Glad today is over too now!
Well... I hardly know where to start except to say that my forthrightness and inability to express myself absolutely properly has caused immense upset to those whose opinions I value very highly.
I'm not going to get into it here, it's be done to death elsewhere....
Anyway... my diary... oh yes... work was ok, met up with a friend for lunch at the local wine bar (I took some oriental chilli crisps). we had a wonderful 2 hours of catching up on everything. I was telling her about my new friend "Eric" and that I was going to get a really nice bottle of wine for him as a house-warming gift and I had to also get some garlic as tonight was my very first Add A Meal night! I've been looking forward to it for the last 10 days!

I've even started to dream about it!!!
So... having got the garlic and wine (she gave me a bottle she already had that she said was very good - not that I would have a clue!)... I set off home to prepare my meal!
I am so glad I had already weighed out the turkey and it was somewhat of an art form getting the garlic into it! (Not a lot of flesh in 2oz)... but boy I salivated the entire time!

I took on board a suggestion from Ailsa (my most excellent CDC

) and made a "muffin" with my chicken & mushroom soup mix and had it as stuffing!!!

I cooked the turkey on Zoe's George Foreman Grill (which, thanks to peter kaye I shall always think of as a George Formby Grill!!)... and I have to say... with the spoonful of brocolli and one of cauliflower, along with the "stuffin muffin" I had a veritable feast!!
My plans to make it last ages evaporated rapidly

- but I did chew every single morsel... to eat with cutlery!! oh joy! It was wonderful. So tasty! I couldn't believe it, either, that I was full afterwards!!! I think Ailsa said I would and she was right!!! That "stuffin muffin" was really delicious!!!!
So, dinner done, I sat chatting to Zoe and then decided that I should do something other than sit down all the blessed time... so I took the dog on a walk.. only a short one mind... but he loved it and it won't have hurt me at all!
"Eric" texted me from work , twice , which made me smile - normally I would inundate a bloke with texts, but this one is very different... I am going to take it very easy with him... got a feeling he might be worth all the effort

... am sure he is actually... , so, he called me this evening and then , as his internet was unexpectedly (yay for BT co**ing up things!!) still connected, we hopped online to chat and had the most lovely conversation filled with loads of terrible jokes and laughter. Glad that the web cam only gets my head and shoulders as didn't want him to clock me jimmy palmers!!
Conversation over, and I realised it was almost 11pm and I had still to have my 3rd meal of the day so it was a quick mix up of a toffee & walnut pack and into the micro and another absolutely scrummy muffin!
Feel much better for having sat at the table to eat a proper meal! Roll on tomorrow night when i shall cook exactly the same all over again! (only coz its already defrosted.!) Haddock on Friday (not for any other reason than its nearest the front of the freezer drawer...) then quorn on Saturday I think... Turkey on Sunday... Haddock Monday and Turkey or quorn on Tuesday... not that I have thought about it ALL that much!
And so... having had all I can have and tried to rebuild the bridges that I'd somehow managed to pull apart... it is, finally, at 2am,. time to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is a good day. If in no other way, that it is a good diet day!