Monday already, not liking it! Too tired! Firstly - didn't do any gardening at all, spent the entire time doing festival tickets and stuff so the dandelions won a reprieve (but only until an evening when I don't have to dash out!)... hmm, probably a week then! lol
I went on my date.. what can I say. It was really nice. We walked the dog around the lakes for about 3 hours! lol Well, we walked for about 2 1/2 and sat and chatted on a bench for half an hour. He seems to be pretty genuine but I can feel my barriers battened into place. I don't think its him as I was exactly the same on Friday evening too with P.O.T. so it must just be my mindset. He is 47 and divorced with 4 grown children (2 of whom still live at home with him - they are 18 and 21) and has raised them single-handedly since the youngest was 4.
I get the impression he's a bit of a Derek Trotter., lol... duckin and a divin.. but nothing dodgy. We talked very openly and frankly about our pasts and to be honest, if you think I can talk for England, he's an olympic gold medallist! lol He's very outgoing (far more confident than I am!) and I wonder what he would be like out in company (would he be embarassingly loud or was it nerves yesterday) that kind of thing. I wasn't too nervous but I was quite quiet (mind you, lol, I couldn't get a word in!). He's slightly taller than me (not by much though) and is slightly overweight (wants me to find him a CDC in his neck of the woods, lol) but not by too much I don't think. Certainly nothing that a month on CD wouldn't sort out! lol (Hmm, he could do that when I'm on hols... lololol)
Anyway, it was a lovely afternoon, the sun came out just as I left to meet him and it was really nice. I'd love to say there were sparks and fireworks and heart-racing moments, but there weren't. He's a nice enough chap and I am seeing him again on Saturday (he wanted to see me in the week but I told him I was too busy.. lol.. it IS true!)... I drop Zoe and Gaz off at Birmingham Airport Hotel Sat afternoon so we're meeting up after that (as he lives somewhere up there.. lol) and then going out for the evening (I'm coming home after!! There'll be none of THAT going on.)
I told him straight, not looking to live with anyone, marry anyone nor 1 night stands. I like him, and his personality and I think he will be a lovely person to spend time with and there's no rush so we shall see what happens.
Festival meeting went well but over ran and I was late to the quiz (again) but it was ok. PQM was a lovely as ever!! (How I wish I didn't have this crush on him! lol) Still.. it was nice and when it was the break he called me over and asked me how my last Sunday evening had gone in Hitchin (hee hee, I whittered on about it and smiled loads). It was really nice to be relaxed enough to chat like it and also Fred was quite chatty. I think perhaps my date in the afternoon had some sort of effect upon me! lol I was very chilled out. lol After the quiz Trudy, her fella, and PQM and me sat round and had a really good chat and a laugh. Such a shame he's not interested in me. lol But he SO isn't.. lol Am I terrible for thinking this way , BUT, it was a lovely evening without Lucy there. Far more relaxed and loads of laughter afterwards. I need to tell her that I'll be staying late after the quiz as PQM walks me home.
He walked me home again last night and we talked very easily - well, actually, he talked and I listened. Bless him, he is missing his late wife. She only died in August of 2005 and he just realised this week that he isn't ready to see anyone. We got onto the subject of dating as I told him I'd joined the dating site and seen him on there and had sent him a message (which was very chatty but not flirty). He told me about a lady he has been spending some time with and whose company he really enjoys but that he realised that it was too soon for him, and, whilst he thought he was ready, he isn't. We talked all the way home. This time though there was no kiss goodnight. But I still felt that our friendship had become stronger again for the shared emotions.
I didn't tell him about my date. The thing is, I know, if he showed an interest in me, well, to be honest, I would drop everything (not literally!!) and give it my best.
I wanted to comfort him and give him a huge hug but I didn't, and I wish I had now as he really needed one. Still. There's always next week
My date, oh I haven't given him a name yet.. um... I'll just call him M as that's his initial. So, M texted me as I got home and asked if he could call me for a chat, so I said yes and we chatted on the phone for a little while and I went to bed tired but smiling. He sent me an e-card which was quite sweet too and this morning there have been quite a few texts flying between us, lol Each one bringing a fresh smile. Nothing saucy at all, just nice chatty messages.
He's just asked me what plans I have for Bank Holiday Monday, and I have none except to get house ready for festival guests (which I've all but done now).
Oh.. another text... asking me what I would like to do Monday.. lol.. told him to choose and that I like rivers and lakes and the countryside and funfairs. lol Told him nothing too exhausting and have to be home by 7 for festival meeting (which is true) and will mean I will get an early night before back at work Tuesday morning. (didn't tell him about the early night thing). I'm quite excited at the thought of a day out with him. lol
He's also asked if I'd like to see Rod Stewart in Cov on July 10th!! Seats are in the 3rd row from front!!! Well, as I will be back of hols then (just) I thought it churlish to say no.. :giggle: and have pencilled it into my diary.
I've told M that it will be a very long time before I introduce him to any of my family and friends and if that upsets him then I'm sorry, but I did it before with someone and then they dumped me and I felt a real p*att so not doing it again.
He said that was ok, but could he introduce me to his family and friends.. lol I said I was more than happy with that.
As we said goodbye he looked me in the eyes and said ' I think you are lovely and I promise I won't mess you around or let you down'.. I told him not to make such promises as they are very difficult to keep but that I appreciated the sentiment. How naff am I !?? Why couldn't I just smile and thank him! lol But he knows, I'll just be dead straight with him and so I was.
Have to tell you though, it was a bit embarassing at one point as there are swans at the lakes and they decided to mate!!!! I've never seen anything like it!! Talk about aggressive!!! There was a massive audience too! lol I felt a bit uncomfortable... lol (perhaps worried it might give M some ideas!!)
I wasn't how I used to be on dates in the past. I was quite quiet and, I know, hard to believe, but positively coy!!!
I felt different too.
This losing weight malarky does strange things to a gal!
So the rest of my day is work work work and then weigh in tonight. I must text Ailsa my list. I desperately need an early night so won't keep her too long nattering this time.
It would be nice to smash through the 9 stone mark as it was tantalisingly close last Monday night, but I'll settle for slipping gently past it too! Next target is to get into the 13's (fingers crossed that will be in the next couple of weeks, and, if we walk as much on Monday as we did yesterday, I can see that being a distinct possibility!) lol
I'm really tired today. Not in the mood to do any work at all but have to. Forgot my packs so am going to be in danger of fainting this afternoon if not careful!! That won't be good after taking Friday afternoon off!!! Eek!
I offered to work late too to help make up the hours.. but boy, I don't want to!