Boo's SW Diary - My Story

Day 134 - Wednesday 28 September 2011

Right firstly I would like to thank everyone for your concerns and good wishes for both Mr Boo and myself its really appreciated, thank you xx :):)

Mr Boo is still in hospital under observation but it feeling a looking a lot better than he has done so fingers crossed he will be out soon.

I'm on antibiotics and still off of work until next week, I'm still not right but a lot better than I have been too.

Since yesterday I have got back on the plan, all this rubbish I have been eating up the hospital and at home is taking a toll on my stomach and my ibs has come back with avengence, I actually miss the plan lol and this is one thing I can actually have some control of. Its not a struggle and I'm quite enjoying being back on plan.

Mr Boo says the hospital food is not that bad so he's enjoying it and to be honest until he's ready he can eat what he wants, and he is lol, he had 2 portions of cheese and onion flan tonight and he throughly enjoyed it lol.

Sorry I can't reply to everyone at the minute but did want to update you all and to thank you for all your support for me and Mr Boo, sending my love to you all Boo xxx
Aww babe, don't apologise, you've got so much going on, you don't need to worry about us, we'll always be here. Am glad to hear Mr Boo is feeling a little better. Thanks for your update hun, have been thinking of you xx
Don't apologise! But thank you for the update I am relieved to hear Mr. Boo is much better and enjoying the cheese flan! I remember them from school dinners they're lovely!

Thank you for the update and don't worry about replying individually that's why we check in here to see what you're up to! Well done on getting back on the plan also - I really hear you about the crap food taking it's toll, I'm the same after a few days off I just feel rubbish. I don't know how I used to eat like that all of the time!

I hope Mr. Boo is able to come home soon and you can start to get back to some sort of normality.

So glad to hear that Mr. Boo is on the mend, and so jealous of him, having two portions of cheese & onion flan!;)

You look after yourself Boo xxxx
Day 135 - Thursday 29 September 2011

Thanks Lou, Becky and Ginlin hope you are all having a lovely day, the sun is shining here which is really good makes you feel so much better doesn't it :)

Anyhoo being back on plan is lovely it might sound strange but it is, my ibs is settling down and I don't feel so sluggish as what I have been:)

My nose is still not 100% but I am getting my sense of taste and smell back and it is better than what it has been so thats all good. Mr Boo will hopefully be out of hospital soon and the reality is there is no quick fix to his disability so its a case of living with it, the good thing is that he is not as down as what he has been so we can build on that, at least his appetite is good, I'm taking him some fruit to combat everything else lol.

Also I had my shopping delivered today by Asda's it was great and spent around £25 less than what I usually spend and thats with the delivery charge too. The only thing I will say is that the bananas aint that great, but then again they never last long in our house anyhoo. :D

Right I'm off to post in a few diaries, catch up with everyone later Boo xxxx
Morning Boo, glad to see things are getting a bit better for you all, hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine xx
Morning Boo,

Glad to hear that you are both on the mend x

It's a gloriously sunny day here again today, hope it is with you, because as you say, it makes a huge difference on how we feel :)
Awww Boo, I'm so sorry I haven't been around this week.

Hope you and Mr Boo are ok. I think Mr Boo (being a typical man) didn't want you getting all the attention after your op. He's probably just pretending. Tell him from me to get his lazy bum back in the kitchen making yummy food :D
Hi Boo, I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying being back on plan and that the ibs seems to be settling :)

I hope you're nose is getting better also, when do you go back to work?

How is Mr. Boo? I hope he is able to come home soon if not already. Enjoy your Sunday!

Becky X
Morning Boo, glad to see things are getting a bit better for you all, hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine xx

Hiya Lou, yes we had a lovely weekend thank you, hope you did too :) Boo xxx

Morning Boo,

Glad to hear that you are both on the mend x

It's a gloriously sunny day here again today, hope it is with you, because as you say, it makes a huge difference on how we feel :)

Its still lovely here ginlin, hope it is where you are xx Boo xxx

Awww Boo, I'm so sorry I haven't been around this week.

Hope you and Mr Boo are ok. I think Mr Boo (being a typical man) didn't want you getting all the attention after your op. He's probably just pretending. Tell him from me to get his lazy bum back in the kitchen making yummy food :D

Lol Tilly, I hope you've been ok, yes its never dull in the Boo household :cool: never mind. I'm cooking at the mo so I'm hoping he feels a lot better soon, I've decided I don't like cooking anymore lol xx Boo xx

How are you now sweetie? how is Mr Boo ? Is he home now> :bighug: miss youxxxxxx

Hiya Jackie, yes he came home on Friday evening, it was really good having him home although he must take it easy, will catch up with you soon hun Boo xxx

Hi Boo, I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying being back on plan and that the ibs seems to be settling :)

I hope you're nose is getting better also, when do you go back to work?

How is Mr. Boo? I hope he is able to come home soon if not already. Enjoy your Sunday!

Becky X

Hiya Becky, I went back to work today :( lol my nose is still not 100% but I guess its still early days. Mr Boo is home and I'm soooo glad he is, we feel like a proper family again :):)

Will catch up with you tomorrow Becky but I'm so glad you are feeling a lot better, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. Big hugs Boo xxxx
Day 139 - Monday 3 October 2011

Wow sorry I haven't posted since Thursday, its been so hetic, I really don't know where the time has gone to.

I was on plan right up to Friday evening then it all went pear shaped :cool: Mr Boo was allowed out of hospital on Friday so I went up there late morning to collect him and we had to wait for his meds to come up, didn't end up getting out till nearly 7 pm :rolleyes::rolleyes: so I was starving hungry and ended up having a sausage sandwich and nearly a whole bottle of wine when I got back.

Mr Boo and I decided to have a day of the plan on Saturday, it was really nice to just relax and eat what we wanted to but Saturday turned into Sunday and to be honest today is the first day back on plan, but hey, I shall carry on regardless :D

First time back at class tomorrow as I've missed 3 meetings so am gonna pull my socks up, so watch this space lol

I was back to work today and to be honest its really taken it out of me, my nose is still sore and by the time I got home I'd had enough, so tonight I'm going to post this and shut down my computer and have an early night.

Sorry I can't catch up with everyone today hopefully will tomorrow.

Sending you all my love Boo xxxx
Hi Boo, I'm made up to hear Mr. Boo is back home and I don't blame you at all for having a few days off plan. It's okay if it's for medicinal purposes hehe!

I hope work hasn't left you too tired today, it's always difficult going back after time off but remember that you have had an operation and it's okay to not feel fine straight away. Don't work too hard!

Thank you so much for your support when I was feeling rubbish the other day, I really do appreciate it :)

Day 141 - 5 October 2011

Thanks everyone for popping in to see how both me and Mr Boo are doing, Mr Boo is taking it very easy as he's still extremely tired and I'm getting there slowly, what are we both like lol.

We both went back to class yesterday, Mr Boo has put on 6lb and I've put on 5 1/2 lb, we are not worried, as long as we are back to healthy eating it will come off, we both have just had a pasta bake and we are completely stuffed lol

I'm coping ok with work although I've had enough by the end of the day, in fact I could go to bed right now and its only 7.30 pm !

People at work are commenting on my weight loss and saying how well I'm doing and that makes me feel better although by the end of the day my boss said I looked washed out which is about right :cool::cool:

Today I've eating a bowl of porridge with a chopped banana and blueberrys thrown in, snacks throughout the day has been apples and pears. Lunch was a ham salad with rice and dinner of course was the pasta bake, all very yum! :D:D

I'm being very selfish and signing out now as I'm pooped, sorry for not visiting you all, I'm in need of my bed! Lots of love Boo xxxx
Boo, I think you have done really well for only gaining 5.5lb with all you have had going on - and Mr. Boo only gaining 6 after the cheese flan hehe!

You know that will be off in no time and it's great to hear you have had a good SW day today :)

You're not being selfish at all, I hope you have a lovely and restful nights sleep!

Becky x