Toys back in me pram... Friday night again..
Right then,... with my toys and dummy firmly back in me pram

I'm sat here thinking how to restart my diary.. think I'll just go for it feet first! (usually how I face challenges!)
Despite the obvious upset of the last couple of days I have, LORD only knows how, (sheer bloody-mindedness I think!) managed to stick 100% to the diet!
I have had my scrummy add a meal for 3 evenings now and have to say that I enjoy every single scrap... and... (here is the sad confession time...

) I lick my plate!!!

I just don't want to miss a scrap! lol So, the dog is pretty pis*ed off about it and Zoe is pretty disgusted ... so I told them both to sod off!
Where did I get to with "Eric" .. oh yes... I was wondering if I would ever see him again... well.... I am!!
He has rung
me every day/evening since Sunday and last night we jabbered away for almost 2 hours! Am doing my level best not to read TOOO much into it all as I tend to wear my heart not only on my sleeve but on my front, back, arms, legs.. it's not hard for me to fall in love WAY too fast!!

So... am being
VERY careful about this one... hurt potential is off the scale methinks... but you know what

.. he makes me laugh out loud and THAT is just SO attractive! lol
When we were chatting last night he said that he would love me to go down and see him (he lives about 75 miles away!) on Sunday for the day.. hell, a gal doesn't need asking twice!!! I didn't even pretend to have to think about it.. lol
So.. at 8am on Sunday morning I will be driving along the A43 and M40 heading for a day of packing (he moves next weekend) and laughing and giggling. (and who knows what else!!!!

) He asked if I was still ok to eat on Sunday (he knows I have to stop again Tuesday) and when I said yes, he told me he will get some chicken and the allowed veggies and will cook lunch for us both! HOW COOL IS THAT!!!?? He's going to have the same as me but heaps more and maybe some rice too. I'm
well impressed that he even considered it! (very impressed that he was clearly listening to my inane wafflings too!).
He texts me too during the day.. and this evening (about 5) he rang to say that he wanted to call me then as he won't get chance now until we see each other Sunday. (He was on his way to collect his children and then tomorrow is going to a works do and won't be home until 3am Sunday).. I'm out tomorrow night too so he's probably right. (I am showing SUCH self-control and not bombarding him with texts or calls! - Yay me! Finally learning not to be a bunny-boiler!)
Today was a killer at work

- trying to sort out the accounts having taken them over mid-financial year, it was very complicated and I had to have the wonderful instruction of a smashing chap called Stan who is absolutely a treasure!! We were working on the figures ALL morning and my phone get beeping... well.. you know how it is... I was DYING to check it but couldn't coz what we were doing was SO complicated that I couldn't... in the end I did and there were 3 texts ,.. the final one asking if I had stopped talking to him!! LOLOLOLOL (now THAT's how I would be!!! LOLOL) have to admit it made me chuckle to think that he just might be getting to like me a bit more too...
Anyway - got it all done and feel chuffed that it means I can relax and not worry about it anymore now until the meeting on Wednesday morning with our auditor.. I have to go on a training course too... all to do with PAYE and all sorts of tax! (I'm NOT a mathematician!!

) Still, it's a bit of a jolly and another course to pop on the old CV eh?
As for the diet.. (sorry waffling on about Eric too much!

hee hee)... the Perfectly Clear is making it SO much easier - I love it

and am going to the Cash n Carry tomorrow with an empty car

(* oh, no more news from the horrid people who bought my old car thank goodness!)... and a debit card at the ready! Going to see if I can get some more ramekin dishes as I use them so much now (what with stuffin muffins etc!). Might see if there are any nice prezzie ideas there too.. need to get a few stocking fillers but nothing pricey and the CnC is great for that at times!
Tried making the stuffin muffin with the veg flavour tonight - NOT good

... couldn't manage more than a mouthful of it so lesson learned - going to get lots more chicken and mushroom for next time! (Truly is yummy).
Chilli crisps made and sitting in a dish for later when I curl up on the sofa next to the mutt in front of telly.
Zoe has gone to a rave tonight in Birmingham...

I hate it when she goes to them..

I worry the entire time, but bless her she said she will text when she gets there and when she leaves to come home and when she is back at the station... so.. even though I will have a broken night, I don't care! She's with a load of mates, but even so... I do worry about her.
Feeling a bit bloated tonight and when I looked in the mirror I felt like my face had got fatter all of a sudden so am not going to AAM tomorrow or Monday and see if that helps... would be horrid to not lose this week having been so good!
Who knows, perhaps I could do some form of exercise
Oh.. and my washing machine packed up this morning too! Full (naturally) so will be doing that tomorrow... (no idea where my nearest launderette is!). Still,. always a first time for everything!
Sarah (my daughter at Uni) was online yesterday and really chuffed 'coz I sent her a "Pirates of the Caribbean" advent calendar and a gift card for Asda!

I cried when she blew me a kiss and waved bye.. sometimes it just gets me that way... other times I'm absolutely fine... funny really...
Sent out an invite to my friends to come to our local Wine Bar next Friday night to celebrate my birthday..

(not my b'day on Friday but close enough.. lol) and gave strict instructions for no prezzies, just them! It's the first birthday in 2 years that I have really felt like celebrating it and one of my fave singer/songwriters is playing there (thanks to me giving them his contact info.. hee hee hee)... so I thought why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone!

His name is Chris Smyth and he really is good - if you like Nick Drake's music you would like Chris's.
So, that's Friday sorted.. no plans for next Saturday but hey, that's a whole week away yet!!
Music festival flyers are ace... I got them all designed and sent off to the printers and arranged to pick them up yesterday afternoon.
I was late leaving work at lunchtime

and had arranged to meet my mate at the wine bar (I take in my Perfectly Clear and they let me drink it in there coz they know me so well - Uh oh - that sounds bad! LOL... it's coz of the work with the music festival... I persuaded them to host a music quiz last year and it was such a hit that when they got their license to be a wine bar (in the day they are a coffee house)they asked me for musicians details and now they have live music every Friday and Saturday night! ) They're a lovely couple too (the owners) and always great to see. Anyway... where was I... oh yea... met up (late) with my mate and had just sat down to draw breath and was relating the saga of yesterday on here.. and my mobile rang...
It wasn't a number I recognised and,

given the recent car situation, I was hesitant to answer, but I did. It was my hairdresser!!!! I had forgotten that I had made a 2pm appointment to get my hair coloured and cut!!!!!!
A hurried apology to my incredibly tolerant mate,...and off I trotted to the hair salon... was SO embarassed!

I had it in my diary for NEXT Thursday!!! so.. very pink from embarassment and rushing... I sat and let her get on with ploughing through my thick head (easynow!!!

) of hair and pasting on the dye and wrapping it in foils... I rang the printer (fortunately I know them from my days working for a business gifts company) and explained.. she said she completley understood and that they would be there until well into the evening so not to worry! (Aren't some people just fab!!)
... so... I settled down while 2 of the hairdressers were now doing the colours and foils... (I do have rather a lot of thick heavy hair). Long story short (I know - you;'re thinking.. NOW she says that!!)... 3 hours later and I am ready to leave.. not entirely happy as my roots look just as they did when I arrived so I have to go back and she's going to do them again in a couple of weeks (for free of course)... but we had a good giggle and natter and I did almost nod off while under the drier!
I left , £63 the lighter !(I know, its a lot!!! I was shocked too!! Not quite sure it was worth that much - I think it's because I have so much hair and it needs loads of dye and then she washes it, cuts it.. etc etc... whatever, that's how much it was and I felt better for having it done!
Rushed off and picked up the fliers (not even had one lot of CD yet and was really hungry! - see I meant to be home by 1 !!! ).It was now getting close to 6 by the time I picked up the fliers and shot round to my mate who is another of the festival organisers ,, to drop the fliers off with his wife.. During all this rushing around "Eric" rang me so I was a very happy girlie
Got in and the first thing Zoe said was - WOW , love your hair - shame about the roots though. LLOLOL That's my girl!!
Finally got my dinner ready, (turkey breast, garlic, fat free dressing with garlic, brocolli, cauliflower and a stuffin muffin) delish!!
Also made a choc mint muffin for pudding.. was totally stuffed by the time I got through it all too! Felt good though..
Tried to get on with some work and failed miserably... very preoccupied about stuff.
Then "Eric" rang again... hee hee

... we chatted for 2 hours.. it was ace! Discussed all sorts of things.. he told me some
very private things about his family and I felt honoured he had confided in me. We talked about our good points and bad points.. he had a massive list...(none of which have put me off in the slightest!) I didn't even know where to begin with mine so I did the honorable thing... told him the only thing he really needed to know at the moment was to lock away sharp implements 1 week in 4 !
He told me about the time one of his daughters asked him "Daddy, what IS PMT?" to which he told her that it was a question she should ask her mother but as far as he was concerned it meant the week that daddy went to the pub! LMAO
He is a very devoted dad. We talked about how I had handled things when I was on my own with the girls when they were little.. and I basically didn't allow my boyfriend (ultimately 2nd hub ) have anything to do with them for a LONG time! We agreed that it was definitely the right way to be.. I was quite relieved as I don't want to meet his children until (and indeed if) we are more certain of one another and how we feel.
They are beautiful children, I've seen all their photos.. very lovely. Well disciplined too by the sound of it (which is a mega bonus!)... oops... veered miles off subject again! Sorry!
So, after his call I do the honourable thing and surf the net awhile... then pootle around the kitchen... unload and reload the dishwasher... wipe down the surfaces... go to bed and lay there reading the paper from 3 days ago ( I buy papers and rarely read them the same day!!- oh pants! I have one in the car!!!)
Oh.. Zoe just texted - she's on the train... bless. I know she's very excited.. lol
And so, eventually (I think it was about 3) I got to sleep and then woke to the horrid bleeping alarm at 7 and off to work again today (see earlier comments as to how THAT was!).
Remembered (just in time) to get boss to sign cheque for my wages.. and managed to get to the bank JUST as they were about to lock up! (4.30). then it was a mad dash to iceland to see if I could grab some BOGOFF perfectly clear.. no flamin' chance... asked the assistant where it was and he said.. oh Iceland don't sell that.. so I said I thought that was very odd as it was on a special offer with them! We agreed that it must be the larger branches and I left with a pack of chicken breasts and a tub of flora. I think that is the least I have EVER spent at Iceland in my entire life!!!! £4!!!
And now.. well.. here I am... it's gone 9pm and I'm thinking of having a lovely shower, slipping into me now baggy jimmy's and curling up with me chilli crisps!
Might play some of the arcade games on here first though... not that good at them but I do enjoy playing them!
Only 4 more days to next weigh in.. have mixed feelings about it as I definitely feel like a right bloater at the moment... hmmm.. more water maybe?? Maybe not... I am only wearing earrings in case I spring a leak!!
And finally (good old That's Life!

thank you, all, for your support and kindness these last 48 hours.. it meant a great deal.
Sometimes I need to extricate myself from harmful situations, that way it is easier to return.. calmer and anyway... thanks again . hope each and every one of you has a wonderful weekend.
Don't forget... 11am tomorrow.. even I shall be silent for at least 2 minutes!!