can't believe it's weds and almost 11pm (bed time)!
Yesterday was a day and a half! Didn't go to work in am, walked dog to the vets and had kennel cough stuff shoved up his nose and have a worming tablet ready to hide in a wodge of cheese for him.. I have to find £330 to pay for his kennelling for my holiday! Oh well... we shall see what happens eh? I might find someone who would house/dog sit for me whilst I'm away.. and pay for their food of course.. anyway.. work - stayed home yesterday am. Got a copy of the letter my ex had sent to 'defend' my mums case against him. I was shaking with anger, then cried, then shook and felt sick.. and in the end drafted a 6 page letter of response, which I am leaving for a few days and then will look at it and edit it and then leave again for a day and then re-read it and then send it.
It is full of nasty lies and total inaccuracies, and his mother wrote it! I am so upset about it. No wonder my mum was so distraught! Needless to say, I am going to build up my emotional reserves when I have to face him in court. I'll also be planning on wearing something amazing! lol
Last night worked late and went straight to pick up Truday before facing Aqua fit again. I really struggled with it and was totally exhausted by the time we came out. I had a call from M and we chatted on msn for a while and then my sis messaged me and I said g'night to him and chatted to her.
More tears. Damn I hate that I still shed tears over what happened but I guess they are cleansing.
Went to bed far too late yet again! Overslept this morning and got to work JUST in time. Staff meeting all morning (oh, and, yesterday I had to do artwork for an ad again and I did it., sent it and they sent me an email saying there was a problem with it and to call them - when I did she wasn't there and then I went into my meeting! ) phone call from the damn newspaper about the artwork - which I had TOLD them NOT to call me about as I was in a meeting!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Mega stress - then the meeting got a bit heated.. (more stress)... then Zoe rang me to ask to borrow money for trainers.. that was the final straw really - I burst into tears. My boss was still in the office, I don't think he really knew quite what to say. Poor man.
I told him how worried I was about my job security (job 1) and he was very kind. I told him about Zoe failing her driving test and how hard it was going to be to get her down to her new job as I was committed on Bank Holiday Monday (section leader at Luton Carnival) so would have to take her down at some ungodly hour on the Tuesday and drive back and put in a full day on top!
I was a bit of a snivelling snotty mess and time was marching.. left for job 2 a few mins late but managed to get there JUST in time! 5 hours there just flies by!!
I feel more secure there now than before.. I've made some suggestions and they have taken them on board and I think they can see that I am working hard for them. So that's good.
Decided to meet M again this evening and he drove down to meet me (and the dog) again.. we went for a long walk around the lakes again and then I dropped the dog home and we went to a pub in a nearby village and played bar skittles, which was really nice. He asked me if I'd like to go bowling sometime.. and a trip to France.. lol.. He also mentioned paintballing but to be honest, without my armour of extra thick flesh I think it will hurt even more than the one time I DID do it!
He has promised to not rush me, and I am grateful for that.. we're out on the town up in Solihull on Sat and on Monday is the much looked forward to day at Drayton!
Sunday I'm handing out fliers at our local Waitrose! lol Only committed to an hour so at least I am beginning to accept my energy is not limitless! (well.. maybe...)
It was a pleasant evening in the pub but I'm still not sure and have told him that I don't really know what I want at the moment and I don't want to give him any hopes or expectations and he was a darling and said he would not push or rush me as he didn't want to spoil things.
He is a really nice bloke. Just wish the fireworks were there too... but regardless, he is good company and clearly enjoys mine so its ok at the moment. I will need to be careful not to hurt him though (and not to end up hurt either!).
Tomorrow will be here in under an hour.. so I have to go to bed. I am so tired now. Oh... one of the chaps from the pub came round tonight for music festival tickets and we had a good chat, that was nice too. I think I could make a few nice male friends these days without the complication of sex.
I used to have heaps of male mates when I was a girl.. somehow I get the feeling I am going to be doing the same all over again.. lol
Spoke to mum tonight (as I vaccumed the living room!) and she has sent all the stuff off to the courts and I told her not to worry about it now until we get a date for the hearing. I told her that me and my sis will sort out all the paperwork for her and to put it out of her head. Bless her. She said she feels relieved and is glad she decided to press on with it, even though she knows there is a chance she will get no money - but she will win the case, no doubt about that.
So, another frantic day ends and the week is disappearing into the ether... I was supposed to go to melodeon session tomorrow evening but to be honest I need to sit down and rest awhile I think.. the old burnometer is fast approaching the red zone.. I can feel it! So, leccy blanky been on for half an hour and I'm off to snuggle down on it
Night all, hope you're having a good week.
Oh... since my 'confession' I've not slipped up again, so am pleased with that. I think the thing that drives me now is that on Monday I shall pack a lovely picnic and hopefully retain it in my stomach! (think scary rides and rollercoasters!) lol
night xxxxxx