told her that her ex is a DH!! (my definition!) and that I have no respect for him or how he has treated her and as for her kids, they are even worse! I have barely heard from her but noticed his car outside her house for several hours so am just going to let her get on with it now. She asked for my help and I gave it, Relate are going to call her, she has made an appointment at the GP BUT if she carries on seeing her ex then I wash my hands of them both. HE is the reason she is a mess right now and she simply cannot improve with him still involved at the level he is! Sorry - but I love my friend but she is absolutely NOT helping herself even though she knows he is the root cause and for me that is just incredible as her daughter is now refusing to live with her! :mad:

Sorry, just a real mess of a day already and it's only 9am! (Got to work early to make up for the time I'll be at CAB - although beginning to wish I'd taken the day off too...)

Oh lord...:( :( :( just got a text from Sarah (my daughter at uni... 300 miles away)... "Thinking of you. I love you both. x x x" :( :( :( I miss her so much... can't stop crying so going now... back later..
4th Weigh in result!!! Amazed!!

:eek: Firstly I want to thank you all SO much for your lovely hugs and kind words. :) Today has been a real mixture of emotions and your kindness has definitely helped.

I did ring my ex-mother-in-law, as I always do on this day every year - only to remember why it is I don't ring her any other time!:rolleyes: ;) Still, it was the right thing to do and I shall probably carry on doing so for years to come...:eek:

I have just got home from my 4th weigh in and am amazed and delighted to say that I lost a whopping great 8.2lbs this week!!! I am so stunned!!! I am SO pleased. I would have been happy with 4 or 5 (given that last week was so low)... but I never imagined it would be so much!!

That makes a total of ... um... 32.1lbs in a month! I cannot believe it!

I know it will slow down now (or very soon) but I am so chuffed. I cannot believe I have stuck to SS for an entire month - but boy, I am SO glad I did!!!

I have a church council meeting tonight (oh, in half an hour!!) so will get off to that in a moment.

House is MUCH warmer now! Hurrah! (Almost told the gas engineer about the Cambridge as he must have weighed at least 24stone himself, and then I thought that would be so rude! Poor man was huffing and puffing having gone upstairs to the airing cupboard - it made me realise that I don't anymore!!! ) He was a good looking chap too... lovely eyes and fab thick dark hair... NOT that I flirted with him in any way shape or form - honest I didn't, but I can appreciate a good lokking man! (did sneak a peek at his wedding hand and there was no ring - but that means nowt these days...anyway he needed some help with his personal hygiene and his flies were undone!)... so not altogether an alluring specimen.. ;) ;)

On my home from Ailsas I rang my saturday night date - for the sake of anonymity I shall call him Eric.. so I rang Eric to share my great news... only to realise he was still at work and was very subdued and he told me how his broadband is being disconnected tomorrow in preparation for his house move! I was gutted... not only not seeing him for at least a month, now we won't get to chat on the web either! :( Wanted to pout, but can't as he makes me smile too much.;)

I ended the call as he was still working and was amazed when, 15 minutes later he called me back and we chatted for the next 40 minutes on our journies to our respective homes...(I parked up in a layby because I thought if he knew I was home the conversation might end sooner! lol :p )... it was lovely.:D He is going to see if we can meet again this Sunday as he doesn't want to wait a whole month to see me! (HOW cool is THAT!!!!) So... from starting the day in the depths of sadness to ending on a relative high... I shan't be sorry to see in November 8th... but it's not been as bad as it could have been.

Thanks again for your lovely support and kind words. I'll admit that reading them over again makes me cry, but that's ok...:)
Well done one your weight loss, what a great acheivment, and at such a time that most people would reach for the comfort food, hope all went well at CAB and you are feeling a little better now x
What a lovely end to a sad day for you Jennie - a mega brill weightloss and lovely chat with your man:D - he sounds lovely and rather keen too....... enjoy every minute of it!

Here's to happier and thinner times;)

Lots of love
C.A.B. Car matters!

thank you so much, again! :)

I do feel better having been to CAB, she told me that I have done everything I can and that should the woman choose to take me to small claims court then it will be for a judge to decide who is telling the truth... and.. I have a good amount of evidence to show the level of care I took of my car (all the receipts, MOT certs etc.. ) although I handed them over with the car I am going to get copies. She also told me what to expect in the way of processes that happen for small claims court and said to take the forms to her if I want her to help me complete them. She said she would be surprised if any legal advisors would encourage the woman to take me to court as the car is well worth the money and it is a relatively small amount of money - she said she thought their best bet was to sell it if they really didn't want it! I was there an hour and she was very thorough. I don't feel so worried now. I think the woman will go to court but as I have the truth on my side then I am going to try not to worry about it. I just have to sit tight now and wait to see what happens.
And so... to bed...

Dear Mich,
Thank you (again!):)

I do feel a lot brighter and am about to go and climb into bed in my lovely warm bedroom!:rolleyes:

My new man sent me a text yesterday lunchtime to say he was thinking of me... and tonight I just got another one from him (he is out at a beer tasting evening with work!) and you know what... I love that he is thinking of me!! :D

I'm trying not to get too hopeful about seeing him on Sunday, but if he says we can then I'll be down there like a shot! lol :) :rolleyes:

Other news...

Music festival plans are well in hand now too and I have designed the fliers and will be picking them up from the printers on Thursday afternoon so that means that my work for the 2007 festival has started proper!! I love being one of the organisers - it is REALLY hard work, but so rewarding and I get to meet and hear some amazing musicians - I love it!

It is in May and all I can think is that come May ...7 months away ... I will have lost another 6 stone or so (hopefully) and that will make a total of 8 and all our regular ticket buyers won't recognise me!!! It will be fab!!!!:D (I will still have about 4 stone to lose but that's ok... this summer I think I was about 4 stone more than I am now!!!! So it will actually be a total loss of 10 stone!) I can't wait to see some of their faces!! tee hee hee

Went to the church meeting tonight and one of the ladies said "wow, you're wearing jeans! you look great!" She knows all about the diet and is incredibly supportive. :D

Off to bed now... that's another Nov 7th almost over - hurrah! Night night all, God bless.


Jennie xxx
Glad today is over too now!

Well... I hardly know where to start except to say that my forthrightness and inability to express myself absolutely properly has caused immense upset to those whose opinions I value very highly.:(


I'm not going to get into it here, it's be done to death elsewhere....:(

Anyway... my diary... oh yes... work was ok, met up with a friend for lunch at the local wine bar (I took some oriental chilli crisps). we had a wonderful 2 hours of catching up on everything. I was telling her about my new friend "Eric" and that I was going to get a really nice bottle of wine for him as a house-warming gift and I had to also get some garlic as tonight was my very first Add A Meal night! I've been looking forward to it for the last 10 days!:rolleyes: I've even started to dream about it!!!:eek:

So... having got the garlic and wine (she gave me a bottle she already had that she said was very good - not that I would have a clue!)... I set off home to prepare my meal!:p

I am so glad I had already weighed out the turkey and it was somewhat of an art form getting the garlic into it! (Not a lot of flesh in 2oz)... but boy I salivated the entire time! :p I took on board a suggestion from Ailsa (my most excellent CDC :D ) and made a "muffin" with my chicken & mushroom soup mix and had it as stuffing!!!:eek: I cooked the turkey on Zoe's George Foreman Grill (which, thanks to peter kaye I shall always think of as a George Formby Grill!!)... and I have to say... with the spoonful of brocolli and one of cauliflower, along with the "stuffin muffin" I had a veritable feast!! :D

My plans to make it last ages evaporated rapidly:rolleyes: :rolleyes: - but I did chew every single morsel... to eat with cutlery!! oh joy! It was wonderful. So tasty! I couldn't believe it, either, that I was full afterwards!!! I think Ailsa said I would and she was right!!! That "stuffin muffin" was really delicious!!!! :eek:

So, dinner done, I sat chatting to Zoe and then decided that I should do something other than sit down all the blessed time... so I took the dog on a walk.. only a short one mind... but he loved it and it won't have hurt me at all!:)

"Eric" texted me from work , twice , which made me smile - normally I would inundate a bloke with texts, but this one is very different... I am going to take it very easy with him... got a feeling he might be worth all the effort;) ... am sure he is actually... , so, he called me this evening and then , as his internet was unexpectedly (yay for BT co**ing up things!!) still connected, we hopped online to chat and had the most lovely conversation filled with loads of terrible jokes and laughter. Glad that the web cam only gets my head and shoulders as didn't want him to clock me jimmy palmers!!:eek:

Conversation over, and I realised it was almost 11pm and I had still to have my 3rd meal of the day so it was a quick mix up of a toffee & walnut pack and into the micro and another absolutely scrummy muffin! :p

Feel much better for having sat at the table to eat a proper meal! Roll on tomorrow night when i shall cook exactly the same all over again! (only coz its already defrosted.!) Haddock on Friday (not for any other reason than its nearest the front of the freezer drawer...) then quorn on Saturday I think... Turkey on Sunday... Haddock Monday and Turkey or quorn on Tuesday... not that I have thought about it ALL that much!;)

And so... having had all I can have and tried to rebuild the bridges that I'd somehow managed to pull apart... it is, finally, at 2am,. time to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is a good day. If in no other way, that it is a good diet day!
Another day... has it really been a month already?

So it's Thursday already - another week is rapidly disappearing!

I struggled to wake up this morning when the alarm sounded at 7! Not feeling particularly enthused, it's cold outside, I love being in my bed all warm and snuggly, and well.. it IS almost the weekend!

Remembered my work keys this morning, thank goodness, so was in very early after dropping Zoe off to get her lift on to college (she can't wait to drive herself!). She has her theory test next Friday! I do hope she passes.

She was showing me last night the holiday that her and her fella are thinking of booking for next May - a fortnight's self-catering in Lanzagrottie... for £200 quid each! That's incredible! So I told her to go for it! She also slipped into the conversation that they had been talking about... "if we got married"... :eek: It made me grin, I remember being the same way with her father when I was her age... and they (Zoe and her boyfriend) are clearly besotted with one another. It's not a bad thing that they are talking like this as she has already told him that she has no intention of getting married until she is in her mid-20's ! lol (that's my girl!)

So, anyway,.. I'm at work, am still freezing cold despite 2 fan heaters doing their best.. it's probably lack of sleep...

Talking of which.... I don't know if I said or not at the beginning of my diary.. but I need to go and get fitted for my Darth Vadar mask... and I have the date now... December 6th is the night when I will be trekking up to Leicester for my cpap trial... not something I am looking forward to!!

Oops, just seen the time... must get on with these accounts!
Cheesed off, big time!

Most of you will know what has been going on on another thread on this site. You will also, if you have followed my diary, know what kind of person I am and have a small insight into my personality.

As a direct result of the comments made by someone against me I am giving posting to this site a break. I do not come here to be bullied and personally attacked for having an opinion that differs to some. (Not all by any means judging by the many many private messages of support!). I also do not come on here to be accused of preventing others from expressing their opinions - I am very much in favour of "each to their own" as long as it doesn't descend into personal attacks, then it is a whole different ball game.

If I have to walk on eggshells then I cannot contribute. Life isn't paved with eggshells all the time... thank goodness!
"For everything there is a season.. "​

So.. it's day whatever... 30.. and the diary stops - at least for now. But I will leave you with this hint... if you want to say something about a subject you feel very strongly about... consider your words very carefully... be respectful of others and how they might perceive what you see as nothing more than an honest opinion - it may be construed entirely differently. That was my mistake and one for which I apologised, profusely, publicly AND privately.

Oh.. and the "stuffin' muffin'" is exactly the same recipe as an the usual muffin recipe but without the sweetners!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

Cheerio for now. Take care all. Good luck to all on your journies...
Oh Jennie
Please dont go :( are intilted to say what you want and im sorry someone took it all wrong :confused: please email me as Im here for you and want to know how your doing!!!If I dont here from you I will email you until you have had enough of me
((((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))))))))) :(
:( xxc
Hi Jennie i do hope you dont go, without different opinions where would we all be?? i replied to your pm this morning and so hope you know my reasons for thinknig the way i do about the posts. xx
Hiya hun there really is no need for you to go anywhere. we can all just draw a line under this and move on.... there isn't really an issue anyway just i think peoples different opinions and also largely a crossing of wires???

please don't go....


Gen xx