thanks Tasha
Okay I think I am getting there, woke up this morning and needed to clean my teeth twice. I wasnt 100% yesterday but I dont think it was enough to upset the K.
My husband is deciding to do atkins again, well he said he was this morning then the next thing he was going out for lunch so no doubt he will be home with tales of lively yummy food he had. the positive side to that is that he wont need a big meal this evening and I will just need to feed the children, thats so much easier for me and my low will power. I found myself looking at the left over chocolates from Christmas this morning, I managed to put them away again so maybe I will do okay.
Oh I still havent got my new shakes yet, it feels like ages since I ordered them - I know new year has been in between and all that I just need to be patient. I was worried I was going to run low and picked up a ferw clearance Tony Ferguson shakes in boots. I decided to have one a day along with my exante for a couple of days as I only have 6 packs left. Anyway, yesterday's strawberry was okay, bit sweet & sickly but I drank it. SO this morning I opened the chocoate Tony Ferguson shake, and I 'knew' straight away it wasnt goign to be nice. I made it up anyway and tried to get that out my mind .... oh my goodness it was GROSS!!!!!!! Dont try that at home I say! I almost threw up and I just poured it down the sink and made up an exante one instead.
SO I am banking on the exante shakes to come today - they have to.