Bookie's food diary with photos

spooky, I was just telling you about this dress on your thread - thought you might like it. I am now officially hooked on Anthropologie and the website!

Parliament was a bit of an anti-climax - hardly any MSPs there - just a workshop with a few presentations and group discussions. On my CV though it WILL say I spoke in Parliament (I was speaking, and I was in the Scottish Parliament so no fibs there eh?!)
thanks Joanne - it was good :)

I've been absent for days and days, largely on plan though except for having my first Indian take out since the plan began - had chicken dhansak and boiled rice though, with half a poppodom and a tad raita - so not too bad.

I've too little time to try and catch up with photos so will try and do that from today onwards. Lots going on though - firstly and foremost, my beautiful old lady dog Taz is being put to sleep tomorrow :-( Breaking my heart, but she's struggling so much now and incontinent almost all the time, so it's def time. Not easy at all. Especially given it's my birthday on Saturday. I have good friends coming over for Mexican food (I'm cooking so I'm in control) tomorrow night with a movie and some margaritas. I won't feel like celebrating tbh. But at least Matt and I will have good friends with us :( This is my best friend, this beautiful dog and I will miss her so much :( it doesn't help that she always greets me at the door and wags her tail, even though she can hardly walk.

Also it's then my sort of birthday weekend, I just think I'll have a really quiet one, no major food indulgences although I guess the kids will want to go out or pamper me a bit, maybe. Monday I'm off to Edinburgh - exciting, I'm speaking in Scottish Parliament - to contribute to policy around digital strategy... then meeting my Mum for a birthday meal, night in hotel and then day in shops. I'm pushing for one meal in Wagamama but the rest will be hard to do especially as we'll have a drink. Any ideas?

hope you dont mind me subscribing to your thread,and i know exactly how you feel about your dog.
i went through the same last feb with my lab who was 13,he lost the use of his back legs and it was the worst day of my life so far :(
i said i wouldnt get another dog but i did,i rehomed another black lab that was one, and he is a total lunatic !!!!!!
hi Tracy, not at all, lovely to have you along to the thread :) Sorry to hear you had the same thing - I think it's worth it for all the pleasure they bring us, but it's so hard. My other dog was rehomed last year after we lost another of our treasured hounds. This one, Lennie is a gorgeous gentle handsome lurcher - he's a bit lost at the moment though with his friend gone. Maybe we'll rehome again as we just love dogs, but we'll wait til we're not so sore about Taz. Your new lab sounds gorgeous!
That is very strange my dog I lost was called Lenny !
Here is digger !!


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Hey Booklover

How are you? I have just read your entire thread! I am loving your food offerings! And I will take a look at Laura's blog too! So lovely to have a budding chef. I was like that when I was younger, I used to watch and assit my mum.

Sorry to hear about your dog, pets are part of the family and it is almost as sad when you lose them. I am sending you big old hugs!

Can you tell me how to make your smash onion rings please? I am not a smash lover, but I love an onion ring!

Charlotte x
ah thanks Tracy :)

Charlotte, that's lovely, thank you so much! For the onion rings, just slice onions fairly thickly, dip in beaten egg, then in smash (flavoured with cajun spice is nice). I "double dip" - so I then dip in egg again then smash again to get extra crispiness - place them in a baking tray which has been sprayed with frylite.. Once that's done spray them with frylite, then bake in oven til golden and crispy :) I'm actually planning to do these next time we have burgers and have them inside the burger :-D
ah thanks Tracy :)

Charlotte, that's lovely, thank you so much! For the onion rings, just slice onions fairly thickly, dip in beaten egg, then in smash (flavoured with cajun spice is nice). I "double dip" - so I then dip in egg again then smash again to get extra crispiness - place them in a baking tray which has been sprayed with frylite.. Once that's done spray them with frylite, then bake in oven til golden and crispy :) I'm actually planning to do these next time we have burgers and have them inside the burger :-D

Sounds yummy!

can you tell laura I watched her video of her making the Greek dish and I am very impressed :) So cute!
ah thanks Tracy :)

Charlotte, that's lovely, thank you so much! For the onion rings, just slice onions fairly thickly, dip in beaten egg, then in smash (flavoured with cajun spice is nice). I "double dip" - so I then dip in egg again then smash again to get extra crispiness - place them in a baking tray which has been sprayed with frylite.. Once that's done spray them with frylite, then bake in oven til golden and crispy :) I'm actually planning to do these next time we have burgers and have them inside the burger :-D

That sounds blooming lovely. I am going to give it a go too. I am wondering what else I could cover in smash now!!

I watched Laura's video, bless her heart, what a confident little cook she is!
Tracy, Charlotte, thanks so much - I told her and she's delighted! Cheered her up a bit - she's really sick just now so no cooking this weekend. She's just curled up on the sofa looking grey :-(

Here is a wee catch up:

Thursday 22nd:

Lunch = tuna, tomato and sweetcorn thing with rice (not so nice actually):


Dinner = decided to do a big curry night for some reason but all free (except the 2 tsp mango chutney, 1 syn). Black lentil dahl, potato and cauliflower curry (really pleased with this - an old favourite but done with spray oil - added coconut muller lite at the end, really lovely), bhajis made with chopped onion, chilli, garlic, smash (didn't have much of that left), grated courgette and beaten egg - nice but could have done with more smash, I had a quarter of a pitta (1.5 syns), raita made with 0% Total, chopped red onion, chopped tomato, garlic and lemon juice:


Total syns: 1 and a half

Friday 23rd:

Breakfast - awful - I decided to try mixing cottage cheese into eggs for scrambling. Don't ever do that!

Lunch - unremarkable Batchelors low fat super noodles. Not bad...

Dinner - burger night :) home made burgers, w/m roll (HEB), slice cheese (HEA), 2 tbsp ketchup (2 syns), 1 tbsp extra light mayo (1/2 syn), salsa (1/2 syn), lettuce, tomato, smash onion rings and SW chips :-D

Also - 4 syns on some chocolates that were given to me as a thank you!


total syns: 7
That burger looks so good! I'm going to have to plan in a burger night next week.
Love the pics of your curries :) mmm! xx