One day at a time
Evening Boo! Well done on all that body magic at the weekend, I'm sure the pain will all be worth it when you are rewarded on the scales!
It's difficult dieting when things are tight (says the forever student lol) but green days are your friend. Soups are fab as well for packing in superfree and speed food as well as keeping you warm in this cold weather!
Have a lovely evening X
Thanks Becky, I'm not as stiff today so yay for that lol I love my homemade soups and have them quite a few times a week, hope you are keeping well and your studying is ok, catch up with you soon Boo xxx
Hi hun, well done for the body magic. How's your nose now after the op etc? x
Hiya Lou, well I still have the odd sensation with my nose as it weren't till I went back to see the specialist I realised how much they had done to it. Aparently they did my sinuses which I knew, they widened my terbenites (air ways) then went to straighten my septum and realised it wasn't attached to the bone so they had to sew it back!! Blimey, anyhoo, I have lost a little bit of sensation to my top lip and top two teeth feel funny sometimes but apart from that its ok (bet you wish you hadn't had asked lol) How's it going with you Lou? Any happenings on the b/f front at all? Catch up with you later Boo xxx