Hi hun, sorry you're a bit blah with slimming world, i've never done ww so can't comment (and I love sw too much), but the thing is... any diet will work, but only if you are in the right mind set. I know you want this, but why not make a scrap book of what you want to achieve... cut pics out of clothes catelogues etc, anything that you can look to for inspiration, you could even put red / green / ee meal ideas in the back so when you're stuck for ideas you can have a look..
This is what I did, and it really works for me, it's all in a little notepad that I keep tucked away with my measurements too, I can't wait to look back in ten years thinking "yep, i've done it and this is how.." (hopefully it'll take me less than 10 years, but you know what I mean).
Go get em girl, you can do this xxx