Day 5 - Thursday 5 January 2012
Oh dear had to really think what the date was then
Still 100% on plan, this morning I had scrambled eggs on toast, yum! For lunch I've had crackers with low low cheese spread with pickles and chillis, yes a strange combination but I love it!
Weather is still bad this end, was going to walk to work but decided not to get drenched and took the car instead, a much better idea I think.
Weigh-in tonight, not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not, haven't done the whole 7 days so we will see, I feel different anyhoo so that must count for something I guess.
I'm so pleased to be back on plan, as usual life around me is either hetic or stressful or a mixture of both. Mr Boo is no longer working so money is tight to say the least and the car has got a major service booked, yikes I am not looking forward to that!
But I shall plod on, I guess I should right down my 3 positives for today and guys, I'm having to dig deep here!
1. My black blouse isn't so tight around my tum as I thought it would be
2. Overtime coming up so more money coming in! :flirt2:
3. Weigh-in tonight (yes I know I'm pushing that one but really can't think of anything else
God that was a push today, never mind maybe tomorrow I will feel different. What I really need is to win the lottery, now that would be something!
Hope everyone is having another spiffing day, hopefully I'll pop back later but don't quote me on that!
Boo xx