Thanks Boo I think its because I can suddenly have HEX during the day. I always used my one HEXA and B at breakfast on EE and then found it difficult rest of the day, hence never thinking of using rivita.
How many are a HEXB is it 5? quite fancy them with low fat cheese or philly. off to town again tomorrow to get some! xxxx
Newsflash! Mr Boo has just made a smoked salmon pate and it tastes absolutely divine!
So thats my lunch sorted out tomorrow, smoked salmon pate, with rivetas and mixed salad! whoo hoo! Boo xx
I have never had smoked salmon. That sounds yummy though
Hope you are having a good day to day sweetie, I'm off out in a mo so will catch up tomorrow
Loads of love
Mmmm, that pate sounds lovely!! We tried that maggi bake in the bag paprika chicken today - twas v nice too!
Only a quick one for me, apprentice starts in a mo!!!
SunshineCass said:Glad you're happy with ur consultant mum. You're both doing so well, love you xx
Hey Boo
Good on you for booking a week off.
Enjoy your quiet weekend sweetie. Hope you have a lovely one.
Did you see Michelle's recipe in her diary (I think) for lentil and bacon soup? Sounds yummy. I've never used lentils but I do plan on making it
I'm making Michelles bacon and lentil soup tomorrow. I've never used lentils either.
Hope you manage to have a more relaxing than usual weekend
Sorry about your neck Boo, and hubby's job xxxxxx
From my own experience of losing my job due to ill health, I felt, like you two do, strangely calm about it, but now when I think back it was because all the stress and pressure that was being put on me by my employers had ended!
Have a good day, and enjoy your delicious food x
Well this weekend hasn't gone to plan!
I must have slept 'funny' last night because I have woke up with the most painful neck ever!!! I can hardly move it so I've had to dose myself up on painkillers :cry: going round Asda's this morning was awful lol, what am I like?! (please don't answer that lol)
Oh and to boot, Mr Boo has lost his job :cry: because of his illness, we are going to dispute it because I don't think they could just get rid of him because of it, he is classed as disabled and wondering if we can dispute this under the DDA? Will have to look into it, any legal minds out there???
Anyhoo, at least we know where we stand now.
On another note Mr Boo has made some more lovely recipes - today his made syn free houmous, absolutely yummy! And for lunch he's making sw pizza so I'm being spoilt today with all this lovely food!
I know it sounds like an awful day we somehow feel ok - weird Boo xx