Blimp to Bombshell: RawrGirl's Weight Loss Diary

RawrGirl said:
Thanks! :) RawrGirl heard threading was VERY painful, and RawrGirl does not like pain. RawrGirl waxed underneath, then plucked what was still left. This is the arch she always wanted, so she is pleased. :D

Gotta agree, threading can be very painful depending on the how experienced the beautician is x
Bombshell School of Beauty: Posture

Once upon a time, RawrGirl was tomboy. RawrGirl now wishes to be princess. Especially since she now has Prince Charming...a refined, proper gentleman who in comparison makes RawrGirl look like Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. :(

In her quest to become graceful and elegant, RawrGirl took up figure skating...the only sport during the Olympics she ever watched, and the sport she thought was the most beautiful and graceful in all the world.

During her first week of practice, an elderly gent asked her if she was a hockey player. :mad: :cry:

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Several months later, this gent (who had long become a skating friend) asked her if she remembered him saying that (how could she forget???), and explained that it was because she skated hunched over (like a hockey player). RawrGirl realized this was due to all her years rollerblading for fun (and weight loss). RawrGirl likes speed. And power. In rollerblading, this requires a hunched figure. But Figure Skating requires perfect posture. 11 months after taking up figure skating, RawrGirl is FINALLY skating with an upright posture, and has realized what it means to skate with her pelvis forward.

When RawrGirl would skate backwards, she would lead with her bum. This caused her to be hunched over. On her last skating session (Wednesday), RawrGirl realized when skating backwards to lead with her shoulder. This keeps the back straight up. :)

When RawrGril would skate forward, her bum would stick out, and her back would naturally bend forward, no matter how hard she tried to keep it straight. When she tucked her bum under, she felt off-balance. But finally last week, she realized the difference between skating with bum tucked under versus skating with pelvis forward, which keeps her back upright.

RawrGirl wishes to be graceful and elegant always, and thus attempts to maintain proper posture off the ice as well. This is not simply sitting or standing upright, as RawrGirl has learned from her figure skating experiences. To truly have an upright back, one must pinch their shoulder blades together, but shoulders should also be dropped down, and neck lifted. Pelvis should be forward. Also, RawrGirl discovered that to fully stand upright, she must lift through the muscle behind her knee. She is now often aware of her posture, and corrects it every time she realizes she is walking bent.

Though RawrGirl has not successfully mastered this posture during every waking moment, she is getting better. Especially when walking up the stairs. She used to be so hunched over when going up the steps, that she would often tap the steps in front of her with her hands. :eek: In the winter particularly, RawrGirl's lower back gets very stiff, and when rising from the sofa, she must massage it just to stand straight. If she does not, she walks noticeably bent until it relaxes. Thus RawrGirl has also started doing lower back strength exercises and flexibility exercises.

RawrGirl wishes she was naturally elegant and graceful, but alas she is not. RawrGirl is, however, naturally impatient. And she thinks 11 months is a ridiculously long time to learn this, and hopes that it does not take another 11 months for it to become second nature.
Diet/Fitness Entry

RawrGirl fell prey to vodka and wine. :mad:

RawrGirl had total of 1600 calories...100 calories more than her maximum weekend allotment. :( And if she had skipped the glass of wine, all would have been well. :sigh:


The only positive is that other than yesterday, tonight was still lower than any other weekend caloric intake. But RawrGirl must learn how to say "no".

Lower Body Workout (minus the bum which was still achy): Done

Total Body Stretch Routine: Done

RawrGirl goes to bed now.
Regarding make up tips, youtube 'Hollies Pampur Lounge' she is really good!
I find it fascinating that you refer to yourself in the third person RawrGirl. It is as if you are so disgusted with yourself that it is preferable not to be you... :rolleyes:
What a shame that is especially, as I have said before, you are such a lovely looking young lady!!
I shall be interested in your response.

:eek: RawrGirl is not so disgusted with herself that she prefers not be herself. RawrGirl is simply fascinated with Hercule Poirot. She has watched every episode, and has now begun reading the novels. :D

Hercule Poirot: No! Lieutenant, you lie to Poirot. You say that you were in the barracks by midnight, but Poirot has proved this to be false.

Hercule Poirot: I haven't given up, Mrs. Folliat. I will not give up. Hercule Poirot will *never* give up.

Hercule Poirot: The question is, can Hercule Poirot possibly by wrong?

Hercule Poirot: So, we have played, and Hercule Poirot, he has won.

Hercule Poirot: It is the subject matter, George. It is distasteful. Poirot, he has seen much evil in this world. It should not be the subject of such mockery.

Hercule Poirot: If you are to be Hercule Poirot, you must think of everything.

RawrGirl is ashamed of being unable to reach goal for 20 years as she finds her lack of self-discipline disturbing, and is tired of hiding in baggy clothes, under the sheets, or away from cameras. But RawrGirl thinks highly enough of her self that she has never given up on said elusive goal, and believes she can reach a weight she feels confident at. Meanwhile she undergoes the Bombshell School of Beauty to learn how to transform from tomboy to princess, and to treat herself with self-respect, for she realizes that if she doesn't make self-respect and femininity a habit now, she will not automatically do such just because she is at goal. :D

Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part
Now I see that if I were truly to be myself
I would break my family's heart

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don't know
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside

When will my reflection show
Who I am

You can listen here: Mulan - Reflection - YouTube
RawrGirl said:
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part
Now I see that if I were truly to be myself
I would break my family's heart

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don't know
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside

When will my reflection show
Who I am

You can listen here: Mulan - Reflection - YouTube

RawrGirl's End of Insanity

Insanity [in-san-i-tee]: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results.

RawrGirl's weight hovers around 155 when she does nothing and eats somewhat healthy (ie not fried food, lots of dessert). But during holidays and periods of life when changes arise in her diet (like when she discovered English Toffee Cappuccino and put on 20 pounds in 4 months drinking several a day OR like when she goes on a writing kick and snacks at her comp for weeks on end), she gains weight. Then each New Years, she goes on a diet hoping to finally be thin for Summer. When that fails (see diet plans below), she picks herself back up, and tries to lose weight for Fall (RawrGirl loves fall clothes!). When that fails, and she is still not at goal weight by Christmas, the whole cycle starts all over again...for 20 years.

RawrGirl Must Stop the Insanity!


RawrGirl weighed herself EVERY day, sometimes several times a day. Numbers dictated her mood, what she ate over the weekend (ate pizza to celebrate a loss, ate pizza to console no loss or a gain).

The Cycle:

Beginning of Year Weight: 160 (sometimes 172)

Jan -- Mar: Weekly Low-Cal Dieting (1200 cal) + Weekend Binging (weight stays the same, desperation sets in)

Apr -- May: Weekly Low Cal Dieting and some cardio & weights) + Weekend Binging (loses Christmas gain, but weight stays at 150)

Jun-- Aug: Weekly Low Cal Dieting and weights & heaps of Cardio + No Binging Weekend (lost weight, down to 143-147, didn't make it to goal; burned out from cardio, especially when jogging/running 3 miles 5 days a week for months only to see weekly losses of .2lb and .4lb)

Weekly Low Cal Dieting and little Cardio & weights + Weekend Binging (maintains weight)

Thanksgiving thru Christmas/New Years: Takes Break from diet (gains weight till reaches about 160)

THEN In Summary: Low Cal Week + High Calorie Weekend + weights 2x a week + sporadic cardio ranging from 10 min to 60 min a day

Then RawrGirl discovered Atkins. Now when RawrGirl gains holiday weight, she can lose it on Atkins in 3 weeks as compared to 3 months on Low Calorie or Weight Watchers. RawrGirl is very excited and believes she can finally reach her goal without running nonstop. She goes into Ketosis, even learns for the first time in her adult that she likes some vegetables.

For months she struggles to give up pizza and dessert on the weekends, and thus is constantly in and out of Ketosis. Her weight stays the same. Then, finally, she learns to give up pizza, and eats only sugar-free dessert. Alas, her weight still stays the same. She then discovers that sugar-free candy was knocking her out of Ketosis all along. So then, she even gives that up. And eats no dessert. Instead she snacks on pepperoni and cheese and other high-fat snacks. But even then, her weight remains the same. Even though she is in Ketosis, her weight is remaining the same. Her measurements are remaining the same.

RawrGirl reflects on all this, and realizes that her weekend calories (though low in carb) are through the roof. She thinks of biggest loser contestants, who eat low-carb AND low calorie (about 1200). She thinks about how they work out 4-6 hours a day, which means they are burning off more than they ate. RawrGirl realizes this means that are in the Evil Starvation Mode. RawrGirl had always wondered about this Evil Starvation Mode that experts claim makes you NOT lose weight and may even make you fat. She questions the validity of this as starving people do not gain weight. They lose weight. Biggest Loser contestants also lose weight. She thinks and she ponders and she thinks some more...

Then she does research. RawrGirl loves research.

RawrGirl discovers that a 12-Week VLCD combined with Strength Training minimizes the negative aspects of the Evil Starvation Mode (unlike cardio, RawrGirl has never minded strength training). VLCD is based on Ketosis...RawrGirl understands all about Ketosis. RawrGirl is pleased.


Most important change: No Scale

Low Calorie / Low Carb Week AND Weekend
Enjoyable Cardio -- figure skating
Strength Training -- 6x a week

NOW In Summary: Low Cal Week + Low Cal Weekend + weights 6x a week + consistent, enjoyable cardio

RawrGirl hopes these are enough changes that she is no longer doing the same thing yet again but expecting different results. She hopes that at last, she has ended the insanity.

Only time will tell...
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Yes, it is such a beautiful song. RawrGirl felt that way for such a long time, and the only time she really felt like her outside reflected her inside was when she was Goth. Now that she is no longer in the emotional turmoil of those days, being Goth would not reflect who she is, but she also doesn't feel like the extra weight does either. RawrGirl wishes to be feminine and graceful above anything else, but one just doesn't give off that impression when one is klutzy and chubby, lol.
RawrGirl said:
RawrGirl has a hard time knowing what she *really* looks like. She def thinks she looks better in the mirror than in pics, but they say one can mentally distort the image in the mirror and that pics don't lie. Some days RawrGirl thinks she looks huge...other days she thinks she looks alright. But she always hates pics. She was away last weekend with family, and her mum took a group pic and she looked bloody huge. Alas, just when RawrGirl thinks she looks cute in an outfit that she thought flattered her, someone has to go and take a pic and make her realize she is still a blimp. :( Perhaps RawrGirl will post the newest evil pic from last weekend whenever her mum uploads it...probably in a few days.

Ah yes, the similarities continue! This post is "so me!"

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RawrGirl is ridiculously tempted to eat pizza...the craving just came over her out of no where. She will defeat the demon pizza craving.

Currently...she is exploring to find something yummy to make for supper. She is thinking it will involve light sour cream and asparagus. :)

RawrGirl persevered! Instead of debating whether or not to have pizza, she decided to start cooking a healthy dinner so she couldn't talk herself into pizza. She made an asparagus sour cream bake, and grilled chicken with peppers and onion in a spinach and cream cheese sauce. It was good...but what she is most happy about is she is too stuffed to even think about pizza now. :D
RawrGirl persevered! Instead of debating whether or not to have pizza, she decided to start cooking a healthy dinner so she couldn't talk herself into pizza. She made an asparagus sour cream bake, and grilled chicken with peppers and onion in a spinach and cream cheese sauce. It was good...but what she is most happy about is she is too stuffed to even think about pizza now. :D

Ohhhh -did you not save us any. I love asparagus but never think of anything that interesting to do with it.
RawrGirl said:
RawrGirl persevered! Instead of debating whether or not to have pizza, she decided to start cooking a healthy dinner so she couldn't talk herself into pizza. She made an asparagus sour cream bake, and grilled chicken with peppers and onion in a spinach and cream cheese sauce. It was good...but what she is most happy about is she is too stuffed to even think about pizza now. :D

Well done!!!! Tell you what though, that meal sounds even more lush than pizza!