Blue is my favourite colour..... Lexies journey

Well done good on you!! I know you can do it :)
Hmmm good day yesterday bad day today but I'm now home & will lose anything I've gained by weigh in on Friday!!!
Well I've got a 1.6lb gain to shift by Friday, gonna try 1200 cals & lots of water & exercise......... Wish me luck
You can do it!! It will be hard to get back to it, but I have confidence in you :) And being back home will help!

I'm sure alot of its water retention - if you have not been drinking as much water as normal that alway effects things :)
You will definitely do it!

I don't think 1.5lbs is bad for a holiday away! The rate things are going I'll have to lose 6lbs!!!
Hmmm it's pmt week, due on at weekend if I do a 4 week cycle which probably I do 2 months out of 3. It's making trying to shift this holiday gain even harder as I'm really hungry & 1200 cals is not easy for me. Stupidly been eating cake mix & buttercream today so have tracked as a cupcake as I'm sure that's about how much I ate.... Probably have to I without potato at tea again & just have sausage & the veggies...... Silly choices. Almost tempted to take xen for a couple of weeks again just to keep me on track....
Well the holiday gain has gone, am back to what I was at my weigh in 2 weeks ago of 193.2 so onwards & downwards again....
Well done good for you!! Knew you could do it :)
I am really proud of you and how well you are doing!!
Mis-behave said:
I am really proud of you and how well you are doing!!

Thank you. While I was away I learned what a slippery slope it is & this week showed me that it's bloody hard to clamber your way back up it!!!!
well done lexie :) x
Have the most horrible ear ache & sore throat today, started feeling a bit grot yesterday & have spent most of on the sofa under a blanket..... I hate viruses they make me soooo hungry!
Loads of free range chicken soup for you!!!
Eurgh what a pants day I have had, felt so poorly, hot, cold, sweats, sore chest, throat, now sneezing & runny nose. On the plus side didn't want to eat everything in sight & actually ended the day on 1050 cals plus whatever my throat lozenges had in them!!!
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You poor thing! Hope you feel better soon :)
Well today is worse so far! Had a terrible night, at risk of sounding pathetic I have been scared, I feel as though someone is sitting on my chest & swallowing is hard, feel as though my throat has closed up completely, stabbing pain through ears...... Gonna ring docs at 8 & hopefully get in although I'll probably be lucky on a Monday.... Work gonna go mental & as this is a 4th period of sickness in a year (I've had 4 days up to now) ill get a written warning....... But I can't go to work I feel as poorly as I did when I had pneumonia 3 years ago....... Think the calorie intake today will be another low one!!!!!!