5:2 lover
Looking good(whispered lol)
I know & after an up day too woop woop
Looking good(whispered lol)
I'm saying woohoo very quietly!!xx
A very small, quiet and well deserved YAY!!! Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
** whispers *** well done !!
Well did another fasting day yesterday. They are definitely getting easier to do every time. Yes my stomach rumbles but no headache yesterday. And although I'm looking forward to breakfast today I didn't wake up at 5am starving like the first couple of times. Scales lower although I maybe expected a little but lower after a DD but I'm being greedy hey, just desperate to get back to 11:7 then who knows what will happen....
That 11.7 could be yours very soon x
Almost too scared to believe it, if I could do it by Easter I would be over the moon but as long as I have it by my holiday T the end of May I will be happy although I need some summer clothes, oh what a shame a shopping trip![]()
The joys of weight loss, a shopping trip! Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
You'll be great! You're motivated and focused! Go get it girl! Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins.com mobile app